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May 3.- In tho House Mr. HendersoD, from the military cominittee, nubmitted a piivileged report upon the President's message regardng the Arizona troubles, with a bilí to auiend the reviBed statutes so as to permit the use of tho army as a posse comitatus to aid in the suppreBsion of violence on the request of the goveroot of acy etate or tenitory. Ordered printed and laid over. The Speaker annoanced ths enrollHient of the Chinese bill, and afflxed his signature. Adjourned. In the Seuate Mr. Anthony presented, from the committee on printing, an adverse report on the resolution in favor of aa itemized statement of the expenses of transportaron of army officers, on Mr. Plumb's statement that the executive had exceeded his praogative in creating an excess of expenditure to the amount of $52,000. The resolution aud papers were referred to tho committee on appropriations. The Sennte devoted the remainder of the time reserved for the calendar to the Political Diaabilities bil), repealine; the etatute prohibiting appointments of ex Confederates in the army or navy. May 4.- In the Senate Mr. Voorhees oflered a resolmion to appoint a special ccmmittee to inquire whether any corrupt or iinproper mflueccehad been used, or songht to be usd, ou any eenator in favur of the bill to indefinitely exter.d tho bonded period for whisky. Mr. Voorhees said he oöered it because his name had been connected with the matter. The resolution i uesed, and postponed, and a reaoiutiou by Mr. Wiudoru, to investi(ate the matter of raising money iu bnhaf of the whisky liill, was prouiised for to-inorrow. The political disabilities biil was reierred to the Judiciary Committne. The House went into committee on the Tariiï (Joinmssion bilí. Mr. Kasson announced tliat he hoped for a vote Saturday. Conder, Gotschalk, Hatch, McLaue and Morrison spoke a;;ainst the bilí. The resolution offered by Mr. Windorn for thi appointinent of an inveBtigating cominittee of five to inquire whether aDy money has been raised, by contribution or othtrwiBe, froai parties ín iuterest to promote the passage or def eat of the bilí relating to distilled epiritü in special boaded warehoueee, and if so for what uses the inoney has been expended, was adoptad without debate. Tbo debate on the Court of peáis bilí was resumed to day. The House went inlo committee on the Tarifl Commission bilí. Messrs. Randall and Curtin favored the bilí; Whittliorne opposed it. Mr. Tucker advocated tariif for revenue only, and opposed a cominission. Mr. Kelley favored the pending meaeure. Mr. Randall offered amendinents providiag ttiat the coinmi8sion shall oonBist oí two senators, three repi-3sentatives and four civilian experts. At the eïeuing sesaion {orty-five pension billa were passed. May g. - a. bill was introduced for the relief of FiU John Porter. The ptovisions are th same as the houso tnll. Bills were reported approrriating $3C0,000 for the exteDsion oí the executive mansión. Messrs. Wmdoni.Hawley, HarrisoB, Cockrell and Pugh constituted the cominittee of investieation concernios the aliegation of coiruption in connection with the bdudd d'mtillery spirits bilí. In the houee bilis were introduced by Mr. Townshend to place the tx on salt used in ] curiuK pork and beef f.n the same basis as ealt nsed in euring fish. By Mr. Calkins to aid in making further arctic'exploration and detailing MaBter Lucien Young rs commauderof the expedition. It authonzes the secretary o( the j navy to purchaBe a vessel ol proper size and structure for the expediticn at a coat to not i exceed f 80,000 and appropriate $100,000 for the expenses of the expedition. The heuse preceeded to the consideration of the bill to enlarge the duties and powera of the department ol agriculcure. The speaker announced that during a tenaporary absence Mr. Burrows, of Mich., would occupy the chair. May 9.- In the Senate, all the pending house bilis donating eondemned cannon for monumental and other purposes were passed. Mr. McDill intrcduced a bilí for a wagon Dridge acrosathe Missouri bat ween Council Bluffs and Omaha. The senate passed the house tariff commission bill-yeas, 25; nays, 19. Six Democrats voted with the Republioan Bidein theaffirmative and two Republicana with the miuority against the bill. In the House, the bill enlarging the powors ol the agricultural department was taken up. Mr. Dunnell.oflered an amendinent providing for a división of forestry, the ohlef of which shall ascertain the annual amoun', of consumption, exportation and importation of timber and other forest products, the probable sepplyfor future wants, and the meaos best i adapted for preservation and re newals of forests. Adopted.


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