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Reporto f rom the cold wave la "" 1 ereatlyexaggerated, eay the citizena of Bbmarck the mercar reachin the f reezing poin wh ch i tL coldest ia thehistoryof the S -gul Se records .t thl. polnttor thto time of he 7Z tt íb warm again now, and growing Xat te looking fine. The froet did no damage S tU to lew well advanced gardenB. The Senate hasfotert an %PpropriaUon of $1 6,000,000 f or pension deficiency. Hosb reached the bi8heBt_price on record t Chicago on Wednesiay-f 8.Ö0 per nuau. We weight A "national dtotUton' and llquor deateia. Jociation" was tormed thls week in Cbicago, roBeavowedoW8CtiBSottoflghttemperance buttooppose ptohibition as an lnterference wVth pernal liberty. Belegates were presen from ten states, Üicliigan included. EUen M. Colton, San Francisco, has brougut BuitagainBUStanfordWanUDgton, crocker et ai for some 1,722,713, alleging proper valuation was notallowedintranBler of certaiQ stocks andbonds. The Providence Tool Company wUl continue business nader trustees. The property is S Tat öwr 12,000,000 wllh Habilita, about híe Habilita ot B. Porter Lee, Resident of thedefunct First National Bank, Búllalo are $600,000; assete, f46,900. An unprecedented snow storm occurredat Balsam Mountein, orth CaroUna on the h The thermometer lor a time stood at 88 degiew The bill wtaUnu to the Japanese indemmty fund bas passed the House. Jobni-Prince, in Boston, has,thing in bicycling, ridinK 50 mües 8 br. .12 m. 38 b. The first 23 luileB were .uu, 19 min. and 3 b. Last Sunday night Rev. Bobort Collier, New York, noticed P. T. Barnum in the congregatTon. Öe sald: I see P. T. Barmim rittag S back pew ol thia churob, and I umte hm o Z fJrwu aud toke a Beat in my lamí y pew Mr. Barnnm always gives ine a good eat fn We circus, and I want to gWe him m good a one in my church." .„ wint. finmnans'semelling worka, vul Va e bu-d at 'over W00 loss The workaweretbelargestintheworld and will pTanïLbelngmadein Missouri to break np the James organizalion. The "hereabouts of Frank James are known and he is reported to beTrying to make terms in his own interest and avold arrest. The Union pulp and paper campany's propertyatHaverhUl, Mass., has been purchased byMassachuettsnndNew Hampshire capitalists for 250,000 and will be operated as the HaverulU ñbre company. wa non fire is reported at Tombstone Arizona. TU principal hotels, two uews papers, telegraph office, etc. were consumed. EhrUtprisonersescaped from the =atiopal pri.onatTaUleqnahInd.Ter., by tunneling "ÍpÍÍntetive Errett oí Pennsylvania while aUghüng f rom hls oarriage was thrown agams the granite steps, by the horsen start'.nR. He recelved palnlul brutees. Itwasfeared the bones of the none were broken. A 6re in the Toledo, O., Griffith Portable Cot manulactory, employlng 100 men, caueed at swn.OOO lose, with slight Insurance. Au accident on an IUinols Central f reigat near Mackenda, wrecked five carn; Four cars of grain and a meat car were burned. A f 20,000 fire is reported trom the corner of Washington and Wabasa Ave., Chicago: Reinbach&Oo. The New York Herald haB ou hand a libel guit brought by Senator McPherson of New Jersey, with damages laid at the round sum of $100,000. Seven busintss buildings, including the FarmerB' Bank, Sterling, Kansas, burned. Inthesuitolthe state againt Ex-Secretary Newton, Ark., and hissureües for 48.000 the defendants win, Newton being oharged with only technical liability. At a meeting of the Free Trade League, New York, Baecher in speaking to a toast said Congress had the "ïunctions of a cat and ehould see that the rats do not eat up the grain the larmer raises." A coal oU explosión in a grocery at Falls of, Bohuylkill seriously burned nine persons, 20. others belng more or less hurt. Catharine Chase Sprague has secured a dic frrnn Wm. Snrairae. eivine Mrs. Sprague the castody ol her three daughters, permltting her to resnme her maiden name, wlth leave hornatter to apply for alimony, il she choo3iB. The Laclede Rolling mili, 9t. Lonis, Ib threatened with a strike, and will shut down. The mUl employs 600 men, and its payroll is $82,000 per month. Edw. ShieffeUD, an Arizona prospector, with a paity of flve men, has fitted a steamer, etc. to accouimodate the party in a three years expedition in Alaska. Bhieflelin helieves Alaska is withln the mineral belt which extends through South America, Mexico, etc. A dteturbance occuired between (Jeorge Matthews and Jame Ford of Lebanon, Mo. The Matthews boys started homeward in company with Marión Wilaon and Homer Sharp. They were fired into by some parties Ín ambusb. Both oí the Matthews boys were instantly killed, and Wilson and Sharp both wounded, tUe former serlously. The Matthewa boys were aged 30 and 18. Eli Gharkey, wlle and hired man ot LaGrange Mo., when retuminfj home Irom market, were overtaken by a storm. A tree was blo wn down, instantly killing Mrs. Gharkey and the hired man, demolishine the wagon, and wonndins uerlously Mr. Qharkey. Wulle out fishing In Lake Spoflord, Chesterfield, N. H., George L. Conley, a well known basso, and Herman Eietzel, pianist of the Clara Louise Kellogg concert company, were drownedi Portland, Oregon, has suflered a f76,000 fire which cleaned out entirely one business block. The St. Louis Globe Demoerathaspurchased a new doublé Hoe Perfecting Press, which inserta and paste3 a supplement of two or four pages nnd dellvera complete papera oí elthtr ten or twelve folios at the rate of 24,000 copies per honr. A Dunkard meeting house in procesa of erectiou at MasteraonvlUe, Pa., feil, burjing about a dozen peraons In the rulns. Two wealtby farmers were killed and a dozen others injured. Lieut. üanenhower and bis companiona of the Jeannettee crew reached New York Sunday morning. PhyBicians report the sight of one of Danenhower's eyes entirely gone. The investigaron iuto the bonded spirits bijl is in progresa. George C. Milu, the Chicago liberal minister, bas formed on alliance with Co!. John L. Burleigh, and the two will appear in tragic roles upon the stage. In the Minnesota Unlversity hazlng trouble, President Folwell was discbarged, but Prot Plke wlll anawer to tho charge of carrying a deadly weapon. Prof. Moore was fined $25 f or assault and battery. Three hundred and seventy-eight Mormons arrivedin New York Monda? and started lor the west at once. ' Mrs. tierger, sister oí the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, wlll.contest bis will. { W. W. Cotcorau of Washington hae been seriouslyill of pneumonía, but is now recovering. The Apaches are on the war path in New Mexico. ftreenback stite con?tnüons were held In Maine and New Jersey on Thursday. Yang Wing making an eff ort to induce the Chinese government to send back the recalled I students to American colleges. The Pond liquor tax law has been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of Ohio. on the gi-ound that it is in effect a license which Is prohibited expressly by the state constitution. The Wyoming Valley Hotel at Wllkesbarre, Pa., has jast barned at a lossof -f100,000. Prof. W. B. BogerB, the venerable ex president ot the MaesachusettB Institute of Technology, dropped dad Tuesday addressing the graduallng class. „___


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