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If you wish to purchase one of the best BABY ÜARRIAGES manufactured, remember the only place in the city to flnd them is at Koch & Haller'g. Women who have not fine teeth only laugh with their eyes. Biught's Disease, Diabetes- Beware of the stuff that pretends to cure these diseases or other serious kidney, urinary or liver diseases, as they only relieve for a time and makes you ten times worse afterwards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy that will surely and per manently cure you. It destroys &nd removes the cause of disi-asc 8o cffectually it never return. Ballsof colore! wonl are made use of to edje flounces and baaques. If you are subject to Ague you must be sure to keep your l'ver, bowels and kidneys in good free condition. For when so, you will be safe from all attacks. The reinedy to use is Kidney-Wort. It is the beit preventitire of all malarial diseases thnt you can take. Read advertisement in another column.- Translated from tht New Yorker Zeituug. Fuil ipron skirts, looped very high on the hips, har been revived. Womajj'b True Fkiend.- A friend in ned is a friend deed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is ren dred when one is sorely afflicted with duese, more particularly those complaints and weaknesies so common to our female population. Every woinan should knothat Electric Bitters are woman's true friend and will positively restore her to health, when all other remedies fail. A single tril tlways provesour assenion lhey are pleasant to taste and only cost flfty cents a bottle. Sold by Ebcrbach & bon. Intense colors and ?esthetic styles are avoided by fashionable womeu. Mrs. Sarah J. Van Buren, of 102 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y., whose portrait appears in another column of this paper is prepa-ing a "Ladiea' Tonic" which has ' I proved a Messing indeed to many a wurn out wife or molher. The sensitivcness of woman's organization makes hei more susceptible to diaease than man, and thcre has been a longfelt want among ladiea for something wbich would overeóme those many weaknesses so common to the sex, and assist nature in building up % shattered constitiition. This Mrs. Van Buren's "Ladies' Tonic" has never failcd to do. Bayadere stripes uppear on many new parasol corers. "Buchupaiba."- New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections smarting, frequent or difflcult urination kidney dtseases. $1 at druggists Mich Depot, JAMES E. DA VIS & CO Detroit, Mich. Dress parasols have the en tire too coveroi with artificialSflowers. Skinny Men. -Wells' Health Renewer Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generativo functions $1 DA VIS & CO., De'-roit, Mich. Address sun"on CJñ"SCAVEÑ(ÍER: i The undersigned offers liis services as Scavenger. Vaults, cesspools, Seo., cleaned to order or by the season, at rcasonable pnces. House Drains made to order. Vaults made. Orders inay be Jeft at 47 South Thayer street, or made through the postoffice. Work will be done as cheap as the cheapest, and all orders promptlv attended to. Wm. Action. Executrix Sale! pe?ff ct 8nd CÍ8tein " the Terms of Sale: One-tliird down, balance in three equal annual payments, with animal interest at 8 pe? Jem. Sale on Saturdav, May 13. ! wsássASuia at one 'ciwk saie MASTERLY McCORMICK Harvester and Twtne Binder. IT SCOOPS THE CHAMPION, BUCKEYE, DEERING, WOOD, OSBORN, AND ALL WITH WHICH IT COMES; IN CONTACT. F. Wagner & Bro., who are agents for the above machine, have also on hand the flnest cïï5rgsi?&sx Wagons F. WACNER &BRO. Second St. between Washington and Liberty Sts $2OO.oFrêwardT WiU be paid for the detection and conyic: tion of any person gelling or dealing in" any bogus, counterfeit or imitation of Hop Bitters, especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or Hops in their name or connected therewith, that it intended to raislead and oheat the public or for any preparation put in any form p'retending to be the same as Hop Bitters The genuine have clusters of Green Hops (nolice this) printed on the white label and are the purest and best medicine on earth, egpecially for kidney, liver and nervous disease. Beware of all others and of all pretended formulas or recipes of Hop Bitters published in papers or for ?ale, as they are frauds and swindles Wnoever deals in any but the genuine will be proscuted. Hop Bitters Mfg, Co., Rochester, N. Y. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula In all lts forms. Cáncer. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Rheumatism, all Blood and Skin diseasee, and regulates the Bowels. 81 per pint bottle. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pile Hemedy. Certain, Speedy, Cheap. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pillg cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constipation. They act on the liver and kidneys. In boxes of 25 pills. 25c , 5 boxes $1. Forsale by C. E. Holmes nd Eberbach & Bon. Send for circular. CABPETS ! Lace Curtains ! FRINGES AND CÜRTAINS WALL PAPERS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Our business is to furnish for this Market the finest and choicest goods in these lines, at the very lowest prices. We endeavor to do, our business thotoughly and to your satis faction. Yours, STERLING & CO., Toledo, Ohio. 196 and 198 Summit St. Successors to Baker, Sterling & Co. DOES WIJVÖC ■ WONDERFUL fifi I CURES! .__{, iBerinseJtnctson the MVER, ÜUWKLsl aud KIDNEIS at the me lime. I Besanas itelstnsei the aystam of thepoion-l HJ oufl humo tbat de velo pe 1 n Kídney and H Ml nary Ilnun, Bülousneu, Janndiee, Q ■ parlón. Pilen, or In Kheumattam, Kaunlgi, M nNerroua Disorders and Témalo Complainta. H 9ES WHiT PEOPLE BAT l U. Eniï?? Stork. ot Junctlon Cltj, Kans, IV ■"''i Kldner-Wort curad lilm otter regular Phj U ■■ lclam had been trylng f or f our yeari. y. Jonn Amall, of Washington, Oblo, raj-B H ■ nerbov wiuglTtinitptnilie 1t four prominent U Hphjilclana and that lie iras afíerward cured by ■ ■Kldney-Wort. ■■ M M. M.B. Qoodwln, nn editor In Chardon. Ohlo.Q Haayshewasnot eznerted to lle, belnir MoateilB Q beyond belief, but Wort cured him. I ■ Anna I,. Jarrett of Routh Salem, N. T., ntyaQ ■tnatseren TeamsiKTerliiKfrom kldneytrouhlenH nand oth#r complicatloni was endeil bj tb use of Mi UEldney-Wort. E I John B. Lawrenre of Jackson, Tenn., mSercdH ■ for yearsfrom liTer and kldney troublM andH US '■iS'"!1 barrels of other medicines. "□ ■ KldneyWortmadeblmwell. ■ I Mlrhu-I Coto ot Montftnmcry Center, Tt.,1 jsniteredelghtyearswltli kldney diaiculty anll ■Jwas nnable to work. Wort mad blmH ■J " well as erer." pïrii(ianíhtlcur8 □ kidney diseases, liver complaints.i QConstlpation and Piles. I I"1' Is put np In Dry Tecctable Farm In M ■■ tin cann, one paokage of whirli makt-a six quarta ■ Qof medirlne. Aluo in I.lqnld Farm, in n Meent rated, for those tbal cannot readily pr-U ■ parelt. I HET" U acte Klth tjal tgieimeil In eüher farm. ■ ■ OIT IT ATTHE DRÜQQISTS. PR1CE. 1.Q I WELLS. BIcnAUDSON C.. Prep'i, I QcWUInadtliediTport-pald.) Dl RlI.ieTOI, TT. H II KS KuH ■CHDhV


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