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Saline Doings

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The saloons are étill closed. - Deputy süerilï Willace was ín town Bunday. - Col. Crandall of Dundee, tpoke on temperance Sunday. - A. 15. Woodard is on the sick list. - Mr?. Dr. Palmer, of JackBOn, was in town last week, visitiog her mother, Mrs. E. 1'. Harper. - E. W. Ford & Sen inteiul to ptjt u door and sash factory in llie building puicliased from E. Bogardus. - Wffl. Painey, brakeman on tbe Ypsilanti branch of L. S. & M. S. R. R., fclliïoma box car, striking on bis back acrossa rail. FIi was seriously injured. - Eugene Alleo, wbo ha couflned to bis bed with the erysipelas is around again. - Mrs. A. Kidder was arrested ou Friday for horse whipping J. Buttler and was fined three dollars and costs. - Col. Crandall lectured on "!rue grit" last Monday evening. - F. Ford and George Mitchell havo hired J. W. Dona vin's Teoaessecans to sing al Onion huil ncxt Tuesday. Laboring men only set, $1.25 per day. William Ball lias a silualion in (he country. Dr. Korlli of Jackson sptnt Sunday in Pittsfield. Dr. O'Tode will leave next veek for California. In to day 's DeMocbat read Mrs. L. N. Fitcb's new city items. D. Henning is now doing business on South Water street, Chicago. E. B. Pond is assi8tin city attorney Lawjence in ravising ihc ordinances, The Ann Arlmr Behutzenbund will have a practice slioot Monday, May 29. Wm. LaDge wasarre8ted lasi fiveöiog on the charge of nmrder and is nów in jail. Wm. CjftBpion is k.p!, v;y busy sharperiinL' toolsfor tuin!) stone engravere. Nearly every vplp against liie ïreraen's hall 3't-stcrdiiy, vris by taxayers "1 the sixth ward. Chas. Hauser and C. Hoffstetter -.vill lay the foundation for J. F. lloiïstetter's new house. Some boys playing ball on Main streel this morning broke the as lamp opposite tbe St. James. " Doe " Calveii will soon be out of jail. It will probably be some time before be returns to Dexter. The firemsii wHl bave new quarters aa soon as the building cnn be put np , llie vote standing '34:i ti 00 ngainst tbe proposilion. C, B. Cook, au okl cilizen of this oounty, wbo bas been spending the past year at Houghtnn, L. S., is in the city on a brief visit. Mrs. Fostcr, the attorney and counselor ;U luw, thoughtto vote yesterday, bilt slie was politely nformed by Aid Keceh that no women need apply. C. R. Wbitman ably conductud the prosecution in the Bycraft case. The Hou. A. J. Sawyer for the dufense contested every inch of ground. Last Saturday afternoon Mr. North, father oí Mis. II. H. Howc of Pittsfield.had a severe stroke of paralysis. Mr. North is onc of the pioneers of Michigau. His health bas beeu feeble for a number of years and it is quite doubtful if he recovers. Last Saturday nighl between the Bhours of 12 and 1 o'clock tbree tramps were pulled out of Geo. Rhoades' barn. They were taken to, and Mondey were giveu the privilege of goirjg lo Ionii or quittiug the cily. Tlicy made tracks for Dexter. The camp meeting which will be held bere b}7 the Michigan Holinessassociation on the ground north of the fair grounds, commencing Mouday May 81, are continuing oue week . Many ministers and other workers from abroad will be present. For further information cali on or address Rey. C. Parker, 14 South División Street. The Hon. Cilvin Wheeler of Salem died Tuesday. lu 1851 he represented tbiscounty in the legislatura, lie had held every townsbip office except that of constable. During the session of wbich he was a meinber, the laws comformatory to the new constitution were passed. Iu lS7á Mr. W. was appointed poUmaster of Salem Station. For eight years Ue was station agent of the D. L. N. R. R., at the game place. Lansing Republican: The state board of health bas issued auotber edition of tho document on the preventiou and restricttion of small-pox. It is one of the most practical and important documents issued by the board, and sbould be in the hands of evervbody . " The work of health officcrs and local boards of health in Michigan " if the title of another document, wbicb, if studied and its suggestons heeded by mem bcrs of boaras of health. would teud to render tliein far more efflcier.t tliiiu now. A number of students of the Minneapoüs university nere out on a spree Monday night, and being followed by some of tbc fuculty who proposed to capture and discipline thern, started to run. One named Asa Paine was pursued by Professors Moore and Pike, and finding be was likely to be caught turned and displayed a revolver, whereupon Prof. Pike drew a pistol and firej, the shot takiug effect iu Painc's thigb. The wound is not serious, but tbereis a good deal of excitement, as the bad leeling between the faculty and stndenls is of long standing, the latter having bceii verj' aggressive. No arrests have been made. Somewhat different from the students of our university. Hon. Hiram J. Beakes who bas been seriously ill for some weeks, died at bis residence on División street tliis morning. Judge Beakes was born at Middletown, Orange county, New York, in 1827 an( received bis education at bis native place He also commenced reading law tbere and afterward read witb Clark &Rapal!o, of New York city. He waa admitted to thejjar in 1851. Tlie sanie year be removed to tbis place and began the practica of law. In 1851 be was elccteJ circuit court commissioner of this county which be beid oue term. Ia 1803 he was elected a member of the legislatura frovn tbis district. 1q 1874 be was elected probate judge which office he beid for eigbt years. Some years ago be became a niember , of tlie firm of Beakes & Cutcheon, and eugaged in the practice of law in Detroit. As a lawyer, Judge Beakes stood high at the bar. A9 mayor of this city be discbarged bis di-ties most faithfully. Tbe time of the funeral has not vet been announceü but will probably be held Sunday.


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