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Tucsdíij aveniüg at the Close of bueinets tho employés of the Beady Print and ChriBtian Herald surprised Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Trowbridge by the presantatlon of an elegant and massive silver water service, it being the 22J anniversary of their marriage. Dates, monogram, etc,, were baautifully enaraved by the M. S. Smith house which furnished the service. Anotner riot is feared !n Alexandria, and the Khedive has left Caiio for that place. Wben the French tationed a vessel opposlte thelr coasulaie to receive refugees, the was imme diately surrounded by fgyptiansteamlaunchcs and a collision mny occur at any momert. European resident are leaving the city as fst as posBible. It is kuown that oTer 100 persons were killed in the late rlot Thrt e numbers of the Hatchins family were arrosted lor buraing last April the saw mili of Depew & Soas, in Tuscola County. A confesión has been eecured f rom one of the Hutshins' boys. In Peoples-Whitla murder trial, the eirl ha been traced from Dearbora to Detroit. WitnesB Bitw her in Ptoples' store where he went to collectthe note. There are coinpiaints ot injury to the wheat blossoms by trost in Van Buren County. Emma Kimbal!, who injured her toot on a plank walk ia Adrián in Maren, died in Detroit Monday. The injury whica began in the instep caueed swelliner, paralysis and the loss of one Bide of the body, and the diaease finally reached the head and ended with blood poieon ing and death. Miss Marian Gerls, daughier of Foatmaster erl?, Pontiac, was seriously hurt by being thrown from a bugífy. The norse she was driving ran away, demolishing the bugCT. MÍ33 örla held to the reins as long as possible and was dragged soine distance. The baskets of flowers for soldiere graves at Iouia, sent by O. R. Mableo, Detroit, were stolen soon after the procession left the grounds. A fire iu Harrison dnstroyed 280,000 [shingles. Del Liwrence, liviog near Caro etarted for the reunión in Detroit. When the train arrived at Rochesïcr he jainped off, but the train Btarted and Btruck bim on the forehead wllu such force as to whirl hiin rounfl, when the steps bit him on tlie hip and kuocked him down. The cir wheels paessd over his bips and he lived but a few moments. Ho was 28 years oíd, and engasad to be married. His affianced heard he was injured, but did not know of his eath until after her arrival. John Dawson, a Sand Beach merchant, arested for paBsing Majhew Business college uioney, repreeenting it to be lawfui currency, has been charged with obtaiaing money on falso pretores and found guilty. A dauíjhter of F. Fiuger oí Saline was thrown out of a wagon, into the wheel by whick her neck was broken and she instantly killed. F. J. Schumacher of Jackson, becaine so quarrelsoinewita nis family.his wife sent for a policetnan. Shutnacher shot the offlcer in the face when he arrived putting out his eye and filling hls face and ueck with shot; going to a window he saw his wife going to a neigubor's and flred, fataliy wounding her. Shnmacher thon shot himself and is dead. Peter Kelley, guasontü, at Clare unüertooï to clean a loaded gun today, when two barrels were discharged. Both his hands were blown off aud the chargfs tore through bi9 clotuing but snly iDiazma; the skin ou his body. Am putation at tbe wiists Is considered necessary. At (irand B pids s small-pox patiënt tscaped {rom the p-bï houso wlie in a condition of delirium and Lttfore he was recaptured ran arouad se?eral Bquare s in the northern part of the city. Ai.otb.iT death is repoited. The funeral of Rev. O. S. Wolfe, of fieed city was very lartrely atteaded on the lötb inst. He was a pionser miniBter of the Baptist denominatiou and has labored as past-r and mifsionary untü hls diseaBe by jaundica after six weeks iilness. The remains of John King, Sr., aud Ed. Colander, drowned whn the "Industry" went lown, have been washed aehore and bnried in the St. Joaeph cemetery. Henrj líinne of Texas towusbip, neir Kala mi z )o, lusa eommitteS suicide by taking poiBon He was a vrell todo farmer, butoutof bealth Two ïirls escaped from the Adrián reform school. R simond Rsynolds, sent from Wnite Oloud, aud Mary flarney from Ionia. Horace Yatep, claiming to be a citizen of Detroit, was arrested at MarBhall, having on hiB peraon jewelry, eilk handkerchiefa, &o., stolen from Hoaglia'tf store at Albion. Heary Wigglas and a companion foand a bottie of corrnsive sublímate in a Bay City hotel. Wiggius put it to his Ups to taste a single drop and find out what itwas, wbfin hiscom uanion for a joke pushod his elbow, spilling the fluid on bis face and making biin swaliow a litUe iuvoluntarily. The doctora fiaally saved his lite, but he ha at preBent a badly gwollen face. Dr. H. W. Yeinens, a youne pbysician at tbe U. S. Marine Hospital, Detroit, has received mstructions to report for duty at Sitka, Alaska Heleavea for bis new post immediately, via Sin Francisco. A six-year oíd &irl of Louis Geil, near Rogers City, went aíter the cows and did not return. Althongh 15) men have been hunting in the woods for her, no trac has been found. It is fared si e was killed by bears which have been seen in that vicinity. Kalamazoo has a Tally Ho Coaching Club numbering 20 msmbers. The means are already pledgeil to purchase coach and horses. Jerome's aalt well in Carrolton (Saginaw Valley) was stirred by the explosión of a 20 quart nitro glycerine torpedo on Monday. Eugene Wsbster of Battle Creek, who muti lated 3tephnn Tarbell for Intimacy with his wife, is under arrest, with bale Cxed at 5,000. Tarbel) will die. A. D. Clark, a Battle Creek builder, while hunting on Sanday, received an accidental but fatal shot. Sïlvanus Harks was arreBted in Ann Arbor on Monday, chargtsd with a $125 forgery. On Sunday Bay City was visitad by a cyclone in which Frank Filzdugh lost his barn, and a colt which was cairied in the building for nearly 20 rods. Thos. Jeyce's hou9e was destroyed. A Miss Simpson was bruised so that she will probab'y die; John Carroll had his ükull fracturad, and others In the house were severely hurt. The track of the storm was about 80 rods wide. At E3sexville, also, a terrible hall storm and wind prevailed. . A travelier from Manitoba to St. Thomas feil In with Confidenco men at Chicago who during the trip to Detroit got no solid with the Btranger as to secure in Detroit his money, some 1180. The new depot of the M. C. B. U. will prebably be decided next week when tha Vanderbilt party will ba in Detroit. Chas. Hoyt of Dowagiac lost portions of his hand in Judd's planing mili. John Evans house at Bellovue was robbed this week. Mr. David Olt of Bittln Creek has the smallpox and raany ha?e been exposod b lack of quarentine. A grand wedding in Bay City was the marriage of Cnpt. D. Uraham, of the inouitor Passai", statloned at Washington, D. C, and Miss Ella C R'iosevult, daugbter of the late Cornelius Roosevelt of Flint, but makiDg her home with a sister Mrs. Touseyof Bay City, . Imlay City is troubled by the operations of masked burglars, twice the mail service has baen rob bed si nee the first of May.


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