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1f Yor AiiK RïINED iu health from any cause, especially trom the use of aoy n'f the Lhottsand nostnnus ihat promise so largcly, witii long tietitiou testimoníala, have uo fear. Kesort to Hop Bitters at once, in a short time y.u will have the most robust aud blooming health. BrIght's Disbase, Diabetes, Kidney, Li vek ok Urina ky Uiskasi;k. Bsve no fear of auy of tlicse diseuses if yon use Hop Bitters, as they will pievent and cure the worst oases, eveu wlieu you bave been made worse by some great puffed up pretended cure. " Father ? When a hen sets on au egg three weeks and ït don't batch, is the egg spoiled '!" As an article of (üel the egg is theuceforth a failure ; but aa a species of testimonal it is strikingly avoraatic and expressive: What ails you ? is it u disordered liver giving you a disordered skin or costive bowels ; wliich bave resulteil m distiessing piles or do your kidneys refuse to per form their functioul '! Tke a few doses of Kidui'y-Wort andyou'll fcel likeanew man- nature will throw off every impediment aud eac.h argaD will be ready for duly. All druggtits sell it in botli dry and liquul foim. - Evuusville Tribune. W'omen's temper aud the llock markft are very uucertaiti. REA!) W'hAT A HlKISTEJt Saïs. - Hoinec, III., June Ut, 1871. Mr. A. Kietcr - My Daar Bir: I have beun irtlicted for the lasl tour years with deiangement f the Liver, causing Dyspepsia, Headache, Nausea, aud geueril derangeinent of the whole system. 1 have tried a great muuy preparation, but found no reiief until I tried one bottlc of your Taraxiue, which has per mane iitly cured me. i alo found it tu be good for the Ague. 1 comipend it to aü who suffer with derangement of the liver. Very truly yours. Rev. Thomas Whitlark. For sale by Eberbach & Sou. A feast i.s made for laughter, and wine maketh nierry ; but money answereth all things. Fhse ! Freeü Fkee!!!- New üicovery for Piles. A uew remedy for thit dreaded disease has been discovered by Dr. Deining. A single applicauon wül eouvince the most skeptieal of its most wonderful healingpowers. By calliugou Eberbach & tíou. druggists, you can obtuin a sample box free of charge, vvhich will salisfy you of us curutive qualities. A man's good breedjng s the best security against other peopie'e iü manriers. "iïougfi on Rats." - The thlog desired found al last. Ask druggists for "Rout on Rats." It clears out rats, mico, ronches, flius, bed-bugu, 10c. boxes. Educution begius the gentlemau ; but reading, good comp&py and reflectiop must fiuish liim. Catakkh ok tuk bladder. - Hliuging, smartiug, irritatiou of the urirmry passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. $1 at druguists. Midi. Depot, JAMES E. DAVIS & CO., Detroit, Mich. Beauliful lives have growu up from Hm darkest piaees, as pire white lilies full of fragrance have blossomed on alimy, stagnaut waters. Bucklin' Akxica Salte. - The bast salve in the worlu for (Juls, Bruist-s, Sures, UlceiS, Sall Rheum, Fevcr Soies, Teltur, Chapped Hands, (Jliilblaius, Cocn, and all kinds of. skiu Eruptions. This salve is guaianteed togive perfect salisfactiou in every case or Uiü money lefunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach iV. Son, Aun Arbor, .Mich. A DOteworthy faot about strikes is that in most cases wheu u man strikes ii is bis family llial is strickeii. Young man, do not give up Un; ship. There is still hope, Dr. E. C. YVest's Nerve aud Brain Treatffiont will cure you. A cure guaran teed. Sold at Browu & Co. 's Drug Storo. " Ananias, Jr." How can yau lean) to be a first-class liar ? Get engagéd to two girls aud llie faculty will gort o'couoe to i'ou. The Wokld Still Moves. - Notwitlistanding MotlaerShipton's diré predtction, the world still exista. The people will live longer if , they use Dr. Bigelown Positive Cure, which subdues and conquers coughs, colds, consumptiou, whoo]) ing cougb, and all diseases of tbe lungs. For proof cali at Eberbacb & Son aud get a bottle free. Instinct leads a hen astray wheu it induces her to waste valuahle time sitlíng on a China egg. - N. O. Pie-ayune. A World Wants Proop.- "Theproof "f tlie pudding h 1 he fatioji thereof , and nut in cbewing the string wüicli tied the baji. Therefore, take Dr. .loues' Red Clover Tonic. It cures all blood disorders, torpiil livor, sick headacbe, costivenpss, and ali diseases of the uriuary orguns. The best appetizer and tonic knowu. Sold by EberbackA Son. Fifty cents per bottle. "Dearme! said Mjs. Partiugton the other day. "young girls nowadays are not what tlieir mothers used to be. Huif of them are sufferera frotn ncrvous prcspiatioD I" Frebof Cïost. -All persons wishing to test the merits of a great rcinedy- oue that will positively cure C'unsuniption, Coughs, Colds, Aitbma, Bronchitis, or viy affection of the Throat and Lunes- ure reqnested to cali at Eberbacb & Son's Drug Ötore iiDd gut a Trial Botile of Dr. Kiug'sNew Discovery f'or Conttumptlon, tree of cost, w]ii,:b wili show yon whal % regular dollar size boUlt will do. "Iniake my Mving liy witlking," srfd the book canvassen "Iftbxi 8Ko,"tHKd tbc victem, " pleasedo yuur waikiug ikiw hikI yoar talkiog to some otter tellow." Farmers and Mkchakics. - If yciu wish to avoid great dauger and trouble, bebdes a not stnall biil of expense, at this season of tfafl year, yuu should take prompt steps to keep disease frona your Iiousebold, The system stiould Ijo clean sed, blood purifled, tomach aud bowels regulated, and prevent and cure diseaaei ansiog trom Spring malaria. We kuow of nothins tliat will ,so perfectly and Burely do this m Jiltctric Bitters, and at the trifliog cost of flfty ceou a bottle.- Exch.- gold byKberbach & Son. An Kxcliange nny, Saratoga trunks are way otï now. No younjj lady eau pogsibly vi.iit a sniumer rosort and bc fashionable without a Jumbo tnink. 'J'hal ih the lateel siae. REMEMBER THIS. f you are sick Hop Bitters wil 1 hurely aid Nature in making you wol! whcn ill else fails. [f you are eostive or dyspeptic, or ure suffering from any other ol ilic uumeroug dieeasea of the stoiuach or bowels, it is yourown fault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters ure u sovereijjn remedy in uil sucu Culliphiiiils. If you ure wastlng away with any form of Kiduey disease, stop tempüng Death his moment, and turu for a cure to Hop Bitters. It you are sick witb tnat terrible sick ness, Nervousuess, you wül ünd a "Balm in Gilead" m the use of Hop Bitters. IE you are u frequenter or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your systein Bgainst the scourge of all countries - malaria!, epidemie, bilious, and ïnlermittent fevera - by tbe une of Hop Bitters. If you huve rough, pimply, or sallovv skin, bad broath, pains nul sebes, and fee! miserable generally, Hop Bitters will f?ive you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, bealtb and comfort. In short, they cure all diseases of the Stouiach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. f.500 will be paid for a case thev will uot cure or help. That poor, bedridden, iuvalid wife, sister, uiother, or daughter, can be made the picture of healtb, by a fev.' bottles of IIoi Bitters, cosliDg bul a trille. Will you let thera suffer '! j THE GREAT CURE RHEUMAT1SM 1 As it is for all diseasea of the KIONEYS. ' LIVER AND BOWELS. i It oleanaes the system of the acrid poison ' that causes the dreadfuï sufferine whioh ' only thevictiins of Hheumatiam can realise, , THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of this terrible dUease have been quickly relieved, in a short time ' PERFECTLY CURED. has had wonder ftilsucceu. and an immense , sale in every part of the Country. In hnndredsofoaseaithaacured whereall else had . 1 faileoL Itis mild, but efficiënt, EERTAIN , IN IT8 A TÍO N , but harmless in 11 cmm. tIt oleantes, Strenftheiis and cWealf w ■ ' Ule toall the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneya i restored. ' The Liver is oleanaedof all diseaae, and the 1 Bowels move freely and healMifully. In thl i , waythe worst diaoases are erodioatsd from thesyatem. 1 An it has been proved by thousanda that ' ia the most effeetual remedy for eleansing the , t system of all morbid socretioua. It shouid be used in every household as a ' SPRINC MEDICINE. i Alwayo cures EIIJOirSNESS, CONSTIPA' TION, HXE3 and all FEMALE Disea. ', ' IspiitupinIryyeetablcForm, in tin uu, l one packapre of whicbmakea6quarta medicine. Also in I.iquld Form, very Conoeutratedfor ', 4 tho convenience of thosewliocannotreadilypre. i parelt. Itaetsu-ithtquai elUciencyineitherform. GET ITOFYOITR MOTGGIST. PRICK, 1.00 ', ' WELLS. KICIUUDSOX Co.. Prop's, ■ I (Will send the dry pot-paid.') m nl.IXTO!t. TT. ,' FRED SORG, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES BRUSHES, WINDOW OLASS, Anl i:U I'a uters' Supplics of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington íst AMN AREOK. - MICMIGAN


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