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The Biddle House, Detroit, is to be opened the first oí Jone oo a reported five yearsj lease. The UDBkegon strike, It Is thought, is nearJy at au end. Several milis are running eieren hours. The barn oí Wright Sc, Knowlton, Saginaw City, bnrned L'uesday night with six horses. Loss $1,000. Four deaths trom small pox are reported in Ëast Saginaw. James D. Parrent, oharged with kUliugWm. Miobie near Pinconning last Marcb, has been sonvicted la Bar City oourta oí murdei In the ret degrree. The steamship Oaoko is making the trip oí the. lates with 100,000 bushels ot coro, the largest cargo ever carried by one ot the lake r ■ George Moore, trom Hamllton, Ont. shot hlmself in the head, ia the presenc ol a larg ■amber oí people on Fort etreet, Detroit. It is not kaown whether the wound is fatal. No doe to the reason why. The State homeopathie society at lts annual sesaion in Grand Bapids adjourued to meet iu Lansiug next year. Ten milis ara running now at Muskegon aad it Is predicted that tbe boom men will coine to au uudeiatandlng wlth their employen. It ii aid that the Importefs' Tea company, which reeently began business in Detroit, will be prosecuted onder the state law againat lotteriee. A fire at NeUon's ïtation In Moalcalm Co, dld oonsiderable damage on the 19tb. Sterling Fianz, head sawyer in the Qrand Haven Ijumber Oompany's shingle mili, was killed on the 18th. A slab struck him on the back and f alling on the carriage the saw pasBed through his head cuttiog oft two inches. He llved twenty minutes after the accident. He leaves a wlfe and three children. The bill lor the new public balliiing.Detroit, bas passed the senate and only await the Preident's slgnature to become a law. Enooh Nelson, a keeper at McBrlde'i, was convicted onThursday of selUng liquoron Sunday and fiaed f50 and costs and septenced toeixty days In tb. oounty jai!. Fires are burning in the woods near üalka ka, in East Bay township, Grand Traverse Co the buildings of A. O. Hoxie, consistine o house, barn, two hay sheds and other outbuild ingt, with most of the contente, were entirel destroyed. The Grand Baplde Electric Light & Powe Coinpany have placed six electric lamps, o 4,000 candle power each, In the flre bell tower at an experiment. Stephen Warren'a shingle mili 6lght mileB north ol Lapeer, was burned wilh 160,009 tiDgles belonging to W. W. Crapo, of Flint, and 70,000 by Kobt King, of Lapeer. Toe Iobb on the mili is f rom $10,000 to 12,000, wlth no insuranoe. Mecorta U hopef ui of securing a branch railroad to Ëverett and Cadillac, and to secure the reraoval of the county seat trom Big Baplds, thla being nearer the geographical center of the ooanty. öronnds have been approprlated for the ereotlon of the county buildings. Fred Merritt, an employé in the wood pulp mlll at Nlles, was caugtit by one ol the belts and wnirled around a shaft inaldug 180 revolutionsamlante. He was terribly inangled and lived bat a few hours af ter. The jury In the case of 8. A. D. Byoraft of Ann Atbor, rendered a verdict of gullty of rbsault wtth intent to kUi, and reoommended lüin to the mercy of the court. Beech Broa, foundry and agricultaral lmpleinent establishment and A. Q. Haggart'a blacksmith eliop and wagon and paint shops at Grand Ledge tramed at a loss of abeut $10,000 wlth no insurance. Jane Mills, wlfe of B. P. Mills living near Olive?, was fatally gored by acow and pardal, ly disembowled, She was alone, her husband and two ons belDg In Dakota locating a farm. Masette of Newaygo, convlcted of rape has been sentenced tu twenty-five years iuiprlsonment by Jadge Fuller. In a colllslon of Pinkerton's men and the Mnskegon suikers, seven strikers were quite hadiy Draised. Eelnforcements have arrived and Pinkerton now nuinbers 80 men fully armedandequipped. The boom-men for the employés have been reinforced by 110 men trom Montreal all began work Monday mornundtir protectlon of the Pinkertons. The rowdles threaten to clean ont the detective foroe. A fire at Wymans station on the D. L. fe N. B. K., resulted in f ltO.000 loss. Tbe heaviest loss Is in lamber and sbingles belonging to Messrs. Wj man and Avery. The railroad Iobb1lSflatcars. Near",000,000 f eet of lumber barned. Ten f am " Vb U)st thelr homes . The Congregatio " propose to epend f 28,500 ín state missiun work In Michigan next year. The Mnskegon booms closed for nearly two months are in f uil blut, the men being protected by the PinkerLon foroe. Large numbtrs of strike bave Joined the working torce, otners desire to do so but are deteired throngh fear, as the persistent strikers are !oud in thieats. Dr. Jas. A. Brown, a well and favorably known physician of Detroit, was buried on Taesday. The President has nominated J. W. Stone of Graad Rapids for ü. S. altumey of the westera district. Un. ChiiBtiano8 irrítatlng conduct at hom and htr bad behavlor abroad are set lorth iu the depositloiiï ot the ex-mlnister's aons,Georg and Víctor. OommisBiOQer Charles Flowers o Detroit has torwarded tiie deposltions. The (irand Bapldi Saenger Hall burued on Sonday. Powers' opera house, the Leade newspaper office and the Michigan Staat Ztitung, narro wly esoaped destniction. Mre. Zenüa Spragne, Kalamazoo, wife of the late Win. B. Spragne, member of congress Ín 1860, Indian aicent, died on Monday after fiye dajs oí severe Ulneea. She was the mother of Mrs. M. D. Woodford of xoo and Mrs. Minor Parlsh of Jackson. Her bod, Lieut. Chas. W Spragae, was agallant officer in the calvary during tbe last war. Mis. Fanny M. Coado, aged 85 yeare, mother of Mr. Fancher of Homer, Mis. H. M. Dean of Mies and the Hon. L. T.Coannof Albion, N Y., was boiled on Monday. Her brother-in law, Kv. Sr. TltuB Coann, is known the Christian world over for ais wonderful inissionarj- work la the Sandwich Islands, and one of her 8OD8 was Bev. Dr. Geo. W. Coann wbo recently died at Wooster, Ohio, and who for thlrty years was niiseiouary In Pereia. Five cases of amall-pox are reported In one familyin Battle Greek: N. E. Townsend and wife, and H. Halliday, wife and child. Many ace reported as beiaft expoeed. At the annaal session In Kalamazoo oX the W. 0. T. IT. of Michigan Slrs. Mary T. Lathrop presided. Some 200 delegates are pres ent. Harshall has settled with Mn. M. McHoti for % 1,400 damages ewing to bad street crossIngs. f Ï3B. JÊ The fine resldenoe of E. E. Bostwlck near Dnion City wa destroyed by fire on the 25d . Chas. H. Fonda, the Constantino defaultlDg cashler, bas been sentenced to five years In the Detroit house of correction. John McArthur, Kast Saginaw, is missing, with fears tbat all is not rlght. Preteeating Attorney DeLong, at Muskegon, feeling tliat he has lost his grip, resigas, and tbe strike may be considered virtualiy ended. Bobbers are numerous in Battle Craek. An attempt wbb made upon the safe of L. B. Clapp lumber dealer, on the nlght of the 23d. The af was badly tiruised and the door wrenchcd but the thievsB were probably frightened away before secnring any booty. The body of Urs. Eva Hampbrey, of Adrián, has been found near wheie she wai drowned In Maumee river, Toledo. Mr. Wm. E. Qalmby, editor oí the Detroit Free Pless, leaves on the 24th for an extended trip abroad. In view of the fact, asisoclate edltors and friends tendered him a banquet at the Brunswick on Tuesday evening.


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