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Additional local on second page. Sidc show in Earl's block. High school comnienoement .Juno 'i'i. Sam. Ii. Gregory is visiting in Jackson. A.. C. Bliss has u new $4uU uilliurd Uble. Regent Dufflald was iu Hie cily Tues. day. Qrant Jenkins is a tv po on the Jacksou Patriot. Latin pla_v at the Uuiversity hall Suturday eveuiug Miss C. Taylor, of Lansing ia visitiug friends ín the city. The masona have commenced on the new postoftlce. J. 0. Bontecou spoke to a very sniall audience Sunday. Several piisoners areawaitiag sentence in the county jail. Mrs. Jno Mclntyre haa gone to B iginaw City to visit her sister. Frank Minoil run a pea nut stand cm tlic fair grounds yesterday. It. E. Frazer, the temperance orator, spoke in Saline Suuday. Egss are going up ; butler is coming down - lTcts. at wholcsale. Temperance meeting at the Unitariiin churcu Sunday afternoon. P. W. Queen, an old citizen, is about to remove to Detroit to reside. H. J. Brown & Co., have discontinued their State street drug store. Col Robert P. Sinclair of Grand Rapids, was in the city Tuesday. J. J. Walker received f rom San lnsky, O., last week a $150 buil dog. Aid. Dow is doing a good job putting in tile drains in the third ward. A Germán Lutheran church is to bc erected in Manchester this year. Soon telephonic communication will be liad between this city and Adnan. There was a fearful crowd from the country yesterday to see tbe circus. Major Rausom, aisistant railroad commissioner, wis in the city Salurday. Oourt has been adjourned uiitü the 1 Tlh inst. on a telegram from jutlge Joslin. J. H. Hicks will take a load of speakers to Deerfield Sunday to talk temperance. Adam Forepaugh is beyond question the greatest circus manager iu the world. A Mr. Hunt wiK address the Lodi reform club Sunday iu the chuich on the plains. The young ladies of the M. E. ehureh, gave a strawberry social Tuesday evening. The court house steps yesterday were bloeked with beautiful vromen and children. Alany students have already returned to their homes, and others will soon follow. The high school students indulged in a picnic Saturday in the glen west of the city. Messrs J. II. Grant and Harry W. Howley will publish the Conimeucmeut Anuual. Orville Sage has taken the {contract to keep the street lainps lightei iu the third ward. Prof. Hennequin will teach Mrs. Chapin's class in French the remainder of the term. C. H. Millen has been agent for the Home insurance company for nearly 30 vears. The salary of Bishop Harris has been increased from $4,000 to $$5,000 per annnuit. The porch in front of W. A. Wneeler's residence was covered with tar Alouday night. S. D. Brendage of Slony Creek willl carry the mail for another year to Nora station. W. E. Depew has gone to Bay City, and other places North on professional business. Mrs. H. H. Hawkins of Detroit, was the guest of Mrs. Abraham Hawkini Thursday. Oscar Weliner has built a handsome little boat house on the banks of Alrneadinger lake. Profs. Wilson and Allen are in Iudianapolia, attendimj the American institute of homeopathy. AnD Arbor Commaiidrej' K. T. have passed resolutions of respect om tüe late Judge Beakes. Hundrcds of citizeus left tor Detroit this morning lo wilness the shaiu baltle and prize drill. County clerk Clark has received nve boxes of public documents - 580 volumes in ail, for dis",rubution. There is to be a meeting of the farmer' club of Manchester at the residence of J. (i. lnglish to-morrow. Mr. M. H. Brennan and MipsJYlary R. Coyle, will be married nest Tuesday by Fr. Coyle of Detroit. Dr. C. S. Chamberliu a gradúate oí the medical department, class of '70 Ims located in Manchester. Samuel Deet. the well digger, has beeu arrested for dumping niUt soil from bridge No. 2 iuto the river. The State pioneer society appoiuted M. H. Goodrich of this city, a member of the committee on histolojiy. Rev. Mr. Wortley, fornierly pastor of the M. E. church in Dexter, was visiting friends in the city Thursday. Wm. H.;Potter, who bas been visitiug nis family, expects to leave for his ranch in Kansas, soinetime in July. An eal raeasuring 37 inches was caught in the river above the dam Tuesday evening by a Germán naraed Polock . Alt. Fox, the leader of the citj band, has returned home. He is expected back when college opens next fa.ll. Wm. McC'reery attempted to beat it, bul 'v. A. Terry has j'et the handsomest fronl in the AVoolverine block. Geo. Gresaberof uear Milau, was arcst ed by a policemou yesterday for attemptiig to kuock down Chas. Fcllows. An electrician in the employ of the elepUone company, has been in the city several days adjusting telephones. A niae from Co. A. and a picked nine, played a game of base ball the first of tb week. The score standing 6 aud 7. J. C. Shuw of ithaca, Gratecat county, after an absence of four years has return ed aun is visiting his son William. Miss Lillie McCormick, and Mr. Wilber Jarvis, both of Saleui, were married Weduesday by the Rev. Mr. Hedger. A large nuraber of persons were boat riding on the Hurón river Sunday, and tliere was a crowd at WhitmoreLake. Wui. Jenney, secretary of state, -vr íll accept the thanks. of The Democrat for several volumes of public documents. A man in the employ of D. Brouucll had his foot badly injured by beiug run over wilh a wagon loaded witb wheat. 'lar walks have been laid in front of the old Danforth place and Bytou Oireeu'i property on Aun streel, by J. C. Koster. The University and Cass clubs will pluy base ball in Detioit Friday, and the followiuf' day on the fair grouuds in this city. P. S. Purtell of Norhfield, bas beenappoinied adniinistrator with the will auexted in the estáte of Patnck Sullivan de" ceased. Work on the streets in the third ward has commenced in earuest. Under the supervisión of Aid. Dow they will be lixed right. The commcncment addrest. will be delivered by the Hev. Mr. Gregory, D. D. L. L. D., of II!., formerly a resident of this city. Geo. W. Heartley and wife of Toledo, O., have been spendiug severa] days in the city, tlje juests at Alat.lbuw lloward. A yoUDg lady, ou being asked where ber native place was, replied : ,' 1 have none ;" I am the daughter of a Methodist minister." Assistant prosecuting attorney RoblbOu, son of Jno. J. Robinsou of Sharon, made a magnificent effort in opening the Peoples case.. A Germán named Blasley. f rom Üetroil, was arrested Tuesday evening by policeman Millman. Justice Winegnr gave him the ruu. The Buchoz - Pray case has been settled. The deeds from Mrs. Bour and A. J. Buchoz show that the consideration was $1,500. A. F. Darrow, wbo has tbe contract for carryiug the mail between this city and Hamburg, will also run a stage after the first of Ju!y . Rev. L. R. Fiske, president of Albion college, deliverei aBaccalaureate addies in Manchester, Sunday, at the Presby teiïau cburch. Mr. McMahon, oue of tbe actors in Forepaugh's show yesterday, was raised in this county, and bis parents still reid in Manchester. Tbe young people's society of the Unitarian church will have a festival this evening at the rcsidence of Gov. Ashley on Monroe street. ïbe Greenbackers will ho!d tbeir state conveutiou Weduesday, August 2a at Grand Rapids. Several delegates will go from this county. The Alexander Bros. of Webster, raised a large barn last week, One hundred and fifty persons were preser.t, and tbere was a jolly gooá time. At the Detroit high school comuience ment which occurs next Friday week, the address of the graduating class will be made by Prof. C. K. Adams. Frank Schneider and J. G. Hitchcock, bicycle riders from Omaha, Nebraska, on their way to Boston aad New York, were at the St. James over Sunday. Those union school boys whodemolished Windows and shutters to a building on the fair grounds, are invited to cali on justice Granger and "whack" up. Tliere will be an excursión froiii Toledo to this city Sunday. The Germán societies besides several hundred otlier Toledoites are expected to take it in. Saturday a number of union school boyg played ball on the fair grounds. Whun leaving some of thein broke the blindï and windows to one of the outhouses. A well known violin player of tin city gave nis girl a serenade Monday evening. She didn't take kindly to him and emptied a pail of water on the soft young man. The student who presisted in putting his feet on a table in a Main street saloon wiil probably think awhile before he doe it aguin . He had his head bandaged Sunday. Field-day exercises will take place Saturday od the fair groundí. A game of base ball will also be played in the afternoon between the Uuiversity aud Casi clubs. Eri Braniard, a gruat temperance man, had his house covered with red paiut. His Saline friends are indignant aad threaten to tar and feather the guilty wretches. The postmaster aud his clerks say them is no foundation for the statement which ppeared in a city paper last week that many young ladies have private boxcs in the postoftice. The cadet band of Toledo, will give i excursión to this city June 29. It is exaeeted that several hundred persons will take advantage of this cheap ride. $1 for the round trip. The attentiou of uidennen is cs.lled to a large boulder on Spring street, off from High street, Several carriages and wagons have been broke.11 ly running agaiust t on dark niglits. Au artist in the einploy of O. O. Sorg lias painted a huudsome sigu over the door of A. L. Noble's clothing store, also two stars, gold aud sil ver, on eacb of the plate glass wiudows. Mr. Webster says that he has secured the se;vices of a reliable man to attend to the street lamps io the third ward. All the resideuts ask is to havo the lauipb lighted on dsrk nights. The flrst Latin play ever produced in this century will be presented in University hall Saturday evening by the studente of the Suphomore class under the direction of Prof. Chas M. Galey. I (íeo. Houghtou threatencd to sboo Peter Wcinett of Saline Saturday, but' Weiuett knocking him down with a neck yoke. The wou ld bo sbootest was arrest - ed and locked tip in jail. Several special polloetnea were on duty yeBterday. Notwithstandiug tbera was a big crowd iu the cily, tbey had very little to do. The day passed off quietly with tüeexception of a few knock downs. lt is only a few days ago tbat Dr. Parsous was suimnoned to see a patiënt on the west side but he waa detained some 30 minures before he could cross the track. Tally another for the Toledo road. T.dedo Journal : The friends of Mis. C'urlina and the accomplished Miss Áiinee LOIkington will be glad to learn that they have reiurned f rom Ann Aibor. where tliey hve been spending a pleasaut recreation. A large iniinber of strauers will probably put in an fppeHrauce commenceinent week. The bott-1 accoinmodations will be betterthau last yeiii-, fioni lbo fact tbat Mr. Hulson iliu C'ook and St. .lames hotels. Jas. Clark, asailor vvno claiined to reside in Chicago, was up before justice Wioegar Saturday oiithe charge of beinjf disorderly. He was let off, providiug be would leave the county. He took a bue line for Dextrr. parts. Tickets for roserved seats will be on saie at Browu's drtig store aud at Moore's State street store Thursday. The liberttois are also for sale at all the book stores. Admission, fifty cents : Librettos jwenty-five cents. When telephoDic commuuicatiou was opened with Detroit, Ihs wire used for sending niessages betweeu here and Ypsilauti was used, but the past week another wire lias been put up, and tbere ia now quick cominuuication with Detroit. The business of the Toledo, Aon Arbor & Grand Truuk has increased to sueh an extent that anolher passenger train will be put on in a few days, conuecting with the Michigan Central at 11 a. jí. A new time card will go toto effect Sumlay. It is but justiee toother metn'jerg of the high school to statei that sonie of the senior class were prevented trom coiupeting for the prizes awarded last Fnduy evening on accouut of their haviug ïo much to do preparatory to graduation. " Whnt are your amusemeuts tuis sp.iiug ?" asked a country cousiu of her city cousin whom she had come up to visit for a few days. "Showing my house to idle people who preteud they want to buy it," replied the city cousin sweetly. Dr. Phil Porter, of Detroit, veiy well known in this city, has been promoted from surgeon of the lst reet., to brigade surgeon of Michigan state troops. Dr. Porter is a homepath, and he kuew nothing of his promotion until he reeeived his conimissiou. Chas. Sawyer, who works on a farm near Base Lake, came to the city yeterdav to see the circus. He got a little full and in tt e company of two strangers started ior the fair grounds. When going through the woods the strangers went through Sawyer and stole the sum ot' $17. ome persons are disposed to tjr.d fault with the conimittee appointed by the couucil to secure plans tor a firemau's hall, but as they are respunsible gentlemen, and pay large taxes, there is no doubt they will f'eel in interest in manairing things as cheaply as possible. David Godrrey and 8. P. Jewelt cami very uear being run over by the cars on the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Grand Trunk, Friday. The train came along without even giviug a signal. The above gentle raeu reached the Huron street crossing, and only esuaped by a few inches. Enterprise : We learn that the Breuner -Burkhardt case before justice Perkioa has been closed. As wti uudorstand it the defenxe agree to give the prosecution eopiea of the letters reeeived by Buikhardt and Kev. P. Werheini. The case In the sircuit court will be tried in the September term. C. G. Clark is editor and pubiislier of the St. Lawrence Tribune, the tirst number of which is on our table. It is a bjight, newsy sheet, and contains valu ablc Information about St. Lawrence and Hand county. Mr. Clark is an old newspaper mau, md we have no doubt of his ability to make the Tribune pau outwell. Walter Brass of Webster, a well-to do farmer who is evideutly iusaue, was lodged in jail.Saturday by constable Eaton of Dexter. Brass has au idea that persous are tryiug to poison him. The night be fore he was taken into custody a $200 horse and colt which he owned died suddenly, and also several sliccp belonging to his brother-in-law. The followiug sa list of those who will take part in the Ann Arbor high school commencemect, June 23: Lillie Basiler, Celia Burk, W. P. Bullard, Alice Corhran, Orpha Calkins, Nettie Daniels, Car rie Frazer, Leslie Goddard, Win. M. Giller, Mary Hahn, Alex F. McEwan, Jennie Osborne, Helen Osgood, Dewight H. Ramsdel, Josic Kathbone, May Wheedon. Racine s celebrated coineJy " Les Plaiduers " will be preser.ted during commencemeut week at Hiils opera house, Anu Arbor, by a cast of students of the University of Michigan. It is under the personal supervisión of Prof. B. De Pont, while the management n in the hands of Prof. Galey, and the play will be niouuted with all the modern aecesaories of aew scenery, coslumes, etc. The first annual prize exhibitiou of the class in rhetorical elocutiou in the high school, occurred Friday evening. AU who took part acquitted themselves wilh honors, but the successful competitors were S. B. Todd, New Shiffield, Pa., and Miss Louiss L. Loving and Miss Gertrude Gregory, of this city. The pjizes were f20, $15, and $10 respectively. Prof. Demmon, Olney and J. M. Wheeler acted as judges. Dexter Sun : The ladies library association held their annual meeting in thetr hall last Wednesday evening. The Librarian's report showed 1,724 booki drawu during the year ; and tue secrbtary reported 95 memberB. The following were elecled offleers tor the ensuing year: President, Mis. J. H. Evarts ; vice president, Miss Carrie Smith ; secretary, Mis Mary Hoyt ; treisurer, Mrs S. H. Jone ; librarían, Mi Maggie Cramptou. Last Kriday night a train of 10 cars were eft standing on the track back of D. Hisccck's residence,. and blockadiug Charles street. Saturday morning at 8 o'clock the cars were remoyed, but not uutil Mr. Hiscock had been obliged to drive nis cattle nearly a mile to pasture. With the street oponed the distance to the pasture is only n few rods. How mueh longer will the citizens suffer themselvei to be iinposed upou '! Ypsilautian : Following is a program of comuieucement week at the Norrunl : Sunday evening, Juue 25- Baccalaureate adress, by Prof. Putuam, at the Methodist church. Monday evemng, June 26- class day exercises, at Normal hall. Thursday, June 27- morning exercises by the graduatinp daas of the coramou school course at Normal hall.- Kvening- Alumni meeting at the opera house. Wennesday moiuiiicr, June 28- graduating exercises at Normal hall. Anotlier person who "lived and talked wiih Wnshiugton," Mrs. Young, of Rich iiioik!, Va., is dead. Born at Mt. Vernon in 1787, she was Imt 13 years old when the father of her country died, and theiefore did not personal ly know the cherry tree incident or liow Geoige Washington one day fouud his name growing in the garden, in cabbage plants of living green. It isacomfott to think that afler awuile all these aged good peoplo who kucw George will be at rest in that better land. Engine No. 2 on the Toledo rond block ed the eidewalk on Miller avenue jast 14 minutes by the wutch, Fridry eveiiing. During tliis time om man to&ded th tender with coal from a car ou the side track. The engine was partly on the Street, and horses driven by Isaac Wyncup and D. W. Noyes liecame frightened and ruu some distauce before they could be stopped. To udd insult to injury, the men on the engine Jaughed as the hórse run by. For particulars see P. Kennedy aud Gilbert Mclntyre. Anti Arbor school of ïmisb will give four students' recitals with assistance of ihembers of the Philharmonic club of Detroit, in the general lecture hall, asfollows: Monday, Juue 12, Miss Bertha liill. Miss Marión Sruitlj, Mr. F. L. York pianista : Friday, June 10, Miss Anna E. Nichols, Miss Jeanie May, pianists, Mrs., George Havihiud, soprano: Tuesday, June 20, Miss Mary L. Wood, pianist! Miss Ida Bello Winchell, soprano : Fri day, June 23, Miss Julia Carulhers, Miss Mack, soprano. Voleuy Chapín, Jr.( died Sunday of scark-l fever, aged 15 yearg. Mis. Cliapiu will have the sympaihies of the community m her sore bereavement. Young Volney was uot a mere boy, lle was a little man, and was so looked upon by all with whom he carne in contact. He was gentleratnly and obligiDg, and those who had dealings with him (for he handled the Detroit Eveaing News) will teel grieved that one so full of promise has passed away. He was the phde of a foud and loving mother, and to him she txpected to look lor support in arte r yeais. The funeral was held Monday evening at 7 o'clock from the residence of Mts. Volney Chapin on Washington street. The Detroit Post and Tribuue says, tbt gaine between the Univeisity team and the Ft. Wayue team, played Saturdaj afiernoon at Recreation park was witnessed by a goodly number of spectators. It was au interesting aud well played game reflecting great credit upou both teams The UDiversity men have iinproved won derfullysince their Jast visit here and now fully justify the prediction made in these columns earlier in the season, wheu i high place iu the ratk of amateur teams was accorded theni. They have au admirable battery, but it must be said that the utronger part of it is behind the bat. Walker played a great game. Score 6 to 2 in favor of the University boys. The Register says the presentatiou of the Latin Play, the Adelphi, takes plae at Universily hall on Saturday evening, at 8 p. ui. The scenery, which waspaint. ed in Detroit, has airived and has been set up. It iá very satisfactory, beiug accurate and classical. The costurues are also ready and equally appropriate. The novelty of the presentation of a Latin play is likely to insure a arge audience Saturdaynight, and the interest which has been sliown in anticipation of the eyent is a guavantee of a generous support from the iublic. The different roles are all well taken, and those who have been present at the rehearsals are very enthusiastic in their praise of the manner in which the various members of the cast take their Col. (Jeo. W. Lee, Indian agent for this state, died at liis home in Ypsilanti last Thursday. lie was boro in Chenango couuty, N. Y. líe followed farming nntil 1845 when he engaged In business in Howell, Livingston couuty. He was a whig until the organization of therepubli can party. In 1858 he was appoiuted a member of the board of control of the reform school at Lausing. He founied the Livingston Republican at Howell in 1855. Upon the outbreak of the war he was appointed U. S. quatermaster aud assiijned to Detroit in charge of the equipment and transportaron of all Michigan troops, which positiou he held duriug the war. He was a mau of decided opinions, active temperament and strong social worth. Th funeral was held Suuday. Frank Leslie's Sunday magazine, the number for July presents auch attractions as to commend it to the public favor and luiure increasiug patronage. The openiug ui ticle gives au exceedin;ly interesting history of " Martha's Vineyaid," and has seven illustrations. " St. Petersburg, the City of C'cntradiction "(with ten illustrations), ' The Society of the Red Cross " (six illustrations), "Soroeof Woinan's Uights," by Rev. ür. Taimage, " Konipott's Btories of Jewish Home Life," and " Visit to Abbottsford aud its Viciuitv " are some of the promineut features. There are serial and short stories by Marión Harlaud and other popular wiiters, "The Collection Basket," " Information for the Curious," etc., etc., are exceedingly interesting features. The wcll-kuown aud popular authoress, Mariou Harlaud, begins a new serial story entitled " A Good Fellow," in the August number of Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine wrltten expressively for its pngns.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat