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News Of The Week

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A heavy groan íb heard from all over Michigan over thedeathoí fruit bud by the heavy Íroste o( May lst and 2d. The crew of the wrecked scuooner Celia were picked up by the propeller VanBaalte and landed'at St. Ignace in eaf ety. N. P. Loveridge of Coldwater goes to Washington as assistant collector of the departinent of the interior. Forty carloads oí merchandise passed through Detroit eu route to Manitoba May 3d. The new ferry boat "O. D. Coneer," nained in honor of the senator, was launehed at Port Huron this week. The Detroit Scientific Association will have museum and lecture rooms free when the Detroit Medical college coinmences business in their own house, lately the Y. M. C. A. buüdng. The M. E. church at Manistee burned on the 8d inst, and is supposed to have been the work f an inoendiary. Burglars visited the residences of Messrs. Allen, Boe and Webber, Fortlana, vuivvw. only 60. Two cases of email pox are reportad at a Menoininee lumber company foarding house. Those who have not the disease are as likely to die of fright as these whoaresick. John Granger, a Detroit druggist, in an altercation with his wito.became so enraged üiat he ttempted to throw her out of the window. He succeeded, but she held f ast and he went also. Hfim Reveré bruises on both sides. Another project for a wholesale escape f rom the Wayae county jail was discovered m time to prevent lt The leaders in the enterprwe will soon take up residence in Jackson. Uoesod, the genteneed forser, was for a time socured in a dungeon, and was thereafter better behaved. The strike in Muskegon has been in operaMn nm four weeks. On the third mst Borne 30 Pinkerton detectives arrived, who wül proteot as lar as poseible all men who want to work. Several car loads of Cauadians are expeeted to take the place of the strikers. The latter,íeeliogthat a crisis is at hand held a mass meeting Wednesday nigbt. Perley Pearsall, of Grand Rapids, has bsen convicted of stealinc wheat from farmers living in the twn of Walker. Pearsall's father is one of the county Buperlntendents of the poor.andisan esteemed citizen. Wben the verdict of guilty was brought in the old, grayhaired father, bowed with grief, left the court room. The young man wbb wkbii w m "-■ ty jail. Johu Dittloff of Wayne county afks a divorce from bis wife on the plea ihat he was iuveiKled into mamase while he was irreBpoiiBiDie for his act by reason of mtoxicatiou. Adrian's council al ils last meeting voted to offer fl,000 lor tbe capture and return of exMayor Naviu. ThBlateBtfromMuskegonisthat some 160 Cauadians arrrived and were iramediately interviewort by the etnkere and iaduced to join the strike. Exciteinent ia great. The gtreets are crowded with people, The Canadians are lodged with the strikers at their omes. FireinHeald, Murphy& Creppia's lumber y8rd at Montage, destrojed about 100,000 feet of dry lumbar. moilR. Whitmore,theLakeStiore railway detective, Adrián, is ill with a severe attack oí typhoid lever. Mies Ella Berry, daughter oí James Berry, Esq lumberdiialer, of Adrián has juat been married to George Washer, railway postal clerk between Pittsburg and Cincinnati, and tbs newly-wedded couple will make Uieir ome in the A correspondent from Whitehall writes: After a vigorous campaign, ioe riui icket was eiecled here last Monday by 103 majority. Whitehall is now without a saloon, and will pvobably remain without any for a year at least. Bev. H. C. Scofield of South Arm, lost his house aud household efEects on the 25th uit. Arunaway horsein Bay City caused a stfimpede in which nine teams toe part. John EoweU was killed, and much property destroyed. Theexcitement in Hudson over pavingülain street has not subsided. An antipaving syndicate has been forined vhich will [serve an injunction on the work. The Canada Southern train gave the Vauderbilt party a ride from Grand Trunk Junction to Grosse Isle at the rate of over a mile a minute. Frimary school fund apportioned to Wayne county by the superintendent of publis instruoion, is 67,868 96. Rate of apportionment.f 14 per capita. At the eecond annual meeting of the Ridgeway wool growers and eheep breeders this weet, sixty-six sheep were exhibited, of which 37 were shorn. The heaviest sheep weighed 125 lbs, 12 ounces; theheaviest fleece 25 lbs 4 ouucea. Benton Harbor reportB slight damage by froet to fruit in that vicinity. David Dues two-yearold child feil from the lif e saving service platform at Sand Beach nd was drowned. Mr. A. C. Webb of Chicago, has just married Miss Lizzie Kline, of Coloma, near Benton Harbor. Mr. Webb ia a son of Prof. J. Kussell Webb. author of the "Word Method" school books syBtem. He was f or some time editor of the Benton Harbor Times. The residence oí Bev. Buyse in Jaekson was robbed on Thursday of some.$300 value ia caeh, ewelry, etc.' At the annual meeting of the directora of the M. C. B. B. in Detroit, this week, Wm. H. Vanderbilt was[re-elected president; vice president and tieasurer, CorneUus Vanderbilt; general manager, Henry B. Ledyard; auditor, D. A. Waterman. Closson, the forser, was'sentenced to ten yearB in Jackson. He was closely watehed on the way to prison as several plots to reticue him have been discovered. He was a leader in crime and nis arrival in Jackson caueed a sigb of relief. The Detroit city Grays have entered for the competitive drill in connection with the reunion of tbe army of the Potomac-, June 15. Grand Bapids people advertise "Sunday meats," which a cotemporary pa',er sajs must mean cuts from animáis of stricüy pions trainina and itood moral cLaracter;éolemn sausages martyred steakp,t!ie ological tenderloiD8,cbuithgoiug chops, patriarchal poultry, Adamic ribe, and Buch. H Thomas, who si ole BÜks f rom Camp.Morrill fc Oo.'b, Jackeon, has been genteneed to seven years' hard lab., in the penitentiary. The priBoner is regaided asa hard oustomer trom testimony brought out in the trial. Bad Axe business is booming. At the Battle Creek gheep-shearing festival, owiug to the cold weathev but a limitad nuinber of eheep was shorn in comparisou to the number exbibited. There were in all75sheep; 46 were registered Merinos, and one thoroughbred Cotswold, two of the Cotswold lambs owned and bred by Mr. Atmore, aged six weeks, weighed 48JÍ and i% lbs. T. W. Sprague's fine $2,000 ram, one year ow, was not shorn, the heaviest weight sheep was 195 lbs. 8 oz, the heaviest fleece cut 365 day6 growth 26 lbs. 8 oz. froin a ram owned by Mr. Spiague. The sash and blind factory belonging to the estáte of A. F. Eiseninann, Monroe, Tras entirely eonsumed b fire on Saturday. Loss $8,000, with no insurance. The property was the entire dependence ot the widow. On Saturday the Central house barn, Big aapide, was liurned, together witli tbree cows and three horses. The wind was blowing a gale at the time and It was with difficulty that a large fire was prevented. The Brackett house was dainaged. The Hudson common council gave the contract to W. W. Van Akin for excavating West Main street preparatory topaving, Hearing that an injunction was to be served Van Akin set his men to work at midnight. When the angry residents awoke at "5 o'clock in the inorning " to their surprise the street was plowed ap and the pavement coinnienced. They wanted to use swear worës but it was too late. The freight and passenger depot ol theMmt and Pere Marquette and the ö. U. & I. .B R. burnedat Reed City Saturday night. Work will begin iinmediately on a new and better building. A fire in Manistee destroyed several buüdingsi including tbree stores. Loss $6.000. On Sunday in Whiteaall fire was discovered in A. J. & 0. E. Covell's lumber yard. Montague sent help and two steainers and a tug threw water forfive hours; notwithstanding but little waa saved, 1,000,000 {eet burning at a loss of 45,000. Eastern Michigan has furuished pine logs as folio ws: The Au Sable, 194,000,000 f eet of new logs; Alcona county, 70,000,000 feet; Alpena, 181,00n,000 feet, and Oheboygan, 60,000,000, a tntnl nt nfiw lom of 1,470,000,000 feet. The Michigan sportBinen'B association ha selected Cyrus W. Higby of Jackeon as game and fisb warden oí the state at a salary of $3 a day and expenses to enforce the game. laws. Each game club haB been assessed 10, and individúala interested in the presevvation of game, animáis, birds and fish, are requested tosendcontributions to ireasurer Osffoodat BattieGreek. The reward offered for the arrest o[ Navin is on condition that the arrest be made within six months froin the passage ot the resolution. HenryWhiteford and Samuel Dill, engiged in remorinK the old raiiroad bridge OTer the St. Joseph liver at Niles, were knocked into the stream bï a Jalling timber. Bill swam ashore, but Whiteford was drowaed. He leaves a wife and five children. The meeting iu Detroit of the 26th annua conclave of Kuights Templar brought together some twenty commanderias. The streel display was yery fiue and waa witnessed b} a large nuinberof spectators. Lexinzton, East Saginaw, Flint, LansiQg, Pontiac, Bay City, son, Aon Arbor, Adrián, Kalamazoo, marañan, Grad Bapids, kSt. Johns, Ionia, Big Bapids, Muokegon and Detroit were largely represented. C. C. Bart of Jacksoa has cominenced a new 20,000 Btiit against Michigan dentista tor inIringeinent ou Uis patent. A Btorm ot wind, kail and rain is reported to havn done great datnage iu Lyons, store frout Windows bing broken and fruit and shade trees deslriiyed. Kev. E. Dawe. formerly pastor of a church at Deerñeld, went to Eugland some tune ao. Later he wasc.iarsími witb IramiuKthep.irsonage. Retuiniug; via Detroit ou the 8th, he was ariiBted ou the tram iiear Mooroe by Deputy sherifl Hyde of Adrián, tbe wrrant charging biin wüü arsou. Corunna is to have a naw f 10,000 jail. The inoney is already subscribtd. A St. Joseph county tarmer bas receutly mude sale of 2,000 pouuds ot pepyermmt oii at $2 per pound, to aastaru parties. Xhere is iu store ia t. Jasepti couuty nouie 10,000 pounds ol oii held for a higLer ñgure. The prospect ■ ■ ■ itri . i. . I ,,.,lr üf a favorable erop is excellent, wueai ib iwkiug well. Mauistee has a water works coiupany with $200,000 capital. A terrific hai! storm visited various parts of the Btate on Tuesday, doing great damagü. Ionia lost a great portion of its window glass. öov. Jerome and members of the state fire cominission, makiug a tour of inspection through the burned district of Michigan, report jreiit enterprise mimifested. New cottages are going up, and the tnhahitants are doing their best to retrieve their shattered fortunes. Ibe strike of tbe Muskegon boom men stili continúes. The, men made a propositkm to woik 15 days of 10 hours at 2, and ii the logs could not be moved fast enough they would work extra hours after 6 p. m. lor extra pay at the same per diom rates. The president of the boom company, to whom the propssition was submitted, refusad to entertain any pioposittonforlesBthan 11 houre. The men are determined that their demand foi 10 hours Bhall be yielded to. There is only one thing thatprevents a settlement by the booming eorapany and the mili owneis, aud that is the proprietors do not propose to be ruled by a unión.


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