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Wm. J. Chittenden commenees sult ia the upwior court, Detroit, to compel Mru. Witeck (widuw of one ot the late proprietors of e Bussel House) to sell her interest in the umiture of tlie house. Mr. Chittenden nets orth that at tne time of Mr. Witbeck's death th firm property amounted to about 90,000 valuc. The Niles Milling company has bouht the Dakota milis, thus making five milla m that place under one management. Geo. W. WVbber, representativa trom the fifth district, deolines renoniination, owing to business iuterests. It is proposed to sell Fort WiMns military reservation at Cooper Harbor, Mich. Frank Majnard drew to Jackson, four milee, 100 bushels of wheat withone span of horseB. Mib Warrant, one of tho small pox potlents at Kalainazoo, died Wednesday night. Wheat in Michigan, as in Minnefsota, Ohio, Indiana and Ktmtucky, looks unnsually wel), nd thera is [ romiss of a great erop. F. M. Daan, of Pewamo, recentiy Bhear ed Cve ragiateved Ainerican merino ewei that averaged eighteen pouüds and one and one half ounces of wool pft hcad. About 2,000,000 feot of pine timber was bumed in the Claie Oounty forest fire?, owned by öobhart & Estubbi ook, Eist Saglnaw and a large quantity owned by H. Littlefield, of ObweEP. N. Y. The ïainB have now put out the flres. living Collins a school teacher from Highland. while huntiasr got on a rail fence to rest. The rail glving way he eaught the gun by the muzzle and is now minus two of the fiDgersof bis leít hand. The wife of Henry Van Hesal, Grand Rápida, met with hor death under peculiar eircumstanoes. Slie was an invalid, and had a rope hanging above her bed, with a loop in the lower end, whieh she used to assist in turning herself in bed. Ia some manner she got her liead through the nooao and was strangled, being dead whea first disoovered. Whether it was an accident or suicide will be determlned by the Coroner's icquebt. The Btava mili of Free & Martin, ia Paw Paw burned. The building was a temporary one and eutlrely deitroyed and the macbiaery inuch daoiaged. No inBuranoe. lt is reported that Hon. Dugald Mclntyre, liepresentative f rom the Sanilac District in the Stata Lfgislature, is to remove from Sanilao County to Sainaw, whero he takes charge of a heavy lumbering concern. &.. S. May, a Kansas physician has been for soine Huw in search of his Desdemoua. He went to Adrfan tha other dayaad made quite an excitement declaring if he could find her, there would be a doublé funeral. The Times says: Saveral times the young lady bas escaped the watchf ulnees of her too faithf ui lover, the younK lady sought ref u?e in Chicago, and was again followed, dlscovered, and offered the pleasing alternare of marriage or death. Aeain Bhe succeeded in ontwitting her pursuer, and joiniDg a dramatic company boand for San Francisco, made her way acros3 the continent. Advieed by friends East, that May was en route for the Pacific coast, she hastily left, going S uth. Fortwoyears ehe eluded her pursuer, and only an ocoasional letter, forwarded from her old home, informed her of his exiütence and thn f act that he was still determined to fiad, and to inarry or murder herChas Preutis of Saginaw City, while tallyiag lumber, bao a porllon of hls scalp pulled ofl by a epent bullet. Who sent the mlssile, no one kuowe. The r.ew city clock at Pontíac, ís attached by wirt to the electrical apparatus, connected with tíit) big bell iu the fireinan's tower. Tbe oM Michigan battle flags Iq the Capítol Lansinp, will not be brought to the BeunioD, in Detroit, owin to the danger of Injury in haudling them. Mrs. Hallada nursed her bod, his wife and child in the Battle Creek pest honee, against be remonetrance of filende. The tbree vic1ÍB s ditd, I ut MrF. HUlady hae not taken tho diseas", p.Dd after beÍD? cou6nd In the pest house for several daja after the deatu of her famüy, sha bas now been released. The dnught in th Kalkaska rêgion in ended, bnt the weather rernnins too cold for the beBtdeveloptuent, of vegetation. The farmers ars hop-fui, kaowing that when warm weather does come, it takes but a short time to matare their crops. Sach Is the peculiar nature of the bou in that reeion that the same kiad of crops will mature from the seed in from one to three weeks,' shorter time than is required in Southern Michigan. One tbounand, one hnndred and eigbtyelaht flajjH of various 8iz9g, will decórate the City Hall, Detroit, for the soldier' ranclón íleo 1,00 Chinese 'antera3. The City Hall fountaios will bo illnminated with gaa jts. In the OIney--Manley case, Paw Paw, Hughes, O' Brian and Smiley of Grand Bapids, for Olney give notice that they will show the said note was giren un der duress, to save from des'ruction eome $80,000 in money, notes aud mf rtgages, of which the plaintift had unlawf ui po3sesHioD, and that said note was given without any lawful consideration. The schocuer Industry went down on Saturday witbin ten rods of shore at South Haven, and all on board were lost. The boat was owned by Capt. John King of St. Joseph, who, with bis s;in Edward was drowned. The Captain was wMly known, having navlgoted the lakee for forty years. The galo of Saturday was terrific all along the coast. TIk Hattie Ëarle went asbore at St. Joseph with slight damage Louis Manicler, mate of the tug E. M. Peck and Creman David Plant were drowued by the capizing of a email boot. (J. W. H iwe, watchrnan on the steamekip "City of Rome" was washed overboard Sunday morning about 2:89 and drowned 15 miles from Long Poiut. A danghter of Mrs. Warrant deceased of Kalamazoo, of small-pox is 111 with varioloid. Iq tne Coldwater arson caae, Cbief Drake of tbe fire dupartment is held for tiial with bail fixed at 1,000. Mrs. J. leed of Decatur was killed by ei presa train No. 15, Monday evcning, in attemptiDg to cross tbe railroad track. An appropriation of f 100,000 for a public building at Marquette was voted in tbe House on tbe Stb. Tbe appropriation of $75,000 for a ligbthouee bet ween FortGratiot and Poiatanx Barques was referred to the commerce committe of tbe Senate. Tbe Huis iale boat club, 4-oared Champion crew, left for Europe on Tuesday. The citlzens accompanted them tothe depot and presented thetn with a pane of $650. Mrs. Anna Btevenson of Cedar, Gladwin Co., Wbo bad livi'd unpleasantly with her husband, had locKed and ooltd the doors. The husband attempting to forcé an eutrance through a win'low waa shot and lustantly killed. The woman ia utdo.r arrest Gen. W. P. Iniee, Chalrman of State Central Coumiittea of the National Greenback party, calis a noininaling convention to meot in Grand Rapids Augus'; 2Sd. Tbe RuGsel House, Detroit, ie havings new awnlngs put up. Over 11U0 jpnis of canvas were used in the manufacture. The rolling stock of tbe famous Gerrish logging railway at Farwell has been seized for tases. Hon. W. S. Wilcox tendered u reception to Govttrnor Jerome et al, in Adrain, attendiug the formal dedlcation of the state reform school for girls. É:Five nw cases of sinall-poxare reportad at Grand Bapidg. E. L. Lovrjiy, an art dealer in Jackson, hai made au assignment. John Laing, for 12 years connected with the Detroit flre department, dled of quick consumiition, the result of a severe cold taken while on duty last January.


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