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To The People Through The Press

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Al ilic liit meeting of tbesociety of the anny f the Uumberlnd, it is proposed tliat under ita anepices there should bc erected iu tlie city ol H aahingtos aslatute oi' mooumunl in memory of our former eomrade, the late President .laníos Airara Gttrfleld. Witli tbal end in view, a cominittce was appointed by Lieutenaul General P. H. Bbridan, pres'deiit of liiu society, wbicb organized and proceeded to woik, and it is with Hiucli pleasure that tbe committee annouuce that ita cilorts liave met wHb such liberal response from all parts of tbe country as to warrant, the ussuraiiee tliat the work will be consumnaQted The queiiion now is, and to yo we snbrait it, shall tbe statute be sucb an ouc as we eau build wilh the funda on hand, r will you come to our aid in such y manner is to i nablu us lo erect a work of art in size, design, and workmanship iu keeping with the glorious name with wbich it wil] forever be asscrciated, as weli as au ornament to our alie.uly maguificeut capitalciti ? It is proposed that the work when completed shall be no Ion ger the property of the society, but bc formally transferred through their Chief MagUtrate to tha people of the United States, to be a monument oí their affiection fur lil time. We therefore present to yoif the opportunity to unile with us ui the work, and thereby enable us to uiake the siructure in evBry respect worthy tlie name oi Amurica's foiemost people. To that end, we request that on the 3Oth instant, u dftj when ali hcart.s tura in love and gratefu' rt-raembrance to the soldiers of the republic, and we strew their graves with flowers, that a feature of that day siiall be the offering and soliciting of oontilbulions to tlie end set forth. But fe.' can enjoy the privilege of placing a flower on his grave on Decoration day, but all can contribute tlie cost of one, and thereby enable us to Rtimulate genius and exhaust art n the endeavor to plant here a statute that wil testify to men of all time the great love the people bore hini. It is the desire of the coinmitlee that this work be general; one iu whtch all the people san take part without feelmg it to be a tnx; and it is therefore suggested that no contribution from any one person on Umi day sball exceed one dollar. The press and postmaslcrs tbroughou the country will receive aud forward sub Bcriptions; or, if preleiable, i committee of cilizens may take charge of the work under suoh plans as they nay deern most efflencious. In either case it is desirec that a complete li.-t f PubBci'ibors be kept, eis til subscription lists, is well as copies of papers publtsliing the saine, are deaired for deposit n the corner stotie o: the atatute, and will be carefullj retainec for that purpose. Jaiois Babhett, Cleveland, O. J. C. smitii. Chicago, 111. Anson G. MgCook, New York. Uu. A. Kobixson, Pittsburg, Pa. A. B. 0NDBBWOOD, Boston, Mass. Johx Rxthm. isasin'ille, Tenu, Hesry M Cist, Cinoinnati, O. .!. í. Parkhuhst. Coldwater, Mich. H. C.Coubin, A?Bt. Adjt, Gen'lU. S. A.


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