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It is because The Democrat believes that the people have rights which even a railroad Corporation is bound to respect, bat articleï bearing 011 the subject liav rom time to time appeared iu these columns. We have only slated tact vhich can be proveu agumst the T. A. V, k. Q. T. R. K. Does the News want more fects ? 1L o, we would itiform the editor that a car was left standing all Moudiy afternoon o he Charles street crossing, near D. Hisoock's residence. Sometimks a f re ride makes a great differeuce with one iu official positiou. The Prize Exhibition. Witlufine wealher aud the very general nterest mauifested in the elocdtionaiy contesl lo lake place in the high school cbapel, Friday night, it would ue strauge udeed if the extuoitiou were not iu evory way a most gratitying auccess. ïhe ubnity ut most of the contestante for the nzes ís weü known fronj thoir eflorts at ,he regular afteruoon recitals ; and with extra dnll aud the unusual inducenienti o put fortU all their powers, they wiü unüoubtedly acquit theinselves witü gruat credit. Some ol tbe selectious are decidedly difficult, and lo render them veil requirea uot only the uiost careful training. Uut a natural dramatic talent ou the part jf the speaker. The pioticiency displayed by some of Mr. Douglass's pupils il really surprising, especially when it is remeinbered that they have been uuder bis ustruction but two teruiï, aud that the classes have all been veiy large. The exhibitiou will begin at pieeiseiy 8 u'clock, aud the audienee is n-quested to be ia their scals promptly a uttle bef ore that t me, as the doorn will be closed to secure perfect quiet whüe each person is speaking, in order that those speakers who coine iirst on the program may hav equal advantajjes with those comming laiter. At the close of the speaking Mr. Douglass will conduct the judgesappointsd by the board of education lo the retiriug room to award the prizes, aud the judges's decisión will afterward be read iioui the platform. In order that ths speakers may be perfectly free from any leeliug of euibarrassmeiit, the minina of the committae ot award are uot to be kuown to aiiyoae, uot even to the instructor of locuüon, untü the}1 return to award the prizes ; but we hear that Stie Doard hare selected gentleman iu whose judgemeul and disiuteresteduesa, thepubliu will have perfect conüdeuce. The music for the occasion will be taken charge of by professors tichultz and O. B. Cady, ol ths Öchool of Music. The cily band will attend the band tournamont in Jackson uext week. The coutnict lor building the vault in Foreït Hill cemetery Uiis beeu awarded to Wn. Hayden - piico, $1.475. Chas. S. May of Kalamazoo, is nientioned in connection with the nomination for congress trom the fourth district. The peópie are probably notaware of the imount ot business benig done by Sid James, wlio&e reputation is not cou3ned to this city alone. During his resideuce here he has put up in Forestiiill ceaietery many very hne ïuonumuuts. Amoug the many liandsome ones erected by this gentleman might bc meutioued one forD. Henning, one for Mis. P. Bach to the memory of the Botsford family, aud also for the following persons. S. tí. Miller, Col. aud S. Dean, Hice Lewis of Pittsüeld. And he is iiow building monumema for the Judson family and ö. B. Yaughn. The one built for Mr. Lewis was designed by Mr. James, who bas also erected ft large number of granite monuments. Prof. E. Abt, stereopticon agent of the Great Forepaugh Show, will entertain the spectators tbis eveniug from the roof of the St. James hotel with a series of woaderful zoologieal iilus.rations by means of the oxyüydrogeu light upon a large canvas sheet, 25 t'eet square, showing 200 elegant views, landscapes.ncient and modern staturary, reproductious of works of art, mountains and moonlight, scènes, also many of the rare animáis to be seen in the Gkeat Foupaugh Show. This entertainment is free to all. The remains of Mrs. Rachael Dale, mother of Jno. Dale of this city, were brought here yesterday from Grand Rapids lor interment. Mr. D. was 78 years of age, and an exemplary Cnristiun woman. Previous to her iemoval to the llapids, she had been a resident of this place for over 36 years. Special Notices. Niágara laLur beer has an immense sale. Only on tap at Henry Binder's. For a fine glass of beer, Niaeara lager is highly reeomeuded. WANTED- Twenty pigs weighing from GO to 80 pounüs. Inqune at the Cook house.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat