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Estáte of Ann L. Covert. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oMYnslitenuw ss. At a session of the probate court for oounty of W .ishtenstw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Weduesday, the lUch day of -May in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. Present, WiHraro . Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tlia estáte of Ann L. Covèri . de i i On reading and BHng the prtitir.n, dulv verified of Norman B, Covert, prayingthat the administrution of said estáte muy be granted lo hünselí or some other suitul Thereupon, it la ordered that Monrtay, the 5th day of June next , at ten o'clock iu the fore assigned for the hearing of said peUtion, andthatthe !■ oL said deceased, and all other perdona interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslou of said court, ther, to be holden at the probate office, in tlie city of Ann Arbor. and show cause if any therebo, why the;,n!vr h tb tionershould not be granted : And it isfurther ordered, tliat said petitloner give notice to the persous interested in said estáte, of the penueiu-y of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by caus ing a copy of this order to be published in The A nu .1 rb rr Di m ■■-. at, b newspaper printed snd circulatedln aaïd county,three successive weeks prtivious tu said day i' hearing. ÍA true oopy.) Judge oí l'robate. Wiu.iam ö. úoty. Probate Register, Estáte of John McGuinntss, DTAO county of washtenaw 5 ss. ■■■. if the probate court for the county ot . hold ■! al the probate oflice.i: of Ann Arbor, on iionday the 24th day of April in year one thousaml eigui huridral and eignty-lwo. Present, William U. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte i icGuinne: s dtceas il. , itiuu dulj' yerjned ,ii 1'iHrick Meüuimiüss praying that admii of sald estuti i i tie person eupon, il s ordered, thal Monday, the dad day oi My nsxt, . , ., tor the lii ui " gol aid pet tion and t) ■ ■ "■ "! deeeased and all other persons mterubted in said eetate, are -(iiiird toappear at a ii of said court, then lo oe holuenat ene probate office, in the city oL Aun Ai'bor, and show cause if anythere be, wrhy tlie prayer of the pntitionershouldnotbe granted: And it isfurther ordered, that said petitiouer give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing&copyof Ihis order to be published in The AimArhitr Democrat, a newspaper printed and oirculated in said county. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM 1. HAItKIMAN', CA trae copy.) Judge of l'iobate. Wil. U. Doïy. Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha ving been made in the conditfons of a mortgage executed on the 17th day of November, 1874, uy MargaretG. Bower to Persis L. Tuttle and reeorded in the office of the register of deeds for the county of Washtenaw and state o! Miehigttn, on the sarae day and year last aforesaid, in OberS0,of mortgage?, on page 548, and there is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date hereof four thousand seven bundred forty-eight dollars and eighty-two cents (Sl.748.8S) togethèr withan attorney fee of thirt dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law or in cbancery having been instituted io recover the same or any art thereof, notice is hereby given tbat by virtue of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shali on Wednesday. the 2!ith day of July, 1882, at one o'etoek in the afternoon at the court house in tlie city of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, sell at public vendue to the higbest bidder all those trauts or parcels of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to-wit: Lots number six (6), seveu (7), eight (8), niue (II), anci ten (Ui); also iots number oue O)? two (2), three (3), tour (4), and flve L]. in blocs number foui [4] in Felch's addition to the city of Anu Arbor, aucordiug to the reeorded plat thereof in Liber forty-five [45] of deeds on page Í4J. Dated April 1, 1882. PEBSIS L. TUTTLE, Mortgagee. Geo. L. Bauhman, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having leen made in tho payments of the principal and interest due on a certain mortgage bearlng date October 27, 1866 executed by Ohailotte D. Silkwoi tb to J. Moreau 8mith, ana reeorded in the oiïice of the Register of Leeds l'orthe county of Washtenaw, stat j of Michigan, on November '2, 1868 in Liber :iti of mortgages on page 5.'5. which mortgage waa duly assigned on January 18, 18Í2 to iíansom S. Ömith by an assig&ment reeorded Mareh 1, 188, in said Kegister's ofliee in Liber 7. of nssigiiments of mortgages on page K32 (which sald mortgage s now owned by the estáte of said Ransom S. Smith, deceased) by which said default the power of ale contained in said mortgage lias become operative. and no proceedings ;it law or in equity having been instituted io recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof ; and there being now claimed to be due and unpaid uponthe said mortgage and the note accompanying the same, the sutn of two hundred and forty-seven dollars aud sixty-two cenis. Notice is therefore hereby given that said mort ■ gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amoutit claimed to be due on said mortgage, togethèr with all other egal costs aud expenses oí sale, at public sale or veudue to the mghest bidder at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan (that being the place for holding the circuit court for said county) on Weduesday the seventh day of June 1682 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to a prior mortgage reeorded iu Liber 35 of mortgages on page 'MS in said Kegister's office) which said premises are deseribed as foilows: All the following described lands situated in the town of Sharon, Vashtenaw county and state of Michigan, being the east third of the north east quarter of the south west quarter of section number thirty-four iu township number three south of range three east, conunencine ai the center of seetion thirty-four aforesaid running thencu west on the luarter line to land owned by Josiah It. Stout thence south eighty rods to land owned by Jereiniiih 1). Uory, thenoe east to land owned by John W, Cowan. thence -ïorth eighty rods on the quarter line l" ilie place "I beginning contaming Lhirteen and one-third acres. Uated March 1. 1SK2. W. C. 8MITH, Êxecutor of Rajisom y. Smitb. M. H. BBENSAN, Attorney for executor. npOLEDO, ANN ARBOÏt & GRAND TRUNK X RAILKOAD, Taking effect Sunday, Marfch 12, 1882. Traína run bv Qolinubus Unie. 3oinsr North. Going South. íx7ss7MaL . ! Mail. Exp's P. M. 4. M I P. M. 'A. M. +6.25 L +8.15 Toledo t 5.55 +'.). 15 .28 8.18 North Toledo +6.5S 9.48 6.38 8.27 Detroit Junction. 5.43 9.88 ii!7 K.:j: Hawthorn j üMi !U" 6.66 8.15 Samaría I 5.23 !(.15 T.1O 9.U0Lulu "6.10 "9.60 7.15 9.06 1 Mom-oe Juuction 5.0 8.41 7.2; 9.18 Dundee 1 65 7.88 .27 Azjüia 4. 8.18 7.52 9.40 Ittüao 4.l 8.05 8.00 .47 Nora... ■).-' 7.55 8.W fj.53 Urania +4.1T 8.20 10.05 Tí pallan ti Juncti'n 4.08 7.88 8.85 10.2'! Aun Arbor .. .. t8,B5 +".-5 ;0.45 Lelands 3.S5 1 10 57 Wordens S.v5 1 .... +11.15 Spiith Lyon +3.05 . . . . 'llip local frt'iiiil ítoilh leavesthis city al 5 p. m.; Lelands, 5.40; Wordens. fi oV'lock v.nú arrivés in South Lyon ut 6.80. The same train leaves South Lyon at 7.05a. m.; Wordena, '■'■. Lelands 7 85; am! arrivee n !! oity ar t.30. II. W. ASHL35 Qen'l Superintendent Gei ïoui Property Insured By C. II. MILLEN, IKSURAKCE AGENT No 4 South Maiu St.. Ann Arbor, The oldest apency in tho ritv. Established a uarterof a i-cnti" resenting the f olwin first-olass compantoe: lome Ins. Co., of N. Y., $ 7,000,000 nntinental [ns. Cd, of N. Y. 4,20708 riasrara Ins. Co., of N. Y., 1,785,563 Lrard Ins. Co., of Phüa.. 1.188,480 rient Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,532 Commercial Union of Lomion, 12,000,000 Manhattan lus. Co., of N. Y., 052,117 i C3T Rates low. Losse'1 überally adjus" ed and promptly paid. C. H. Milten. ff 7 ) A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily J) L made. Costly outftts" tree. Address True & Co.. Augusta, Maine. FOR SALE OR RENT The present residence of Mrs. F. A.IIill, with The Land -A. dj oininj;, Consisting of about 40 acres, 30 of which can be cultivated. Kent, $(, or tlie House and 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent $600. The above property isnlso for sale bj' the lot, or by tlie acre, or in larger quantities. TITLE PEKFEOT. For further particuhirs enquireof H. R. Hill. office No. 3 Opera House Block, or Win. M. White, Canaserapa, New York. "jïtst receivp:iT FROM THE Niágara Falls Brei ii Go., Of Niágara Falla. Xcw York, ft Best Lapt Ever tnanuf act ured in tbe United States. Far miperior to either Ciiiciunati or ililwaukeeBeef. Ym will flnd Ibis boer ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT - AT- iiíí:píxíy kiistüeïi'.s no. of) south main strekt. Cali and test it and satisfi' yourself. Respectfully, HENRY BINDER. Zn f" " Mr SLêH qs 3 P I n d 8 p+ z LJ W p W E o lj H H - cü 03 S S tí 0 c= RAILBOADS. 14 1 1CHIUAN UJiNTRAL, RA1LK0AD. TIME TABLE, MAY 14th 1882, aomo wt. ' ' ' i.1 ti H Si i sTTíoNe. a ■ i-g ffc a c 'E3 i; _L_ [?íf ?S S3_ 5=__ i. M. A. M. T. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. DBtroH Lv. 7.00 9.3r, 5.55 4.05 8.00 0.50 (i. T. June 7.15 B.S8 6.10 4.20 8.15 10.10 Wayne June... 7.53 10.29 6.42 4.46 8.45 10.40 Vpsilant] 8.Ï3I10J8 7.05 5.05 9.08 11.' 3 AnnArbor K.45 1100 7.24 5.231 9.Ü5 11.17 Duxtcr 9.lr8 7.48 5.39 9.4 Ohelfca 9.25 8.0ÖI 5.52 10.00, G„..s i-ake 9.50 8.33 6.12 10.30 P. H. A. SI Jactsnn Ar. 10.10 9.00 11 05J Jacksmi Lv. 10.20 12.15 6.55' a.M. 12.45 Albiou U.04 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.32 .Aarshall 11.50 Uu „ i 8.05 12.2U 1 43 V M Battle Creek 12.19 Loí ? 8.40 12.47 2.07 Giliuburg 12.53 A. n. 9.15 '...'. Kalamazoo 1.13 2.36 4.50 9.35 1.35 2.47 Lrtwtoc 1.52 5.25 2.13 Decatur 2 07 5.42 2.32 Dowagiac 2.29 6.07 3 57 Siles 2.55 4.01 li.50 3.37 4.15 Buchunan 3.081 7.02 8.42 rhree Oaks.... 3.381 7.47 4.12 New Buftilo... 3.5o 4.52 7.40 4.35 Mieh. ülty M 5.18 S;08 5.U3 5.28 Uke 5.13 6.0 8.54 5.51 6.18 K-;núii;Lon.....' 6.00 H.50 9.45 6.40 7.11 Caieagu Ar (.5') 7. -lo lu.-iü 7.30 _S.C_O ,riTioSfl. d .i 4 h íi ?j a So. mt t'W -a. Sfñ 9 ?a H ? $& sa A M. A.M. P-M P.M. P.M. Jhicago Lv. li.45 9 00 3.40 5 15 H.1C íícdmiíkCOII 7.33 9.50 4.30 0.05 10.0C Uke S.17 10.27 5.1Í B.50 10.40 Mich. City 9.03 11.13 6.00 7.38 11.33 New Bnffalo... ar 11.33 6.2Ó 11.55 rhroa Oalra 8 49 6.40 A. M. Uncbmian 10.10 p.m.I 7.06 Nilps lO.ïi 12.18 7.W 9.OÜ 12.45 üowajsiac U.Í8 8.06 1.12 Decatur 11.18 8.33, 1.B7 Uwton 11. 8j 8.531 a.m Kalamazoo 12.12 1.38 9.301 6.50 1Ü.25 2.30 8lesbiiri! 12.:5 - " 7.08 Büttle Creei... 1.03 2.15 m'v 7.38 11.08 3.30 p. m. ga Warshall 1.30 S.0" & 8 06 1 11.33 3.4t A.lbion 8.13 3.21 -- 8.32 11.65 4.1L A.M. A.M. Jucksou Ar. 3.0") , lacksun Lv. 8.09 4.05 1 7.05 9.S0 12.40 5.00 3raMLake B8.3S 7.28 9.50 5.85 Jhelsea 3.5K 7..r)()i 10.07 5.50 Dexter 4.18 8.03,10.1 .05 Ann Arbor 4.37 5.07 8 35 10.34 2.04 0.2.r l'nstlHnli 4.5ü 5.23 8 43 10.48 2.20 6.41 Parné Jone... 5.20 5.45 9.08: 11.1)8 2.44 7.05 ■J. T. Jnnc ti.(K) 6.15 9.45 1135 3.20 7.45 Detroit Ar. ti.15 Ü.30 10.00J 11.50 3.35 800 The New Yirk Kxpress. a fast train leaves fhi2aRo at 3.30 in the afteruoon and makes the folBwing stops, Michigan City, 5,80; Niles, li.27; Kalamazoo 7.40; Battle Creek. 8. 16; Jackson, 9.28; Anu Arbor, 10 -36; Ypsilanti, 10.41; G. T. JunoMon, Il.-Jfl; arrivinginDetroit at 1Ú.4D P.M. 'Mimi ly exceptt'd. tSaturday SiiDüay excopted H):lily. Hbhbt C. Wkntworth, H. B. LKDrARi), O. P. dt 1. A., Chicago. Qtríl Manager , Detroit J PP a week in your own town. Terms and $5 JÏUU outlits'free. Adilress H. Hallett & Co., portland, Maine. CHEAPES T BIBLESsi'in.'ut'riilón.j .ï F0KSUB8& MCMCKIM,Cl0Cta0Ml,0 n ïï AHIUJ Livery Sale and Boarding Stable 1 have oponed a Livery, Sale and Board' ing Stable opposite the Court House on Fourth Street, where livery rigs can be obtained at an)' tiinc of the day or niglit. A fine lot of new carriages and good borses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and liandling track horses a specialty; good references given. P. IRW1N, Ann Arbor Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now takmg the Best Class of Plolopals In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. Ground Floor Gallery. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COURT HOÜSK. FKËD SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VÁRNISHES BRUSHES, VHNDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Beat Qualay SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington :c ANN ARBOR. - MICMIGAÍHEÑRY MATTHEW8, Hasjthe pleasure to inform the pubile that ha i ready to receiTe them in hisnewbrick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOK EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil be flrst-class, au i At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his oíd cu tornera f or their generous patronage, and eon ally invites them, and all new customers u h. t new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing: r . ánlarge his airead y srowiug businessWho Tied My Tog Lose? A. A. TERRY, Ti.ellatter. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st , Have on hand a complete stock of every thing in the Crocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffees, andSui .-. In large amounts, and at CasItL Price,s And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoiee of Teas they Buy and Sell, i good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, :t ■ none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Caí and Crackers. Cali and see them. "Tile, the Greatest Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of The Clücayn Tritmne. Dwight, 111., Mareh 16.- One of the strongeat and rnost convincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agricultural Department of Illinois. Itisthis: ACREAOE. Acreage in co.-n in Livingston County, 1881 SC8,891 Acreage in corn in Logan County, 18S1... 140,85 Livingston over Logan ]27,7;K YIELD. Yield of corn in Livingston County.1881. .6,983,522 Yield of eorn in Logan County, 1882 5,070,924 Livingston over Logan 1,902,698 In other words, Logan County has raised near ly as much corn on 140,839 acres as Livingston county has on 368,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (2K8.597), and have raised but a very small percentage of increase of corn over their brethern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,859 acres. Let us give it another twist! A A farmerwho has his land well tilled need onlv work eighty acres of land and grow just abou't as much corn as the man who plows löO and cakes all the risks of drouth and much besklt. It is not fair, then, to conclude that the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tiledrainf Froïn the same souree of information 1 gather the following as regards the progress of tile-drainage in-these two counties: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County up to 18S1 1,140,7'J.Ï Total number of feet laid in Logan County up to 1881 8,989,469 Tliis table proves bejTond all theory that owinr to the f ree use of tile that one county has been ableto produce nearly as much corn on 110. ('i acres of land as another county has produufd upon 2U8.00U acres, whieh is nearly doublé, and the beauty of the whole is that it was done witli half the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Pro i deuce should lengthen out the spin of our dan until we saw Illinois tnoroughly tile-drained. where would be put the corn that this Statt; would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?" Samuel T. K, Pkimf. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - JDtt.Tlr TILE. AU our Drain Tile are made of Fire Olay, ar1 of unusual streogth and Uyht weight, wUeh ui.i teriaüy reduces tho breaUage and expense oí transportaron. The ditehing for thiselass of tiling is lessexye sive, as they do not require to be laid below trast . but only deep enough to escape the plow. While thi8 is more pconomical it also aids ij obtainina better ' 'f all" or grade to the draiu. A full assortment of all sízeiS, for salo tu smaH quantities, or car load lots, at tbO FERDON LÜMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBEET, Agn.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat