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The Houbb went into committee and resuined eonsiiieration of the encral De-ficiency Appropriation bilí. Oc motion to strike out the clause appropriating $ 150,000 for the Bureau of ConBtruction and Repair of the Navy a long discuseion folio wed, Mr. Hewett and Blount supporting the inotion and Mr. Bobesoa opposing it, and defending his expenditures oc Navy vessels iu tho rebellion. The motion to strike out did not prevail. The London Standard, June 8, saya cf Prelinghuysea'B papor on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty: Tho answor to all thiB rhetoric is, tli treaty haB been made and ought to be kept. Tbe News eays: Granville will not fail to remember that commercial as well as legal and poliücal considerations are decbive against the positiou Freüufliwj-sen has chosen to assume. June 8:- The Kenntn pasaad a bilí uuttioriziug the tresury to report the amount of clairns of Texas, Ortígon, Nevada and of Washington and Idaho lerritovies tor notieya expended and debte incuned in Buppressing lndian invasions. Sonate con8itiered and passed the District Appropriation bill. The Housu passed a bill increasiuK to f 40 a inonth the pensions of any ia the liite war wno . lost an arm, leg, hand or foot, or recelved any dieability equal thereto. The General I)e6ciency bill was taken up and the clause to ref uiid to Missouri the payments made to oflicers and privatos of the militia of the state for services readered in suppressing the rebellion was agreed to, aud the bill passed. The ainountinvolved is $234,591. A joint resolutiou was passed to loan 1,000 army tents to Jewieh refugees ia Vinehmd, N. J. June i.- Tdo senate passed tne bill f r the govornnient control of the harbor of ref uge at Sand Beaclj, Micb. Tho senato caniinittee on torelgn affaire will igvee on tho bill reRUiating consular jarifdiotion ia foreign couatnes. The Japanese iudemnity bill teing up. Mr. Morril! offored an uu ïmlmeat that ihe original ainouut ouly bo returned. Tlie liouse commltlee on foreign alïaiia l repoit tho resülution favoring the proposed iuternntional congress to estabiiah univereal meridisn time. Juno 10.- The Committse of Wnys and Meaus will renort in favor of an adjourninont of Congress on the 3d ?f July. It ia thought that Congress wil! uot be ready to adjourn at tbat tioie, but lhe consideration of the proposiüon wili basten the work of preparation. Tho principal thing tbat will occupy the attention of that body is the completion of the appropriation bilis, now well under way . The President has commuted the sentence of Edward M. Kelly of New Mexico, to imprisonment for life. The Soewtary of the Treasury has appointed a committee to count all the Iuternal Rsvenue stanips, to see if the bureau acconnts were correct, before the begiuning of the fiscal year. June 12.- The house of representaties paseed the bill appropriating $75,000 Jtor a public buüdiug at Dallas, Xex. The aruiy appropria tion bill was reported -with the amendment fixing the age for compulsory reliroment at (H yews, and the ainendmnt was concurred in. The reinaining senate aineudments were seat to the conference couimittne, Mi. Butterwortb, who reported the bill reconimendiog non cnncurrenco In tke snate Mr. (iarlaud in roduced a bill repeaHug the Irooeltd oath, aB a sabstitute for Mr. (ibbs' bill probibitiag Unitod States comtnisioned officers who resigned to joia the confederacj, from holding positions in the araiy ana navj'. Bills were passed authorizing the Sioux City & Paciüc railroaa company to construct a bridge across the Missouri, also to divide Iowa iuto two judie.xl ilistricte. Juae 13. - In the House consideraron of the legiulatlve approprialion bill was coutinued. A. joint reBolution pasBe.i to appropriate $10,000 for the orectioa of (i uionumsnt at Washiugtonb' Hjadaaarters in Newburg, N. Y, and $15,000 for the celtsbratien there in 1883 ol the huadredth aüniversary of the declaration of Peace. Mr. Blaine aypeared before the House Committee oa Foreign Aflairs and spoke of his officiai treatment of the Ohili-Peru affair. He said the State Department never for a moment countenanced the idea of an American protectorate. The Japances Indemnity Fund biil psed the Seuate, 85 to 18. It paya to Japan $785,0C0, and 1 140,000 as prize inoney to offlcers aud crew of the U. S. Ship Wyoming and tlie steamer Takiang for services to the Strait of Sbimonoseki in 1863 and 1861.


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