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GrvEN Awat. - We can not help noticng the liberal offer made to all invalida and sufferer by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. You are requeated to cali at Eberbach & Son'i Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle f ree of coH, f you are suffering with Consumption, Seyere Coughs. Colds, Asthina, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Losa of Voice, Hoarseess, or any affection of the Thrort or It will positively cure you. " When sorrow has left its traces,'' what ha become of the rest of tb liarness 1 Grigg's Qltcerine Sai.vk. - The best on earth can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a surecuro forcuts, bruises, scaldu, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, letter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money ref unded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A mystery explained. - "Lawrence, my dear," said his wife, wreathed in smiles, " I wish you had been to church this morning. Mr. Jones was very interesting, and when he praj'ed for the absent ones - " " Wel), tbat accounts for it, then. I tiaven't caugbt such a string of flth for a yer as I did this morning." The Ketstonk of Health. - Howcan you expect to feel weil, orevenenjoy life, when you go about with t. hacking cough? The fooi. in his wisdom, says there is no cure for it, but the wise man hies him to Eberbach fc Son's drug store, and gets a bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, and at once gcts wcll. A trial bottle costs nothing. Fashions for babies two yearg old exhibit no change. "That's what I cali a finished sermón," said a lady to her husband, as they wended their way from church. " Yes," was the reply ; " but, do you kaow, I thought it never rould be." Mntal depreifion and all nervou dis eases of whatever nature or cause, in old or youne, male or female, cured by Dr. E. C. West'g Nerve and Brain Treatraeut. Sold at Brown & Co 's drug store. An old Spanish proverb says that "a kiss without a mustachc is like bread without olives." Mrs. Sarah J. Van Buren, of 192 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y., whose portrait ap pcars in another columu of this paper, is preparing a "Ladies' Touic" which has provecí a blessing indeed to many a worn out wife or molhcr. The sensitiveness of woman's organization makes bel more susceptible to disease thau man, and there has been a long feit want among ludies for something which would overeóme those many weaknesses so common to the sex, and assist nature in building up a shatterai constitution. This Mrs. Van Buren's ''Ladies' Tonic" has never failed to do. A pure consciente may defy city gossips. Don't die in the house. - Ask druggist for "Iiough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies ants, inseets. 15c. per box. CITY ITEMS. People have long wanted a cueap uovelty store, that is a Bazar in Ann Arbor. Stofflet Adams have just opened one in Cook House Block, No. 13, Hurón street, nd now invite the public to cali and examine their stock. Their expenses are light and prices low down. Flattery is the destiuction of all good fellowship ; it i like qualmish liquor in the midst of a bottle of wine. A large variety of Camp Chaira and Rockers st Koch & Haller's. Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thiug in tife is to know when to torego an advantage. Colorado Excursions. ColoraJo round trip tourist ticket at greatty redueed ratet, via C, B. & Q. R. R. new Chicago and Denver Through Line, good during summer montas and National Miuiug and Industrial Exposition in September are now on sale and f uil parti culars as to trains and rates can be obtained trom any Coupon Ticket Otüce iu the United States or Canada. It goes agaiust the grain to gamble ia corn and wheat. Frank Burg has the Largest Line of Canned Goods in the city. The store tobuyyour goods - the Bazar, Cook House Block. Some new and tasty patteins in ash Bed Room Sets at remarkable low prices, at K.och & Haller's. WANTED- 500 bushels of potatoes at Frank Burg's new grocery store, No. 4, Washington street. Frank Burg has a full assortme&t of Crockery, Glassware, Groceries Provisions and Vegetables, No. 4 Washington sireet. M. M. Green'8 stallion, Mambiino Jewell, will make the season at thestable late ly owned by P. Irwin. Cali at Frank Burg's for Canued Roast Chicken and Turkey. The best display of Furniture of all descriptions, is beyond question to be found at Koek & Haller's. StoffUt & Adam's Bazar, 13 Hurón street. A large variety of Rolling Tablets imported by G. Osius & Co., at Koek & Haller's. $1,000, $1.500, $2,000 and $2,500 to loan. Office over Brown & UoV. drug store. JAMES McMAHON, Attorney and Solicitor. Chas. Miller who has rented the old Diehl property on Detroit street, has reopened the grounds and having puteverything in iine shape, coriially invites tiiu public to cali on him. Persous dekking to play croquet will be welcomed. A pleasaut place to pass the afternoon. Mr. Miller also keeps beer on tap, aud y om can take a social glass in the garden. Koek & are special agents for the Rilling Tablets .mported by G. Osius & Co. Koch & Halier would inform the public, that they are the only firm in Ana Arbor, who sell the Celebrated Goods Manufactured by the Furniture Company. Wanted. - A situation by an experienced young man, either as salesman, hotel or suipping clerk. Best of releruucesas to cbameter and ability. Address, Scotchman, box 68, Aan Arbor postofflee. Cady's Catarrh Remedy.a sure cure for catarrh, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. Robert Tidswell, calsominer and whitewasher, is open for jobs. All work will be done with proraptness. Wantkd. - A good girl can find steady employment in the conntry, two and a half miles frora this city. Slie will not be obliged to bo the wAsniNO. Place easy. For particulars iuquire at M. E. Goodrich's, East Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Imus pays cash for live chickens. A. F. Darrow, the 10 cent bus man, takes orders at Holmes' drug store iu the Cook house block. Important to travelers. - Special Inducements are offered you by the Bür linqton Route. It will pay you to read tlieir advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. _


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