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Resolutions adopted by Arm Arbor üomniandery, No. 18, relative to the death of Hiram J. Beakes. Wheareas, the AlmightyFiither luw cailed trom the Pilgrimage of earth to the Asylum ot rest in Heaven, our brother, Sir Knight Hiiain J. Beakes, therefore be it Resolved by A. A. Commandery No. 13 K. T. That we bow in submission to the will of the Snpreme Being at whose mandate a .vorthy brother and courteous Sir Kuiglit is takeu trom our ranks and realize ia bis departure, the impresa of the lesson so sulemnly taught us - " be ye aiso ready." That, we bear witness to the excellence of character, the schoiarly attainiueuta and the modeRt worth of our departed brother by whiah he adorned the legal profession, fultiüed his duty as a citizen and acquitted himself as atrue and eourte ous Sir Knight. That, while we thus express our profound sorrow in his loss, we would cherish in reuiemberauee his name, his character and his iofluence, and trust that as he feil in life's struggle full knightly with his armor on, prepared for knightly deecls, that light may rest upon his ashes and the sunshine of Heaven beam brigbt ia bis waking. That, in their sad bereavement we tend to the sorrowing wfe and daughter our tender and loving symputhy, praying that lüe God of the widow and the Father of the fatherless may be now and evermore their buckler, defense and sal vat ion. And, that these resolutions be traiisniitted to the family of our worthy brother and Sir Knight, that they be put wiihin the archives of this Coinmandery, and they be published in Thü Ann Arbob Democrat. Committee- 8ir Kuights,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat