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Iq a tunnel on the Galveston, Houston & San Antonio railroad, Where men were at work approaching each ether frota opponite directions, and so near that they could hear picka from either eide of the unfinisbed work, an explosión of 250keys of powder took effect prematurely, penetrating the intekening rock, killins three tneD, and soriously injurinf flve Masked uien entered the houso of T. W. Uajlis, a farmer, near Vienna, 111., as he sat readiDK beside a lamp, tied hia hands and feet and robbed the house. They then set Cre to hb Mrths. enlit his head open with an axe and lefl biin dead on the üoor. His feet were burned to a crisp. A fire in Brown street, Cincinnati, destroyed halfabloolr, including 14 wooden buildings. One child was burned to death. Warren county. Pa. is excited over the most extraordinary oil developinents. The one discevered in May, yielding 1,000 bárrela a day, tbe Murpby well is struck jtieldlng 900 barrels, the Cadwallader opens, with 1,500 Six of the Tarifl Coinuiiesion are Republicana and threo Democrats. Mr. Woodmim waB urged by tbe Michigan menibers. Six men rode into the town of Brodfield, Mo. on the Hannibal and St. Joe. railro&J, Monday afternoon, jut as tbe bank there was closing, covered the bankclerks with revolvers, went through the safe and money drawersand took tö.COO in cash. They then backedout covering the frighterod bankpeople wuh their revolvers aud deparlod. They wore ina?kf, shoutedlike demonp, and went off fiviag revolvers. J. S. Phelpa, of Mo., declines to be a member of the Tariff Commiesion. At a meeting of the ütoskholders of tke Toledo, Canada SouthfiQ & Detroit Railway, the followiog directora were ebosen : James Tlilinghast, Edward A. Wicker, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Augustus Schell, & D. Worcêster, Samuel V. Barger, Joseph Harker, Goo. W. Davis and W. L. Scsott. A fire at Vermont Swathe works at Springfield caused damage to the amount of 20,000; another at the soap and oil works in St. Louis to the amount of $50,000. Secretary Teller will issue no more patents to the Northern Pacific Rúlroad until it pays government for selecting, surveyiDg and conveying the patenU alredy issued. An American missionary, named Watkine, was attacked near Jalisco, N. M. by natives, led by three alcalde. But the Watkins party resisted, killed five of their aesailants, and wounded others. Watkins got off by paying $1,000. The flue of the stoamer Evansville, while discharging rreight at Evansville, ind., collapsed, killing three of her crew, and injnring eight or ton. Giilmore wns blown overboard, wltli two hogsheads of Ubacco; also Chlef Eogineer Baker, but b.ith escaped with sliglit injuries. I Le poBtüffics at Coluiubu?, III. , wa8 robbed of $2,000 in governinent checks and some poetage stampe, watches, fcc. The contract to supply the postofDco department witli Btainped eiivblopcs for four years has been given to the Morgan Eaveiope Coinpany of Springfield, Mass., and the Pluinpton Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Conn., acting together, for $458,197. They ?lso B8cure the contract for official envelopes for poet masters. Gould, Pierce & Co. of Oincinnati, get the contract for cotton twine. The Mexican Congres has repealed the export dnty on silver coin and bullion.heretolore existing; the object being to ncouraee the invfstment of American Oapital in Mexican mines. Twelve ice oouses in inaianapous oeiongiuK to Mra. Burch were burnod. Losa f40,000. Oa acconnt of ill-health, ex-vice President Wheeler declines to serve on the Tarllï Commission. His health has been declining for several years. In Chicago, Mrs. Seybolt poisoned her four childrenwith strychnine, agesranging from two to twelve. The crime was done in the night, during her husband's absence. On his return in the inorning, the bodies had been laid out and draped for the funeral by the insane mother. who met him at the door and invited hip1 see how pretty they looked, who soon feil dead herself of the same poison. TUe Corporation of Hiram College, O., have elected Mrs. Garfield a memher of the Board of Tni9tees, a place for inany years held by her husband. The IriBh judges protest Bttongly against some features of the repression bil), espocially against trials by three judges without juries, and Baron Fitzgerald will resign if a provisión so obfloxious be not removed, The compulsory retlreinent bill,if itbecoines a law, will retire Gens. Ord and McDowell tbis year, Gen Sherman in 1884, Gen. Pape in 1887, Gen. Hancock in 1888 and Gen. Sheridan in 1865, as each will be 64 at those respective dates. At high mués in a Buffftlo chuicb, Sunday, Egidiaa Hech became uneasy and atarted to go home. His wife, sappoaing him faiut, followed to steady him with her arme, when he drew a razor and cut his throat, falling dead in the aisle. Amid great excitement masa was suspended. Hech ran over a woman accidentally, on Uecoration Day, and has been nervous with apprehension of arrest. The Cummings Block, Boston, on Waltham St, is tmrut. Lob9 966,000. In the new (iarfield oil territory in . vania, it is said there will be 20O oil wells in different stages of progrese or completion in a monto. f tie Brookfield bank robbers have been lodged ia jail at Linneus, )lo., and will be tried both for robbery, and for assault with intent to kill. A. A. Xerril!, clerk in the pension office at Indianapolis, has been arrested on charge of fraud in issumg tbree duplícate drafts on the Bub-treasury ia New York in favor of J. H. Beese. Senator Anthony ia re-elected to the U. S. Senate for the nezt six years. At the West Point graduating exerciEes addreases were made by (Jan. Sberman, Col. Elwells, Senator Harrison and Representatlve Blackbarn. In Warre a and Butler countiea, Ühio, the arm y worm is deatroyiug the grain, and are reported marching up the Miami Valley, destroying whole fielda in a few houra. By the removal of a rail on the ühlo and Misslseippi near Brownatown, the cara went do wd an embankment flfteen feet into Hough creek, and Charlen Hogers, a tramp from Boston, stealíng a rlde, was killed. A fira in Montreal Tueaday night, deatroyed Clendinneng's block Victoria Square and erty to the araount of ball a million. It wept as follows: (ireenshields, Sona&Co., ry goods; Mclntyre & Frencli, dry goode; lendinneng, stoves; Loeses: Millers, $150,000; üraenshields, $350,000; Mclntyro & Co., 141)0,000; Clendinneng buildiog and Btock, 550,000; lüsared in all tbe leading Eoglish and Canadiaa ofllces for three fourtbs value. President Haight, of the University of Vincennce, Ind., has so far compromised himsell by nis indiecreet, if not criminal attentiong to Miss A.dams, a teacher, that the trustees have ealled for his resignatioD.


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