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The directora ol St. Mary's Oatholic Training School have purchased a farm of 440 acres near Desplaines, III., pon which buildings vvill be erectïd to accommodate 1,000 boys. In tlie Peruviau ccmpany investigatum Senator Blair acknowledges accepting !fl00,000 woi Ih of Shlpherd'i stock, but bad not been iníluencel foy mere money consideiationR. H eaw Poru the "under dog," and hiH Byinpathke were ealisted i)i tier behalf. Mason's only dependence now is on executive iuterference in niodifying bis swutence. The watch which James woro at tbe time be was killud bas been returaed to B. H. UouiiiHiee, a lawyer of Lebanoa Ky., f rom wbom it was atoleu in a stago robbery near Mammoth Cave, 1880. The London, ünt., car shops are to be moved to Moatreal, a oue of the resulta of tho tí. W. and tí. T. K. R. oouaolidntion. Iu tbo Guiteau case Mr. Reed coutended íhat tbe weight of common law nuthorities sustained i!ie posílion that the District of Coluinbia had no juriediction; also thatthe tesümony of the experts was a humbujr, as they oonld be gotten to swear on all Bidés of eveiy questlon. For eoine days past repeated attempts have been made to wreek trains of tha Madison di visión of the Chicago & N. W. B. B. A farmer lal 19 years of age confesses to tlie crime, giviug as a reason thst he vsanted "to see what kind of a tumble a fast train would makeinto the diteb." The Cleveland rolling milis are clOBed, shutting out nearly 4,000 men, on account of a threatened striko. McAllister, a mining settlement in Indian Tsnitory, and MoundCity, Mo., wuievisitedby a cyclone Monday night. Twenty-ouu people were killed, 50 in jured, and mnch property was destroyed. It isramored that Mr. W. H. Vanderbül's trip abroad is partly for the purpose of outbiddintr the Grand Trunk, tbuB defeating the fusión with the ót. W. R. R, before the details are perfected. Mrs. Masón inade a personal uppeal to the President for the pardon of the impnsoned sergeant, Mrs. SeoviUe ob]ects to her husbaud's interfereuce in what she considera to be her own affairs. It ie euggested by the papers that if he doesn't let her have her way she may teil Ui public what she knows about him. Another terible cyclone is reported in Louisiana uear Vienna. Everything was swept off McKlroy's plautation, one man and two childreu killed. In Arcadia a large uumber of persous were seriously hurt, Btock killed and wreat damage of all kinds. In New York city the wind blew at the rate of 45 miles au hour and aeveral trees were blown down in Central Park. A bilí is to come uy in the Housb ïecommeuding that letter postage be reduaeil to two cents. The Keyetone Rubber Works have Imrned at a loss of f80,000. Two hundred operativos are thrown out of employnient. A largo part of Hastings, Ont, has just burned at a loss of $00,000. Edw. W. Kingsland, secretary and treasurer of the Provi leut savings banks, Jersey City, coinmitted suicide by shooting bimself five times. Last week f8,860,000 gold went to Europe froni New York. Kuropean financiers say thare is a balance of f50,000,000 yet against this country. J. B. itothwel), au absconding defaulter who fled f rom New York, is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Cuas.. H. Hinchmanof Philadelpbia, said to be tlie largest stockholder of the Starmont mine, and M. S. Van Btnssaeller of New York, lts secretary, wlth warrants for bis ai rest, are wlth him. Bothwell agrees to return east with theni and prove that the mines owe him. Roger Tichborne, the California claimant, is in San Francisco, and bus three witnesses to prove that he is "Sir Roger." He wlll soon go to l'aris to confer with Father Leiebuan preparatwy to another legal contest for the fainous estáte. Owing to the suicide of the treasurer there has been a hsavy run ou the Provident Savings bank, Jersey City. The bank, ho wever, is said by lts officers to be in good condition. Investigation into the affairs of tho First National Bank, Buff aio, shows a long continued system of embezzleinent. Evaneville, Ind., will be llguted by the Brusb electric light, There will be bíx towers 250 feet high. Judgment bas been filed against the estáte of CorneliuB J. Vanderbilt for f57,480, obtaiued in tbe New York supreine court by Zachariah E. Shninonds, a lottery man. Mrs. Garfleld writes to Senator Sherman a characteristically beautiful acknowledginent of the receipt of the pension granted for her late husband's sake . A fire )n Minneapoiis has just destroyed a block of 7 stores on South Washington Ave. A. Coheu dry goods, Wickland and Benuett & Brown liquore, are among the heaviest losers. The four judges before whom the bill of exceptions in the Guiteau case was argued have failed to agree. The court Is equally divided and ar.nunent will be ordered before five judges. Dr. Joseph D. Barnes, Washington, Acttng Assistaut Surgeoa Unito States Army, a sou of Surgeon-Geueral Joaeph K. Barnes, Unlk'd Btats Army, died suddenly on the 18th, of dropsy of the heart. Ex-Public Priuter Defrees is lyiug dangerously ill in Washington. His physicians say that his death is likely to occur at auy moment. A Den Moioes, Iowa, journaiiat bas sued the Chicago Herald for $26,000 dainages for libel. Ross offers to row Hanlan for f5,000. Hon. O. C. Washburne. ex-member of congress from WisconBin dieá on the 14lh at Eureka Springs, Ark. Immense damage íb reported froui tha receut cyclone In Arkanaas. In Hot Springs and vicinity alone the estímate is f150,000. The railroad track ia washed away for miles and three iron bridges were demolished. It has boen ascertained that certain officials who attendod the Garfield obsequieB and rode on free paesee, have also presented billa for railroad f are. A sail boat undcr Captain Bucklin and two sons on Lake Calumet was capsized on Sunday and all the occupants drowned. Among I the number were John Smitb, foreman o? the car departraent at Pullman and niae of bis men. H. F. Moore and O. F. Pierce, carpenters trom Blisafield, Mich., were among the drownd. Nine Independent Democrats of Georgia have issued a circular urging Alex. Stephens for governor. Bobt. Kilworth of Dayton, O., relurniug trom Eogland, where he liad secured $25,000, died euddenly aboard tho Abyssinia, while at New York quarantine. As James Gordon Bennett's new yacht Namouna was leaviüg the Norfolk, Va., Navy Yard for New York, owing to the stroiift wind and tide she ran lnto a whaif, diaplacing two lilockR of stono from the w)l and causing a leak near the veesel's bow. The yecht being divlded into witertight cninpartments, the accident caused no delay. It is generally undeiatood that the judges are unanimouB in over-raling the exceplions in the tíuiteau case and that thé criminal will hang, June 30. Tlie Schuylkül is on the rampnge and water is over the road to Fairmouth Park, Philadelphia. Acres of wharves and lunaner ïanis on the Delaware lao are uuder WHter. At the Minnesota state uuivernity a student, pursued by a professor, drew a revolver, for effect. The professor promptly drew his revolver and the student was slightly wounded. The slaughter house of a beef canniDg compaay, a little north of the National stock yards in Kast St. Louis, used for the manufactura of the otïall of the concern into fortilizer was liurned on the ltith at a loss of $75,000 largely to insmanoe companies. A ïexan nanied Brossius and a PennsTlvanian named Edmundson are bulletined as heirs to t33,000,0U0, which the Oerman Rovernment holds in trust for luem.


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Ann Arbor Democrat