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May 24.- In the senate Mr. Logan reported ' avorably and aaked immediate consldeiation ' Í the House joint resolution appropriating 116,000,000 to supply the deficlency in the I iropiiatton lor aimy pensions for the current ' iscal year. Passod. Under the order for the calendar the eenate, yeaa 24, nays 23, passed the senate bill for the relief of the officere and crew of the United States steamer Monitor, who participated in the action with the rebel rondad Mmitnac in Marcb, 1862 The amount of the appropriation is stated at the actual valué of the Merrimrx at the date of the action, notexceeding 200,000. In the hou6e Mr. Calkice, risiog to a questlon of personal privilege, sent to the clerk'3 desk and had read that portion of the letter wntten by Mr. Hewett to Mr. Manning, wbich charges that the committee on electlons renwed to investígate the charges of forgery preferred before that comniittee. Mr. Calkias stated that when these charges were made by a member of congress it was a reflection on every inember of tbe committee. The committee had never failed to icquite into the truth of any chfirge before it. A long and noisy discussion arose as to the actlon of the committee, Mr. Atbêrton claiming it had refused to inquire into the charges of forgery, and Mr. Calkias denyirgthe statement. The afternoon wa3 apent in fi'ibustering without a quorum, aal membors were notified to bnng live rationa to-morrow. May 25. - Mr. Buyard reported f rom tüe finacee committee a modification of the measure reoently reported by hiin as a substitute for Ihe Housd Uonded bjí lita bil!. He said tho ame„ded blll now reported contained modifiealiona wbich have been compared in coDjunction witb the Treasury Depailment relatlng to the bonds to be given for the extended warehoueing peii riod, and previdingwaréhousing regu!ation9 as to epiiits made irom grapes, apples and peacbee. Senate biU providing for opening obstructlons to f all navigation of navigable waters of the United States and requiring bridge corporaüons to erect sheer boom?, etc to aid boats in pasaing without striking bridge piers, was pasBed. Iu the Honse Mr. Oalkins oalled up the contested eleo'ion case of Mackey vs-Dibble, against whlch Mr. Blackburn raised the question of con8ideration. Dilatory motions were submitted by Messrs. Converse, Carlisle and Bandall, and the day was spfeBt in vrangling. There beíng a special order for a session touight to conBider peneion bilis, and as the Dem oorats reiased to allovf that order to be reBCind ed, the House, on motion of Mr. Calkins, adjourned until tomorrow. A Bepublican caucus was announced to take place immediately May 20.- In the Sánate the bill appropriaüng f15,000 for a lighthouse at Llttle Traverse harbor, Lake Michigan, was paased. The Oreek orphan fond blll and the Japanese Indeumity bill weve successively taken up and went over without action. In the House the Mackey-Dibble election content was rtsumed, and the day was paesed in wraDgliag and filibustering, without result The House Ooramiües on cominerce will report favorably Mr. TownseniiM bilí for a board of railroad Commissioners, as a bureau of íhe interior department. May 27.- After three or f our dilatory motions Mr. Caikins, asked and obtalned unauimous consent to submit a proposition that the Houbb proceed to the consideration of the Mackay, Dibbleease; that after Bix hours' discussion the House shall vote on the auestion of recominittal by a yea and nay vote, and if it be decided in the negativa therenpon the House shall continue to consider the case until finlsUed without filibustering motions. Mr. Bandall.-" Che proposition is not satisfactory and I oblect to further discussion in regard thereto." Severalroll calis followed on dilatory motions. After 4 o'clock further proceedlngs under the cali were dispensed with. Mr. Dunn introauced through the petition box a joint resolution appropriatina Y100,000 to be expended by the Secretary of War for the relief of persons rendored destitute by the recent overflow oí the Mipsissippl Biver and its I tributarles. Beferred. The joint reeolution was accompanied by a letter addresBed to Dunn by Qov. Mangum, of Arkansas, nnder date of May 22, stating the present overflow is, in many respecte, more disastrous than that of February and March last, and unlees Congreas comes to the ald of the destltute persons oE the overflowed sections starvation is imminent. May 29.- In the seuate Mr. Garland offered a resolution instructing the committee on military affairs to inquire into the proprlety and necessity of making further provisión for suff ering people within the district of the Mlssissippi river overflow. Messrs. Harrison aad Push were appointed visitors to West Point. In the house as soon bb the readiDg of the journal onded Mr. Beed called up for consideration the propoeed amendment to the rules, prohibitiDg dllatory motions on contested olection cases. Dilatory and obstruetlve motions ccinmeuced, when Mr. Beed made the point of order that on a propoeition to amend the rules dilatory motions cannot beentered. The point being sustamed, Mr. Reed opened a diseussion inwhich Messrs. Kandall, Kasson, Bobinson, Bobeson, Carlisle, Blackbarn and others participated. Tbe speaker then made a decisión sustaining Mr. fieed's point oí order that dilatory motions cannot be made to prevent change of rnlep. Mr. Bandall appealed from the decisión of the chair and Mr. Beed movad to lay the appeal on the table. The appeal was lald on the table; yeas 150, naya none. The report of the committee on rales wassoon afterwards adopted: yeas 160, nays 22. At 6:15 the housa determined to proceed to the coneideration of the conteeted election case. Mr. Miller took the floor to open the debate and the house tha fidjourned until toinorrow, May 80.- The Journal cf yesterday uaving beenread, Mr. Springer objected to Itsapproval on the ground that it omltted all reference to two very important motions which he made f rom tbo speaker's refusal to entertain them. A long debato followed Mr. Springers motion to have the journal corrected, in wbich tb mover became som9wliat personal and abusive to the Speaker, who Bustained the journal clerk, whohadjournallzsd the motions properly. Meesrs. Humphrey and Beed spoke in defsnee of the Speaker' ruling, and Mr. Knott against it. Af ter further remarkB by Messre. BurrowB, KassoD, Kelley and Randall, the motion to correct the journal was rejected; yeas SS, nays 184. Mr. Calkins gave notice that he would cali the pravious question on the contested election caee of Mackey va. O'Connor at 5 to-morrow or earlier.


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