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Real Estate Transfers

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Tbe following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesduy, Muy 17 : WABHANTY DKES. L. Gruuer to A. Birk, ot 14 b 5 s r 13 e, Ann Arbor, $200. Jno. Bengal to L. Gruner, same descriptiou, $200. Betsey L. Fuller. T. J. Keecli and Augusta Keech to Albert L. Olds, property in Ann Arbor, $3,100. Chas. D. Coleruan to E. B. Abel, lot 5 b 7 s in r 11 e Aun Arbor, $500. Chas. S. McOmber to Luey A. McOmber, property in Ann Arbor, $3,000. Cornelius Gillsipe to Stephen D. Allen, lot in Ann Arbor, $100. Owen Kirk to Jas. Hutchinson, lot in Ypsilanti, $150. Jno. Gilbert to Wm. Travis, lot in Ypsilanti, $375. Fred Schinid Jr., to Johans Grossman, lot in Manchester, $550. Cornelius Gillispie to S. D. Allen, lot in Ann Arbor, $700. Nelson and Ellen Rice to M. H. Goodrich, lot in Mooreville, $90. Kodger Mathews to S. and 11. Dean, lot in Ann Arbor, $400. F. Cummings to Jas. F. Harrington, lot in Chelsea, $800. Jas. Lyinan to Henry Doody, 80 acres ec. 22 Dexter, $4,400. Alitta Branch to Isabelle Rienhuld, lot n Ann Arbor, $175. Isabella II. Clark to Lucy B. Whitlark, iroperty in Ann Arbor, $3,100. J. Adam Kalambach to Jno. Keel'in, 85 eres sec. 11 Sylvan, $4,175. Susan Allen to Joseph Kyte. 36 acres ec 12 Saline, $1,700. S. E. Chatterdon to Wm. Phillips, 40 eres sec 6, Ypsilanti, $3,000. Chas. 11. Uandall to Edgar N. Raudall, 1 and 1-2 acres Bridgewater, $800. Ester A. Williams et al to Hirain 'hompsou, 40 acres sec 30, Augusta 000. Jno. Dickerson to Geo. S. Van Sickle, and 84 acres Salem, $Ü2'5. Martin Van Sickle to Geo y. Van Siele, 100 acres sec 12 Salem, $4,b00.