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May 81.- In the Senate, a bilí was reported by Mr. Sewell from the committee on military affaire, with amendments, for the relief of Fitz John Porter. By Mr. LogaD, from the committee en appropriations with amenamente the house army appropriation bill. Ordered printed. By Mr. Caranron, for a public building at Clarksbur?, WeBt Virginia. Mr. Logan introduced a bill to allow the wldow of the late minister to Peru (Hurlbut) an amount equal to his salary tor one year. Reftrred. Discuesion of the Senate bill to reimburse the Oreek orphan fund was resumed and occupied the remaiader of the morning hour. The House resumed considsration of the Dibble contested election case, and Mr. Atherton, member of the committee on electione, presented the yiews of the minority. Mesera. Moulton and Jones spoke in advocacy of Dibble and Mr. Banney and Caulkins for Mackey, and the previous qnestion was ordered, 150 to 1. Alter a speech by Mr. Evane, on behalf of Dibble Mr. Caulkins made a brief addre6sto close the discussion. Mr. Miller, after Mm, took a poaition in the main aisle and attempted a wild and denimciatory speech and was not quieted until with arrest. The regolution seatiiiK Mackey was then adopted, yés 150, Days 8, and Mr. Mackey appeared at tha bar of the house and was sworn in. Mr. Banney, from the committo on electioBs, then called up the Florida contested case, Bisbce against Fialey, and the questiod of consideraron being raissd by Mr. Bandall, the House voted to consider it. June 1.- A bilí was paesed authorizing the construction of a railroad bridge acroes Sault Ste. Marie river, between Lnke Superior and Lake Hurón, with the purpose of connecting with Canadian railroads. The Seuate bilí to reiuiburse Ihe Creek Indian Orphan fund was taken np, amended and passed. Mr. Logan called up the Army Appropriation bilí, and the committee amendments as far as the compulsory retirement clauee were read and agreed to. The clause makes the reürtment of an offieer who has served forly years discreiíouary with himself, but obli.satory as to one who ia 62 years of aje. A long diacussion as to tha applioation of the compulsory retirement clause to Gen. Sherman followed, Messrs. Logan, Bayard, Hawley, Cameroc, and fcfhtrinan participating. VVitbout actioii (he Senate, after exeoutive scsslon, adiourne.i. The House took up the contested eieotion caseof Bisbee against Fínley,Second CongreaBional District of Florida. After speeches for and againBt the contestant Blsbee, a resolation declaring him entitled to the seat passed, 147 to 9. June 10 was deignated as the day wheu eulogies will be deüvered In honor of Thomas Allen, of Missouri. Mr. Hazltton called up the oontested election case of Lowe vs. Wheeler, the Eighth District of Alabaina. Against this Mr.Knna raised question of consideratioD, which was discussed to the hour of adjournment. June 2.- The Senate was without a presiding officer, owing to the absence of David Davis. He designated Mr. tagalls to act for the day. The point was immediately taken that theacting VicePresident had no right to make such deeignation and that a President would have to be elected by the Senate. AJter a free discusaion, an adjourQment was had until Monday, without deciding the poiut. In the House the Law-Wheeler contested case from Alabama canie up, and was discnssed by many members. Panding discussion, Mr. Cannon reported from the Committee on Appropriations the Lagislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriation bil! (the items of which have already been published) and it was referred to the committee of the wbole. Mr. Hiscock, from the s&me committep, reported back the General Deficieacy bil), and It received similar reference. The election case then went over until to-morrow, when the previous question will be called early In the session. June 8. - The House resumed consideration of the Alabaroa contested election case, Lowe va. Wbeeler, the latter biting allowed the floor in his own behalf. At the cloae of the debate Ib which Springer, Burrows, Randall and Oalkin8 partieipated, a resolution declaring tho contestant Lowa entit!ed to the seat, was adopted; ayes 149, nays 3. June 5. - Mr. White offered a resolutlon to discharge the wayB and means commlttee from an inquiry as to why the coinmissioner of Internal revenue fnvored the whisky bond extensión bilí. Af ter a long discussion it was ref erred. Mr. Plumb offered a resolution directing the public printer to report what ring, if any, runs the public printing. Mr. VaaWyck offered a resolution of inquiry as to what steps are necessary to protect government employés from political assesments. In the Houss Mr. Butterworth introduced a bilí permitting the Southern Pacific and Huntington Unes to form a through line from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and prohibitiag consolidation with parallel or competing lines. June. 6. Ia the Senate, Mr. Slater introdnced a bilí making it a misdemeanor to solicit money, by aay executive offioer, clerk or government employ, other tban the head of a department, or to give or receive the same, for political or party purposes. Mr. Davis offered a resolution, and It was adnpted, requesüng the Committee on Postofflces to report upon the propriety of reducing the rate of postage on letters to two cents, and on newspapers and other printed matter to half the present rate; also, increasing the rate on merchandise authorized sent through the mails. The Army Appropriation bill was again consldered, the qaestion beiog upon the compulsory feature of the retirement clause. The amendments to except tienerals Sherman and Sheridan failed, and the bill passed, 42 to 11 In the hoosn, the report of the Committee on Ways and Means submitted upon resolution relating to the passage ot the bill extending the period for distilled spirits was ordered printed and laidon the table. The report submitted on the contested election case of Witherspoon vs. Davidaoc, of Florida, granting contestant leave to withdraw the contest was laid on the table. The Alabama contested election case, Smith agrainst Shelley, was disposed of by the adoptioa of a resolution declaring the seat vacant. The bill was reported to suspend the issue of silver eertiQcates and limit the coinage of silver dollau to the requirements of the people


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