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Additional local on seeond page. liontecou Juue 11. Council meeting next Monday evening. Market prices lor botter 15 cis; egs, 12 cents. "Doe" Benbam look in the Toledo rftcee. Stofflet & Adams vvill bood boom their bazar. F. K. Winegar is visiting friends iu Howell. Water, and pleúty uf ft iu the postoffice cellar. A. J. -Muiu-ihuul is in business at Salem Station. Considerable bail feil early yesterday morsing. Tbe circuit court wül convene next Monday. L. Roland wül leave in :i Few daya for Colorado. The pioneer, society will meet in Ypsi lanti to-day. ,T. II. Nickles is buildings new store on State .sïreet. A. D. Besiiner is sbout openlug a sa loon iu Detroit. Dr. A. W. Chase of Toledo, O., was iu tbe ciiy Monday. Durand, Hatch& Co., were burnt out in Chelsea, Tuealay. Tnesday being a legul hohday some oí tlie stores were closed. Meeting of the state pioneer society in Laaaing wednesday. Dr. De Tarr, son-in law of J. II. Hicks, left for lowa yesterday. Mrs. 1'. Winegar sprained her ankle Tuesday and is laid ap. Frank M. Green died Thursd ly of consumption in his 2t)tk year. J. B. Allen, late of Devils Luke, has gone into the feuce business. Tüe Walker Bros. now employ :T hands, and are' looking for more. There will lie a temperance meeting al the Loüi town house next Suuday. The final account of the estáte "of Patrick Sull'van will be heard June 18. Geo. II. Leslie, of Webster, died Tuesday of consumption in his 21st year. Edward Foley of New York city has takeu up his residence in this place. M. M. tin-en and J. A. Polhemus purc-hased the livciy stock of P. Irwin. Severil wagon touda of new furniture was put inlo llie St. James Tuesday. The camp meeting opened yesterday and iu a day or so wiil be in full blast. The monthly meeting of the pomological society Will be held Saturday neüt. In order to complete our files we would lik:; a copy of The Demockat of May 4. Moses Taylor of N. Y., the mau who held the mortgaga on Ypsilanli, is dead. Byron Green and family left Wednesday for Saratoga ani other potnM iii N. Y. Miss Maggio Dawson and Miss Carrie Smith, of Dexter, were in ilie city Tuesday. Mrs. Philip Bluin of Locii, died Monday of general debility. Funeral ycsterday. The district loeide of Good Templara have been in session in thia city for two days. Joseph llenderson wasarrested Monday for an alleged assault and batter}' ou üis wife. A. F. Darrow lias taken the job of carrying the mail between heie and Hamburg. I am no item the way a youníj lady stated the question the flrst of the week. Geo. Osius & Co., have received f rom Germany, the albums for the senior class. Alisa líate Muir, clerk for J. B. Sage, went to Dexter Saturday to visit her fnends. Gov. St John, of Kansas, is expected to talk for the reform club sume time this month. Prof. Putman addressed the Ypsilansi reform club Sunday. He is au able speaker. Miss Emily Parmer, teacher ín the Dexter school, was looking over the city Tuesday. The case of the peoplc against Joseph Henderson ha.s been continued until iiext Wednesday. Many old pioneeis are in Ypsilanti today attending the quarterly meeting of 1 lie society. John W. Cousins, aged eight years, one raontli and thirteen days, died Sunday, of bruin fever. Miss Mains has been deiivering interesting in the Germau Methodist church. Frank Smilh and Tlios. Lynch were defeated in a boat race Thursday by W. A. B. Treadway. Regent Blair addressed a large number of citi.ens in Chelsea Tuesday - it beiug decoration day. Geo. Jacobus is building a house for S. D. Allen on the corner of Monroe and Ingalls streets. Geo. ,T. Nisslej', the live editor of the Observer, was the guest; of Citas. Woodward Tuêsday. Jas. Treadvvell bid m the First National bank for the stockhulders. The price paid was $18,950. Mrs. W. K. Jones, wife of Prof. C. M. Jones die 1 Mondiy. Slie was f'orraerly f rom Ithica, N. V. E. Packaid and wife of lirooklyn, N. Y. , are iu the city. Mr. P. is the owner of the Cook house. F. & A. Sorg, painters, are ïmiterially improvino; the appearance of Mrs. K. Cummings' residence. Miss Lillran Parinely leaves for California to-day. For soiue years she was a resident of Bay City. A. M. Doly, the shoe dealer, sold yesterday 47ö boxea to the Hangsterfer coni'ectionery company. The picnic at the park Monday was well patronized. It wouud up with a big dance in the evening. There is how every prospect of an im mense yield of wfaeat, at least a third greater than last year. August Frank for several months a resident of thi city, hos gone to Detroit to work for Schulenburg. A. Hiñes has opened a paint shop in the place formerly Occupittd by E. C. Freer, on Huron street. Jno. Wcimer's horse ran awav Monday, The band frightened him, and the carriage was a complete wreek. Mr. Sumner, a student in the univer sity, will address the citizens of Hamburg uext Sunday on temperance. V. lï. Manly bas hls office witk Stephen Fftirchild, secretary of tlie Washtenaw mutual Insurance company. Mib. Rachael Haight of the tow of Mars, Oceana COUnty, died in the t;ith vrard Thursday at the age of 4li years. E. Kl)erl)iich's horse ran away Tucsly morniag. Tlie thills of the wagon wtra broken and the harness torn to pieces. Rey. Wyllys Hall is in Detroit, making arrangemeuts for the Ej)iscopal diocese couvention, to be held here next week. Mis. W. K. Gibson, of Kansas City, Mo. . and a daughter of the late Hev. Mr. Noilh, has beeu in the city several days. Patrick Martia Las given $25 toward the reward for Luutiug down the murderersof Lord Cavendisb and under scretary Burke. Mrs. F. N. Ilooker occupied a portion of the building which burued Monday iu Chelsea. Slie saved her stock of millinei-y goods. Douglas Beaban was arrcstcii here Thursday and taken to Dextcr charged with au assault on Tlios. f'resley. Beauau is in jail agaiu. Wm. II. Mclntyre was the auctioneei who sold out the Fiist Natioual bank, and Dot Dunald Mclutyre, as the Daily stated last week. A. D. JMcKean & I. N. Payue have opened a law office in Detroit. They are promisina; joung men aud will no doubt succeed as atlorneys. The Toledo road continúes to obstruct the streets, It is done out of pure Uevilu. The pólice can buiig Uic coinpauy tu tiuie if they see fit. T. C Clayton has oloaed his State St. postoflice alter squanciering f150. J. A. Brown.will hüwever.nin just the same ou tne olher siile of the building. Miss Mftggie Dignan left for Solirohaeliia, Arkaiisas, lo reside. Her brotlier, T. A. Dignan, has a plantation there of several hundred acres. A niissionary froin China willjspeakin university hall Sunday afternoou at 3 o'clock. There will be no teuiperance meeting in Uie Uuitariau church. Mr. Wm. F. Nanry, of Superior, anJ Misa Minuie Clancy of Northfield, were marriid Wdaesday ly tlie ]lev. Fr. Van WatersbooL 'l'lie preeuU were mauy and beautiful. J. A.. Polhemus has a new back, the fluest ever brouglit to tbe city. Jas. (Junmugbam, Sou & Co., tbe manufacturero say it is the finest carriage of the kind ever turned out. lliubard Ingalls of Naubinway.JMacinac couuty, has been in the city somo daj s with bis sou for treatment. Tbe homeopathie r'acuüy thiuk they eau cure the little sufïerer. A. O. Bliss sold ilie livery stock of P. Irwia at auelion Friday and Saturday. Mr. B. is oue of the best auetioueers in the county, haviug been engaged iu tuis business tor 3i) years. Harvey Banister, the niason, hus lixed the front of Terry'shat and cap store. It looks 100 per cent better. People wonder why the adjaccnt ovvners don't have the frouts of their business places fixed. We notice a show card, advertising 'rough on rats' in C. E. Holmes' rindow, which attracts a great deal of alten tiou. The picture in itself is veiy amusiug, and and is a good resemblance of bousebold troubles. Wm. Clancy did the right thing iu tearing up a side track that the Toledo railroad company put down on his land. Perhaps the Ashleys will learn in due time that citizsns have rights which they are bound to respect. Dexter Leader: A very pleasaut ride aboul Ann Albor the otherday, preseuted to UB the general thrift r.nd improvement of the city. We were surprised at the number ol residencesin process of erec tion. Flouses for rent are scarcely to be found. The Demockat is under obligations to the Al. C. K. R., for a book entitled "Anieiica and her natural advantages and attractions." Itcontainsa full deseription of Macinac Island and its attraction for tourists. Direct connections by thia well known railroad. Foüowing are the officers of the First 'National bank which noes into effect to iay: President, P. Baoh; vice-president C. II. Kichmoud; directors, Messrs. Bacli, Kichmond.J. M. Wheeler,Wm. McCreery, Jas. Clements, J. A. Scott, Henry Cornweli, A. Felch; J. W. Kniglit, cashier. Some years ago Tlios. Dualap of Soutli Lyon cailed at Hulzel's and made a purchase of $5 worth of articles. He did not come to the city for over six years to pay the account, and when he dropped iu Saturday Herman Hutzel didn't recognize him. But he paid over the raoney just the same, although the account was outlawed". The re-uuion of the army of the Potorxiac wiü occur in Detroit, June 14 and 15. Gen. Grant wlll be there. A great time is expected. Many persons are going down from this place. Company A will compete for the prize. The drill and sham battle will come off on Thursday, June 15. Commercial: Mr. Samuel Linden and Wlfe from Plymouth were driving over he railroad bridge Wednesday, when the iorse took fright and ran away. Mrs. Linden was quite seriously hurt, her shoulder being dislocated. Mt. Linden was badiy shaken up. Mr. L. is the great cattle dealer of Wayne county. The following persons wou prizes at the Sohutzerbund match Alonday. Fred Schmid, water service; J. F. Schub, watch ; Z . l'. King, gold headed caue ; Autou Eisele, barrel of flour; supervisor Irapf, 3; Juo. Walz, Chief of pólice Sowlaud, Fred Bross and Jno. Armjrubter also were suecessful competitors. Kcv. John L. Nevius of Chefoo, China, will dehver au addrcss ou ''Missions," in iniversity hall uext Sunday afternoon at hree o'clock, under the auspiees of the Hudents Christian association. Dr. S"evius has been eonnected with tnissioury work iu Chiua lor nearly a quarter of d century, aud is reported to be a very )leasing speaker. As our reporter was walking up Huron street, he dropped intoJC. E. Holmes' drug store, where is, attention was called to he beautiful display of bulk perfumes, which comprises over 50 different odors of imported and American manufactures. Any lover of these goods cannot fail to iiul juet what will suit as to quality and ricee, at the above namcd store. For the past six months the commitncuts at the jall nuin jercd 385, as follows: Jrunk and disorderly, 29; trespass, 1; va rrancy, 68;druuk, 154; iusane, 5; assault ind battery, G; larceny, 4; petit lareeuy, o; slrayedl; tramp, 2 ; cripple, 3; sick, 1; ntent to ïnurder, 2; defaull of bail, 1; mrglary, 1 ; f'ujse pretence, 1 ; assault aud ntent lo shoot, 1;. graad igrceny, 1; sus )icion, 1. Enterprise: Dr. Kapp and Wm. Keh'uss havu let tbu contract for doing the nason work on their block to Lucas & 1'essnier of Ann Arbor, and the contract 'or the carpenter work to the Clark Bros., of this viliage. They have the cellar ïenrly dug and will begin laying the 'oundation as soon aspossible. They expect to have; block nV.shed by the lst of August. Dr. Gates, of Chelsei, purchased last week a pair of blooded mares live aud six reara of age, fröm i. D. Grand & Co., of foronto, Canada. The mares were sired by the well known imponed pure Clydesdale stilliou, nighland Chief, one of the flnest stock horses ever brought to this country. Jiighland Chief was purchased in ücoüand and imported to this country at great cost by the Hou. U. I. Douglas, one of our most noted horse meu. Thé Dames of the mares are respectiuely British Splendout and VoungLion, both brcd from imported stock. Frank Le=lie's Popular Moulhlv. The Juui; number is, as usual, noticeable for the atnount, variety and excellence of Ihe rcadiug matter and illustrations. The opening article, by Archibald Forbes, the famouë war correspondent, "The Melodramatic Aspects of the Franco-German War,'' v:ith its fourteeu illustrations, is a very able paper, and abounds with iuterestingfacts. "Remimscences of Service Amongthe Comanches," by an old army offleer. The serial, "The Letter 'S'; or, TUe Jcjcelyu Sin," is coutiaucd. Thcre are also many cnarming short stories. Chnstian Francis Kapp, who carne to lilis place in 1ÍJU6 una located in Northlield township rn 18;jy, died Suuday. He tvai born ïu -Germauy, Kingdoiu of Wurt(!iiiburj{.iiuJ ' agcd 76 yeare, 2 montha and 1 day. Mr. Kapp wat twicc marricd, and tic le uves u wife aud severa! children to miiiini his dcatli. Ur. Kapp, mayor of tbia city; Dr. Kapp, of Manchester; Mrs. David Steffey.Aun Arbor town; Mrs. Michael Browu. Ann Arbor town; Mrs. Geo. Maulbach, and Mis Sarah O. Kapp, of tiorthlield. A post mortciu exaiuination was held buuday and bis death was fouud to have been. occaaioncd by cáncer of the stomach . In politics Mr. K. was an uncompmmisinjj democrat. Dexter Sun: Fair play's a jewel ! We don't mimi a fair, stand up right, or an open htigation, but we abomínate a secret devilish piece of work. üeo. Goss claims tbat in the midnight hours of Weduesday last sume villaiuoua person or persous so .ved amougst his growiug crop of corn a lot of foul stuff, witli intent to damage the said crop, aud 1 he aud threejothers noticed the geeds lying urouud Thursday moruinL. We have heard Una was au eastorn custom of revenjfing oneself on an euemy, aud we kuow the devil 13 represeuted iu the Scriptures us sowing tarea amousst the wheat, but we did not suppose we had nuch devils round Dexter to deal iu such secret, cowardly midnight business. We siocercly hope they will be brought to justice. Rice is becoming a inucli more popular article of food thau heretofore. lt is fre(jueully substituted tor potatoes at the bief meal of the day, being more uutiitious aud much mure readily di'ested. At its present cost, it ia relatively cheaper than potatoes, oatmeal or grain-grits of auy kiud. In preparing it only just enough cold wuter should be pourea ou to prevent the rice from burniug at the bottoru of the pot, which should have a close-titting cover, and witu a moderate üre the rice is steamed rather than boiled, uutil it is nearly done; then the cover is taken off, the surplus steam and moisture allowed to escape, aud the rice turns out a mass of snow-white kernels, each separate from the other, and as much superior to the usual soggy iuass, as a fiue mealy potato is superior to the water soaked artiole. Hon. Edgar Bogardu, of Ypsilanti, died Saturday. Ho attended the district schools, receiriug an ordiuary educatiou. After leaving school, he went to New York city, where lie entered a store ia the capacilyof elerk, reinaiuing in thii positiou uutil 1830, wheu he went lo the coal rcgiousof l'cnnsylvauia and engaged in the mercantile business, tieven years later, he removed to Illinois, where he entcaged ia coustructing a railroad, and aliso took contracta for building milis, lie had accumulute 1 considerable property in the mcantimc, but, iu 1843, it was consuuied by fire, leaviug him uearly destitute. In 1846 he was eleeted juilge of probate, and soon after received a cominission as Captain iu the 14th lufautry, uuder Geueral 8cott. While James K. Polk was president, Mr. Bogardus was very active iu the Wexican war; he took part in the battles of Contreras, Molina del Rey, and Chapultepec, m which he was disablcd. After his return trom Mexico, he went to California, where he engaged in the mining business on a very extensive scale, and Uno kept u tradingpost. In 1854 he was elected to the leeislature for KI Dorado county, Californii, reuiaiuiug iu office oueyear. In 1856 he was elected sherifE for the ame couuty, aud occupied the position two years. II was oue of the few who started the telegraph across the mouutains to Salt Lake City. Mr. Bogardu had been connected with the Masonic Fraternity erer since he attained his majority, and was an active worker in helping lo build up lodges; Ue held many important offices in that society, among which wai that of Senior Grand Warden. He returned from California in 1859,and loon after went to Europe. where hc remained iix months. In 1859 he camo to Ypsilanti, where he had, pievlous to thi, edablished a banking business. Mr. Bogardm was reared in the Episcopalian faiih He was a staunch democmt.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat