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I f y ou wish to purchase onc of the best UABY UARKIAOES manufacturad, reuiember Lüe only place in the city to Jiud urn is at Koeh & Haller's. A Kalamazoo Hollander numed Conrad [msing supped on Paris green the other iiíht. He breakfasted with the angels. Cak't get it.- Diabetes, BrigUt's Disase, Kidney, Urinary or Liver Comlaints cannot be contracted by you or 'pur iamily if Hop Bitters are usec!, and f you already have auy of these diseases top Bitters is the only medicine that will ositively cure you. Don't forget this nd don"t get some puffed up stuff that will only harm you. It's an awful disappointruent to a young man when he asks for a girl's hand to be nformed that all she can aftord to give ïim is her mitten. HaDitual costiveness is the bane of neary every American wonian. Froni it usally arises those disorders that so surely undermine their health and strength, ivery woman owes it to herself and to her ainily to use that celebrated medicine, Wort. It is the sure remedy tor onstipatiou, and ior all disorders of the kidneys and liver. Try it, in liquid or dry form. Equally eülcient in either. - Boston Sunday Budget. "How eau you obtain the statistici of idiocy for this country?" "UU, that's easy enough. Find out how uiany persona have paitl twenty live cents for Guit; eau'3 autograph." Do not tik nriCErvRD. - In these times of quack medicine ailverüscmeuts everywheie, it is tvuly gratiiyiug to flud one cemedy that is wortby of praise, and which really ioes ai recommended. Electric Bitters we eau vouch for as being a true and reiiuble remedy, und oue that will do as recommended. They iuvariably cure stomaoh and liver complaints, diseases of the kidneys aud urinary difil- cul ies. We kuow wüereof we speak, and Ciii readilv suy, give ihem a trial. Sold a. flfty cents a boitle, by Eberbach & Sou. In respouse to the question "Wbat iliaJ be done with üuituau's body?" au exchange says "have it petllfled and set up asa monument over the grave of .cssc. James." "Bidni-AiiiA."- Is'ew, (uick, complete euro 4 days, unuary ilïections smarting, frequeut or dillicult urinalion kidney diseases. f l at diuggists. Micb. Depot, JAMES E. DAVIS & ('O., Detroit, Mich. lic suid her hair was dyid, and when she iudigni'iilly exclaimed ""lis falset' he said he presuiued so. Tuk Wohi.i) Si'ill Motes. - Not with - standing Mother Shipton's dirc predlctiou the workl still existe. The people will live longer if they use Dr. Bigelow's Positive cure, which subdues and eonquers coughs, colds, consumption, wboopin({ cough, and all diseases of the luugs, For proof cali at Eberbach & Son'sdrug store and get a bottle free . CEORCE ARDNER'S Ilutel and Restaurant, opposite the Miuhigan Central Depot. Accommodations tor Travelers. "M '"n is atallhours. A lunch counter in connectlon wiüi bis restaurant. ( IEI KOE ARDNEll, TnopRiHTon, AnnArbor, - - - - Michigan' RESTAURANT! Having removed from the basement of the b't. James to the place formerly oceupied BY CHARLES MILLER, On West Washington streot. I take picasure in notifying my many friend that ] have openod a FIRST - CLASS RESTAURANT ! Where lunch can be had anytime through tlic day. Muals at regular hours. PRO PR I_E_TOR . MAStMY'McCORMICK Harresterand Twfne Binder. IT SCOOPS THE CHAMPION, BUCKBTB, DEEK1NG, WOOD, OSBOKN, AND ALL WITII WJIICH IT CÜMES; IX CONTACT. F. Wagiier & Bro„ who are agents for tlie above machine, have also on band Hu, fineat line of carriages to be found anyvhere. Wagons or c&rriages made to order. F.WACNER &BRO. Second St. betwepn Washington and Liberty Sts. $200.00 REWARD. W'ill be paid for the dctcction and convic." tiou of any person Beijing or dealing in any bogue, counterfeit or lmitatlod of Hop Bitters, especially Jutters or preparations witb the word Hop or Hops in their name or connecled thexewith, tnat is 111tended to ïuislend una cheal the public, or for any prepáration put in any fortn, pretending to be the same as II op Bitterg. The genuine have cluslprs of Graen Hops 'nolicfl tliis) prinled on the white label and are the pureBt and hebt medicine on earth, especially for kidney, liver and nervous diseaaes. Beware of all others, and of all pretended formulas or recipes of Hop Bitters published in papers or for sale, as they are i'rauds and swiudles. Whoever deals in any bul the geuuiue will be prosecuted. Hop Bitteeb Mpg, Co., Kochester, N. Y. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula in all its forma, Cáncer, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Rheumatism. all Bloort and Skin diseases, and regulates the Bowels. Si per pint bottle. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pile Remedy. Certaln, Speedy, Cheap. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pilis cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Coustipation. They act on the iver and kidneys. In boxes of 35 pills, üóc, 5 boxes tl. For Rale by C. E. Holmes and Eberbaeh & 5on. Send for circular. CARPETS ! Lace Curtains ! FBIIES AND CÜRTAINS WALL PAPERS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Our business is to furnish for tliis Vlarket the tinest and choicest goods in these lines, at the very lowest jrices. We endeavor to do our busness thoioughly and to j-our satis'action. Yours, STERLING & CO., Toledo, Ohio. 196 and 108 Surnmit St. Successors to Baker, Sterling & Co. Lone Star Bakery D I ' N 1 N G 11 0 O M . Warm Meala and Lunches AT A L L II O TJ R S . Also constantly on hand a clioice stock of Fancy Crackers, Cakes, for Partios and Weddings furnished oa short notice. Con'ectioneries and all kinds of Fruit in their season. Bread, Cakes, and Pies constantly on hand . Choice Tobacco and Cigars, Canned Fruit and Light Grocerïes. Highest Cash Pricc Paid for FARMER'S PRODUCE. Cali ,and sce me. No. 12 Opera House Block. ÜEO. E. LaMOTTE, Proprictor. TtHE GREAT CURE f ' FOB ; RHEUMATISM t áb it i3 for all diseasoB of the KIDNEYS, ', , LIVER AND BOWELS. f It deanses the system of the acrid potson that causes the dreadful Buffering which ' ► only the victime ol Eheumatisiii can rcaliae. ( ' THOUSANDS 0F CASES 1 of the worst forma of thia terrible diseoae , have been quickly relieved, in a short timo , PERFECTLY CURED. ' hsshad wondcrrultuccett and an immense t sale ín e very part of the Country. In linndredaofeaseaHIiaecured whoroall elee had failed. Itis mild, but efficiënt, CRRTAIN . , IH 1TS AETIONt but harmlees in all cases. S Tl t clcBiiiCR, StrengtheiiH nnd kItcs New ' Mie toall the important organs of the body. i The natural oetion of the Kidneya is reetored. ' The Livor is oleansedof alldisease, and tJi 1 Bowelsmove freelyaud healthfully. In thin i t waythe worst diaeasea oro eradicatad from thesystem. t Ab it TiftH been proved by thousands that i is the most effeotual remedy for cleansing the ' aystem of all morbid aeoretions. It eliould be i tiaed in every houaehold aa a ' I SPRING MEDICINE. Alwoys cure BIL10USNES3. TION, P3XB3 and all PEMALE Diacases. ', Ir put up inliry Voffclable Forni inlin rans, 4 one package of whichmakesfiquarts medicino, ' AIbo in lilquld Forin, i ery Coiifentmted for i the convtmieni-w oi tboso wiiooannotrcndilypre. parp it. Itactstn'lh tqual efllctcncvineWierform. GET rrOFYOÜR DKÜGOIST. l'HICE. 1.00 ', ' WE1.LS, UIC1IAIÍDS0N Co.. l'rop-s, (Will send the drr post-paid.) IUHL1NCT0X, TT. ,


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