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COOK HOUSE AND ST. JAMES EH. HUD8ON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnished. Ann Arbór. H. R. HILL A TTORNEY AT LAW, oftloe No. 8, Opera x House Blook. Ann Arbor, Michipran. W. E. DEPEW, vFTÜRNBULL&DKPEW attorney at law, J Boom 8 Opara House Block, Ann Arbor, Mioh. ______ W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jaoobi' OlothLng stora. Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPARY, D AKERY AND CONFEOTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, Vf erohant Tailor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot iVl and ahoe ore, All vrork guaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTORNEY AT LAW. iVoffloe, Moa. Í and 1 HUl's Opera House Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, SÜKOEON DEKTI8T. Room Nd. 19 South Main Street, opposlU the Fint National Bank Ann Arbor, Mioh. THOS DALE, me Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can be een at the shop. Satiafaction guaran teed. ___ ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMtNTS and Gh-avestones, manuf actured f rom '1 nnessee and ltalian Marble and Sootch and American Granite Shop Oor. Detroit and Oatherine sts., Ann Arbor., lfflch. LOUIS ROLAND, DEALIR IN TOBACCO, CIQAKS, t.IGARKTTES, and Smokere Articles oL all kinds. Also manufacturer of Cigars at No. 7 East Huren wreet, lst dooreast of the Express office, Ann Arbor, Mich. stool bntibkly nüw. PATRICK McKERNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real Estáte agent, Money to Loan and Records searohed. Oonveyancingandalllegal documenta drawn on reasonable terms. Office in the courthouae, Anu Arbor. Mioh. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHES, OLOCKS, Spectacles, Plated Ware, Gold Pens and Fine Jewelry. Special attention giren to repairIsg Watches and Jewelry. 48 South Main Street. 4nn Arbor. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, 8IQN, Ornamental and Fresco Paüi ter. Gilding, Oalcimining, Glazing and Paper Hanging. AU work done in the best style and warranted to arive gatisf action. Shop. No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Sucoessor to Stone & Parson, OFFICE AND DJSPENSARY, Corner Huron and Fiftb. Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIO DEPARTMENT, Universlty of Michigan. Residence and office 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklm will attend ourgical cases here, or by consultaron in different parta of the state. SPJNAL GUBVA1UBES AND DEF0RM1TIES OURED by his Improved method. Mr. E. F. Todd Would cal! the attention of her old Pafcrons to the fact that, having removed her Drestmaking Rooms over A. Wüsey's Musio Store, she U preparad to do all kinds of Dressand Cloak makkig in all the latest styles. Perfeot Fits Ouaranteed. Ohlidren'íelothes a specialty. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, ORQANS, SHEET MTJSIC, Instructton Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Sec., cbeap at Wilsey's Music Booms, east side IMblic Square, Ann Arbor, Miohigan. The largegt and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into Washteaaw County. Violln and Guitar Strlngs a peclalty. N. B.- It will bo to your riterest to uil before purohasing anything in the Musio uña. J. R. SAGE'S MÜ8IC STORE is the cheapert place to buv Kanos, Estey Organa, Violins. Guitars. Banlos, Tambourines, Drums, Fifes, Flageolets, Zither. Accordeons, Piano Stools, VioUn Boxes, In8truction Books for all kinds of Instruments, Sheet Mnsic(new), Strings.oest quality, all kinds; MouthOrgan, Bridges, Bows, Keys and Rotin. KTrything in the mutic hne from a ChickerinK Piano to a Jew'a Harp can be f ound at J. R. SAGE'S Mui Store. No. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. KOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY OOTO C. H. MILLEN, (NBUBANCK AGENT, No. 4. South Main Street, aüHK A8BOR. - - MICHIGAN. ï'be oldeet agenoy in the city. Established a a uarter of a century ago. Representing tbefolj jdns flrtt claw compaoles : -lome Imurance Qo. , of N. Y ., Atuets orer 86,000, 000 onünontal In. Co., of N. Y.,Aasetsover $3,000, 000 ii'aiaraFlroIns. Co., N. Y Asetsíl,442,4UO itrírdcíPa.. Asaets over $1,000,000 LioaMg UberallT adjust! ana promptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organizad 1889, under the General Banking Law ef Hita tata) has now, lnduding oapital Stock, etc, te., orait tsoo,ooo assexh. Uuatnens men, GKiardlans Trustee, Ladies and jtherpertona willflnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Haoo at whieh to malte Deposita and do buainew. Interest sAllowed on All Savings Deposits Of 1.00 and upward, aooording to the rule the bank, and interest compounded seml-annu aUy. Money to Loan In Sums of (29 5,000, Seoured by Untocombarad Haal Batato md bar nood eouritle. DIBKUTORS- CirliUan Maok, w. w. VTtoe V. D. Harrtman, WUllam Donble, K A, Bea DmsWI HlMieok aud W. B. Bmltb. OFÏICffiKS- CbriMtan Maok. Freíident; W W Wtaw, VU-PrMltrt ; C. B. Hlioook, 0MMr.


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