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AU of last year's directore of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad were re-elected at the annual meeting held in Cleveland. The report for the year shows a decrease of nearly f 800,000 in the groes earniags, and an increase of over f800,000 in expenses. Gen. Hazon reminds the secretary of war that Capt. Howgate is at large and sugge6ts that e florts for his capture and trial Be more vigorously pushed. Horace Maynard, the well knowu politiciau of Tennessee is dead and üags are at half mast. In Laredo, Texas, a poor peasant was shot without trial, because si.olen stock was foand on h8 premises. He wats proven to have Leen innocent, af ter death. The Apaches were badly routed by Major Tapper at Los Animas on tho 28th uit., and were met on the Ut inst. by Mexican troops. Seventy-eight Iodians were killed and 33 taken piisoners . A fire in Newark, N. J., destroyed the fire engine house, town hall and three dwellings. A lot 78x30 ft has just]din New York city on Wall street for $168,000. The Rockaway Beach hotel, New York, on which was an 'indebtedness of 900,000, bas juut been sold for f 90,700. The President on Wednesday isBued a proclaination to the "CowboyB" of Atizona, warniDg all engaged in obstructiug.lhe laws to desist and return to thelr homes on or bef ore the 15th of May. The anti-Chinese immigration bill, with the 10 yearB suspension clause, is ready for Wie Presidenta approval. In the Ohriatiancy divorce suit, wltnesa Swphen Cbester of New York will be recalled for f urther exainination as to alleged admissions made to hiin by oue Haight of Harttord of improper conduct witb Mrs. Ohristiancy. When the star route prosecutions agaiuat Brady. Dorsey, Turner and utbers were called up this weck Hrady ard Turner were in attendance, but Doraey et aL wre uot ther. Ibis gave rise to a war of worde. :r. Blise, for the governiiient, intiniated that Kolt. G. Iugersoll had been guilty of deeepüon in re to Dorscy's appoaraüfe iu couit wben wanted, whereupon Iugersoll callad Blise a liar aDd the judge depreeated euch forms of speech and eaid they must not bo iudulged in again. Fraudulent certificates of deposita for urveys issued at Santa Fe, N. M., are beiug sold in Dakota, MinneBOta and Manitoba. Pneumonía is proving very fatal this spring. Dr. J. R. Wood, one of the toonders of the New York Bellevue medicai coíl6ge, lias just died of this disiease. It is thought the senate will ordtr an investigation of the charges of blackmail in connection with the whisky lobby. Travellers on the Santa Fe road south-bound traia were robbed at Glorieta. Xbrte men went through the passengere, securlug about f500. The conductor and brakeinan were en the dpot platform at the time, and knew nothing of the robbery. The gang secreted theinselves in the train, ridingto Lama, where they robbed the hotel and saloon. A tad railroad accident occurred at the Union Btock yards Chicago on the 5th. A. dummy train on the Fort Wayne road loaded with passengere overturned killing Jas. Corrigan, a bookkèeper, and fatally injuring three others. J. J. Joy, auditor of the Grand Trunk road had both feet cut off, The car burned i and the wounded were With difficulty removed. H. B. Heory, a wealthy stock man of Akrou, O., committed suicide at Las Vegas, N. M., by hooting himself. The Vanderbilt party were taken trom Amherstburg to St. Thomas, 111 miles, in 112 minutes, notwithstanding a four minutes' stop tor water. Fire at Racine, Wis., Saturday, 7th, caused immense damage in the business quarter of the city. The disastrous fire in Baciue on Saturday destroyed the oldestand least attractive portion j of the city. aaeregatiug a loss of over halí a million oí dollars. Some of the heaviesl losses were the St. Paul elevator, $40,000; Kelley, Weeks fe Co., lumber yard, f75,000; -Jones, Knapp & Co., lumber, $80,000; silver plating corapany, 45,008; Miller & Co, boots and shoes, 60,000. The Cumberland paper milis at Westbrook, near Portland, Me., ara damaged by fire $25,000. After all the fuss made about Mrs. Edwin Booth's will it seeins she gave her mother ouly her personal effects, wüling her real estáte, etc., in Chicago and vicinity to ber husband. A St. Louis, Mo., firm, Burt & Miller, have )een caught by government officials in the jerpetration of a shameful swindle in Uieir lealings in bogas land scrip certificates. It is ascertained already that the firm must have realized over f500,000 through their operations. In the exauiination of Senator Blair before the house foreigu aflairs committee on Saturday it was stated from the stand that Shipherd estimated the value cf the Landreau claim at $135,000,000, and of the Cochet claim at 1,000,000,000. Witness thought it would have been possible and proper, without violating any obligation to any European country, to have preserved peace between Peru and Chili and made Peru a stroDg commercial ally of the United States. In Marshal!, 111., another terrible storm has occurred, and for the fifth time this season larms have been flooded by the overflow of creeks and rivers. Tbere have been 503, deaths in Cincinnati from small pox since January 1. Barnum hasjust lostone of bis feuiale ostrlohes. It will be given to the Smithsoniau Institute after the taxidermist has done his work. The house of tbe Connecticut legislatura has voteii to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intnxicaling liquors. To bocome opuraüve it must pasB tha next legislature by a two-thirds vote, ind thwi be i atified i)y the people. Over 10,000 immigrants arrivedatthe port in New York in April, 40 per cent. of them Germans. The rest are Scandiuavians, flollauders and Italians. The Germán immigrants had trom $60 to $2,600 each in rooney. Among twelve bundred Italians there .was flU5 in all. The Guiteau case bas been postponed a day anotber casa being ahead ol it in the court ea banc. The prisonwr has -ritten Cbiief Juatice Waite that he shall not attond. Citizens in' Arizona and Dakota are not pleased wilh the Piesident's "cow-boy" procla mation. The Tuscon Star states that a band of deputy marsbais were guilty of murder, etc. Secretary Folger has accepted the resignation of cbief clerk Power. Col. Ames Webster of Massachusetts at one time aineniberof ben Urant's staff, will be the successnr ia office the first of next month. Mrs. Garfiöld's pension is paid at the Coluinbus, O., office, the amount beiog $5,000 a year. The Honse of Representatives paesed the tariiï eonimission bilí by a vote of 151 to 83. Chicago vetoes the stringiDg of wires tbrougii the streets for Hghtinghouses, etc, by electricity. Underground with your wiree, gentlemen. President Arthur has signed the anti-Chiuese immigraüon bilí, with the teu years' suspensioD clause. James Gordon Bennett on Tuesday took President Arthur and members of the cabinet on an excursión dowe the Potoinac in his cew yacht. Notwithstanding tle terrible f ate of DeLoug and his men Eneign Lucien Young, the galiant officer of the iJl-fated Huron, who saved so many live when that vessftl went down off the coaet of North Carolina, wishes to go to the Aictic 6eas iu search of the pole. A cycione struok the Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo., aua oarried away a portion of the wall, n.of, etc., áamagiug the building about f15,000. Hon. AJex. H. Stevens feil on the capital steps on the 9th, receiving serious injury. Aa lnsane woman, whose husband deserted her, killed three of her cuildren, and would have killed the fourth but he made bis escape and gave an alarm. Wben belp arrived the woman was stabbing herijelf and will very likely die. The Búllalo Express has a libel suit on hand damagen 100,000.


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Ann Arbor Democrat