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No posltlve informaütn regarding the tden ti'y of the CavendishBurke aesassins has been obtaiued so far, bat the $ 5,000 reward muy irlng revelations in the near future. The case oí the inuulcipallty of Marseilles against the ex-Kuipress Eugenia to recover posscssion of the chateau presented to the emperor by the city, has been decided in favor of the ex-emprees. Liut. Danenhower, Mr. Newcomb, naturalst, Jack Cole, the ineane seaman, and Long Sing, survivore of the Jeannette arctic expedition, arrived in England on the 17th íd good healtb. They leave for New York on the 18th A reception waa tendered tuem in Liverpool. Garfioid liouso, a home for worklng giils, has een opened in Loniion with an eloquent Idrets bf Miuister Lowell. Ia the house of commons, May 19, debate on ie repression blll was resnmed. Mr, Gladone denied that toe bill was the outeoino of nglish reaen ment K wrs not foundbd on he Phosnix park disaster, out was contemplated long before the ocoarrence. He desired it assed unaltered in iti nrnia Unes. Mr. Faraell so spoke. Hls remarks were moet moderate. The steamship Wisconsin, whicli arrived at iew ïork on the 17th iaat., sailed from aeenstovrn at 8 o'clock Sunday morning,Jiay . All the passengere, including Turner, who was taken ioto custodj t New York, reported t the compaiiy's office the previous evening, lence it was impoesible for the ausassins to ïave been on board. The damage done by the Jewish movement in Russia, including houses, breadstuffs and other property destroyed andmoney taken away by emigration of Jews, amounts to 110,000,000. The steamship Scotland has arrived in Montreal after a voyage of thirty da8 from London. She was bemmed in for nine days by ice and only got through by the passengers and crew cutting an opening. All on board were on a short allowance of food everal days. Xho coronaílon of the Czar Is deferred for a year. Several prominent officials in other countries have been warned not to altend. Seventy leading persons In Moscowhave addressed a memorial to the Minister of Finance setting toith the disastrous consequences of expelling the Jowa frora Moscow. Bismarck is stlll an invalid, but is determiaed to attend the second readiui? of the Tobacco Monopoly blll In the Belchstaff, f he has to be carried to the House. The five menatteraatoK to desüoy the bridge on the Mexican NatSl rallroad Friday, were caugbt on Monday by the Governorand immedlately shot, iJews are continuing to leave Russia by the thoufands. The Jtannette survivors return to America iramediately and decline entertainment by the Boyal Geographical Society, London. The Ohamber of DepntieB, France, express confldence In León Say.and he wlü remain ín office. The Russlan prees bas been ordered not to publlsb repons of Jewish massaores. Six steamers are approachlng Montreal with 5,000 Immigrante. Advices state that every shlp tliia season will be er owded.


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Ann Arbor Democrat