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Koch & Halier, the wetl known FUR NITURE DEALERS, bave received the thirdlot of those celebrated WHITNEY BABY CARHIAGES. A western editor, in response to a sub scriber who grumbles that lus moruiuj paper was intolerably damp says ''that ii because there is too much due on it." Answer THia, - Can you find a case o Bnght's Oisease of the Kidneys, Diabe tes, Urinary or Liver Complaint thiit i curable, that Hop Bitters has not or can not cure? Ask your neighbors if the; can. 'Now, Sammy, have you red the stor of Joseph?" '-Oh, yes únele." "Well then, what wrong did they do when they sold their brolhei?" "They sold him too cheap." Bucklin' Árnica Salve.- The bes salve in the worlu tor Cuts, Bruises, Sores Ulcera, Salí Kheum, Fever Sores, 'letter Ohapped iiauds, Chilblains, Uorus, au all kiuds of skin Eruptious. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect salisfaction in every case or the money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale b; Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. But two saloons succeeded in obtüimng the necessary bonds tor the sale of spirit uous and malt liquors at Traverse City. Refined and educated women will some times suffer in silence for years, f rom kio ney diseases, or constipation or pilus which could easily be cured by a pacüage of Kidney-Wort. There is hardly a woman to be found that does not at som time suffer from some of the diseases tor which this great reinedy is a specinc. I u put up in liquid and dry form, equally efficiënt. - Spriiigüeld Union. Piokpockets have put in an appearance at Petoskey and the hotel men are ver; iudignaot at this species of competition. A Gknbbal Stampede.- Never was such a ïush made tor any drug store as i oow at Eberbach & Sons for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discoyeiy for Üou sumptiou, coughs, and colds. All persons afflicted with asthma, bronchitis hoarseness, serere coughs, or any afttction of the throat and lungs, can get a trial boltle of this great rcmedy tree, üi calliun at above drug store. Emerson was the ninth of a line o ministers, counting ancestors on botl sides. The family genealogy ii tracec bick to the beginning of the thirteehlh century. Beware of Frauds.- The original and only genuine "ltough on Rats" is manufaciured by and has the name oi Ephriam S. Wells, Jersey City, H. J ., on each box. He employs no traveling ageuts nor peddlers. Bernbardt's husband is proiiounced a "sorry stick." It is too late for hini to be sorry now, unless he can prove an alibi. "tiouoH on Rats." - The thingdesired fouud at last. Ask druggists for "Rough ou Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, Üies, bed-bugs, 15c. boxes. It is to the gladiators of old that we owe the origin of Roman punch. Skinny Men.- Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility ana weakuess of the generative functious. $1 at druggists. Mich. Depot, JAMES K DAViS & CO., Detroit, Mich. The Itchen Boating Club ought always to provide a scratch crew. Grigg's Glycerine Salvk. - The best on earth can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cura for cuts, bruises, scald, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, letter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guarauloed or money refunded. Ouly 25 eeuta. For sale by Eberbach & Sou. Butter takes rank according to age, and not from length of service, aa is the case with subaltern army officers. Everybody Knows It. - Everybody idows what red clover is. It has been used many j ears by the good old Germán women and pbygicians for the blood, and s known ai the best blood purifier when properljr prepared. Cotnbined with other medicinal herbs and roots, it forms Dr. Fones' Red Clover Tonic, which is good 'or all blood disorders, torpid liver, cosiveness and sick headache. Sure cure for pimples. Ask Eberbach & Son, drug;its, for it. Only fifty cents a bottle. Milwaukee bas, proportionally to its ize, the largest Jewish population of any city in the United States. Nearly all the males there are He-brewers. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain treatment is a never failing curo for nervous ïeuralgia, nervous headache, overworked brain, etc. Sold at Brown & Co"s. drug tore. CITY ITEMS. Horses and mares wanted.- I ,will buy 0 horses and mares for work horses that will weigh from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds ach, and from 5 to 20 years old. Will e at Ann Arbor for the next eight Oays. ;11 at the St. James hotel, or Little Mack's clothing house. J. HYMAN. Lailies wishing Hair goods or Oruaments will find it to their advantage to xamine my stock before looking elsewhere. I have just received an elegant ssortment of Jet and Pearl Ornamenta or the hair that will eicel anything ever efore seen in Ann Arbor. Genuine Whitby Jet Combi, Jet Crowns, Jet, ber. Steel and Gilt Bandeaus and Side Combs and French Hair Pins. I have also a large and f uil assortment of Switches, Broadway Waves, Opera Coquettes, and all the latest styles of Crimps, Frizzes, etc, from which to choose. Switches made to order. Dressing Hair for parlies a Specialty. Give rae a cali and you will be sure to find just wlmt will suit you. MRS. L. N. FITCH. For Sale. - A house and lot on Pack ard street for sale. Good location. Inquire at tbis office. Ladies in need of Dress Gooda ought not to think of buying until tbey huve ex amined Bach & Able's Immense Stock. Soldiers, Attentionl !! Milo B. Stevens & Co., tbc well known War Claim Attorneys, will be represented at Ann Arbor, Friday and Saturday, June 2 and 3, by their special agent. Frank I. Darling. Soldiers and others interested in claims for pension, increase of pension, or other claims, it ishoped will give him a cali. Mr. Darling will be at the office of the county clerk. Bach & Able's Button Stock must be seen to be appreciatcd. Fon Sale. - A house and three acres of land on the corner of North Main and Chubb streets neu the City Mills, known as the Wildt property. There is a good barn and plenty of good water on ihe place ; also an orchard of 50 trees of all kinds of fruit. For particulars inijuire of N. H. Drake or E. G. Wildt, T'he property will be sold at a bartcain. For Sale - Evergreens.- Norway Spruce 4 to 10 feet high. Apply at Cousin's Greenhouse. More than a thousand styles of Fancy Colli) rs to selecl from at Bach & Able's. Koch & Haller hope to sell a large number of baby carriages -their new lot just received. Black Bob- The Imported Stallion will be at the Leonard House barn on Saturday of each week. " For fine Ginghams go to Bach & Able's, where you can flnd more styles lo select from than all the othur stores together. $1,000, $1,500, $2,000 and $2,500 to loan. Uínce over Brown & Co's. drug store. JAMES McMAHON, Attoruey and Solicitor. For Sale. - Two and ooe-half acres of land on Baldwin avenue. Apply to J. B. Davis, box 1310, Aun Arbor. Cha. Miller who has rented the old Diehl property on Detroit street, has reopened the grounds and having puteverything in fine shape, cordially invites the public to cali on him. Persons desiring to play croquet will be welcomed. A pleasant place to pass the afternoon. The Rettich Bros. who purchased their father's interest ia the saloon busineis,are well maintaining the reputation of the place. They have recently received a car load of bottled beer from Milwaukee which finds a ready sale. It i( also highly recommended by physicians for medicinal purposes. Rtruenjlier 1 make wills which cannot be picked to pieces. Koot. Wanted. - A situation by an experienced young man, either as salesman, hotel or shipping clerk. Best of references as to character andjability. Address, Scotchman, box 68, Ann Arbor postofflee. Remember my papers will hold water. Root. Champaign eider at the St. James. Cady's Catarrh Remedy,a sure cure for catarrh, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. Robert Tidswell, calsominer and whitewasher, is open for jobs. All woik will be doue witli prompmess. Wanted. - A good girl can flnd steady employment in the conntry, two and a üalf miles trom this city. She will not be obliged to do the washing. Place easy. For particular luquiie at M. E. Goodrich's, East Ann üt., Ann Arbor, Mich. Itnus pays cash for live chickens. Remember my abetra:t books are.up to date. Root. A. F. Darrow, the 10 cent bus man, takes orders at riolmes' drun store in' tbe Cook house block. Byron Green having regained his health, offers his services as auctioneer. Residence corner of Fourth and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. Remember legal papers made ueatly and correctly. Koot. Important to travelebs. - Special Inducements are offered you by the Bus linoton Route. It will pay you to read their advertisemeut found elsewhere in this issue. ADDISON G. McKEAN, A TTOKNET AND COUNSELOR at Law. OfJry. flce with John F. Lawrenoe, Opera HousO Bloclc, Ann Arbor, Mich. CC in t 0 fi Per day at home. Samples 4)0 IU 4U woi-th$5free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Ít!oÑlymEd!cÍÑEL II IN KIT1IK1! UqCID l)l BÏ FOBH II ■M That Acts at the ame time onT ZmsLivsa, tbsbowslsM n AÏÏD TES SIDÏÏIT8.Z H UWHY ARE WE SICK?i ■ 1 Beccnut tve allow theie grtat organt tomk mdbeeome cloqgtd or torpid, and poitonouiW mhumortare thtrefore forced into the WU UM thouldbt expelled naturally. Q J WILU SURELY CURE i JKIDNEY OISEASES, M W LIVER COMPLAINTS,j ■■PILES, CONSTIPATION, URINART tj n DI8EA8E, FEM ALE U K AK N K88ES, I II AND NKHTOU8 DISOUDEI1S, wÈbycauiingfrtE acíion qf that organt aruU II rtttoring theirpowtr lo throw off diit. ut. U Hhf inlfer Bllioai piini and achtil VI HThjr tormenttd nith Files, ('onitlpation! U mÉ IVhjr frightened orer diiordered Kldney il % H Wh j endure nerron or lek hudachut I ll Un KIDNEY-WOKTand rtjoict in htalth. 7 H It !■ put np In Irj V net nbl Farm, In tin ■■ !■ ciii one pckg of whlch mjOcei lix qu&rtf of H I ■ medicine. Alio ín LJqnld Forra, Trx ■■ U irted, f or thot e t ti at cannot remdil j prepare it. F ■ I rjntacUwlthequalefflclencrineltherform.H M (JET IT OF YOUK DRUOQI8T. PRICE, 1. M M WELL, BICH1BDSOK Co. , Prep'i, M J (Wlll Mnd the dnr poit-paid.) BCBLCioroü, tt. H SUBSCRIBE FOR Be Dnnocntl Seventy-Five Gts. TJn=Lt5X Jan. I, 1883. "he Best Local Paper n the City. ISTOTICE I Fred Ehnis, the well known tailor, who has been engaged in busiess in this city for the pst 15 years, (with the late Jas. Boyd five years,) has gone to work for 'Joseph Berry on State street. Mr. Berry is a first-class cutter. A perfect fit guaranteed every time. Goodyear's New Drug Store The Old Crenville Stand, No. 5 South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Night. MA3TERLY McCORMICK Harveater and Twine Binder. IT SCOOPS THE CHAMPION, BUCKEYE, DEEKING, WOOD, OSBORN, AND ALL WITH WHICH IT C0ME3; IN CONTACT. F. Wagner & Bro., who are agenta for the above machine, have also on hand the flnest line of carriages to be found anywhere. Wagons or carriages made to order. F. WACNER & BRO. Second St. between Washington and Liberty Sts EBERBACH&SON. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS Atfist pricos. STTXIDIEISraS Are cordially invited to examine our stock as . quality and prices. EBERBACH-&SON. pQ9Dp9!ii-' ' bv'ÍévK t'r E ATM E NT ] $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward for anr case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, onstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West 's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes containiner 30 Pilis, 25 cents. ;■ For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by John C, West & Co., "The Pili Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Pree trial package sent by mail prepaid on raceipt of a 3 cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a specific for Hyster'a, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Dapression, Loss of Memory Spermatorrhcea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Oíd Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which Iead9 to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each boz contains one month's treatmnnt. One dellar a box or six boxea for flve dollars: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received br us for ii boxes, accompanied wlih flve dollar, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mich John C. West & Co., sole proprietors, 181 and 188 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. PRINCIPAUUINE "fSjjThc SHOKTEST, QU1CKEST and And allsJoJ-jjBEST Une to St. Joseph, poluta la IowaJvAtcüIon.Topel[a,DenlNebraska,Mlssourl, Kan-JCgSjion, Dalí, Galaaa, New Mexico, Arlzona, MuiaïjSj(veiton, tana and Texas. _J?5 O III CAGO "NrHaRoutehaTnoauperlorfürAlbcrl TT . TíL! kJ-ea MlDDeapolls and St. Paul. ly conceded to ÍQÍ!s_ i„.„' ,h(, (;., be the best equipped-Öf hrouahCar Rttllroad In the World f or 3 i „i all classes of travel. "4fJ"L KANSAS CITY . . AU connectloni madcVT jr X-yíV lo Union ívX 4V Depou. SZS&X Through VIrfX.vXyV'' Tl7lt Ticket vla thlïSnr )C V ïnd you wl" Celebrated Line foOS fln( travellng a sale at all oíBcea liyTxOíV luxury, (astead the U. S. ""íVOyS. of dlCanada. sZySyr AllSSJKJv comfort. VTVlnformatlonVfioVw VtV'' about Rates of vLOVy. S jS YwK' sleePln CnSffXf v T ttc. cheerfully glvep ty xT T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Sa Vlet Pres'l t Oen'l Kanager, Oen. Pau. Agt., Chicago, 111. Chicago. 111. Estáte of Leonard Vaughn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. At a session of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the Sth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Leonard Vaughn deceased. Leonard B Vaughn.the administrator of said estate. comes into court and representa that he is nowprepared to render hisflnal account as such administrator. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 5th day of June next at ten o'elock )n the forenoon be assigned for examining and allnwing such account and that the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not beallowed: And itisfurther ordered that said administratrix give notice to the persons interested ip said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat. a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, two auccessive weeks prerious to said dar of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wiluam Q . Dott, Probate Register.


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Ann Arbor Democrat