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Additional local on second page. Dr. Douglas A. Joy is happy. How do y ou like our new dress? The pólice drew their pay yesterday. This city was a dull place on thefourth. Thomas Boyd has gone to Detroit to live. Business around the court house is quiet. J. S. Esrls is taking in the Howell races. Eegister Gilbert oomplains of lull times. Prof. E. Walter saile'd for Europe yesterday. There are 22 members of the Ypsilanti city bar. W. C. Bliss had a big time at Howell Tuesday. The Chelsea band was in Manchester Tuesday. County Clerk Clark will draw a jury Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Tyler is visitinar trienda in Wisconsin. Alderman Luick has moved into his new house. Mrs. Wm. Clute, of Dnndee, is visiting friends in the city. L. F. Wade, it is said, talks of locating in Dakota territory. Wm. Kise, of Grass Lake, won the footrace in Manchester. Miss Mate Muir went fishing on Portage lake the Fourth. John Nowland is surety for C. E. Holmes the druggist. The Misses Burleigh were the guests of Miss O'Brien last week. Mrs. Joe T. Jacobs and ahilaren have gone to Columbus, Ohio. Two childrèn of William Turner died last week of soa riet f ever. Miss Kate Conlon, of Dexter, was the guest of Miss Mate Muir. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adama Left for Hastings, Minn., Monday. Professor and Mrs. Pattengill will snramer in the White Mountains. The teniperance men of Maine will support the republican ticket. Thomas Hand, crazy, recently captured in this county, is at large again. John Crowell of Port Hurón, has been visiting friends in the fifth ward. It is said that the saloons in Manchester were kept open on the Fourth. Prof. E. Jones and wife will leavo in h few days for the White Mountains. Sed James, the well known monument builder spent the 4th in Cleveland. How it looks to see pile after pile of dirt on the different thoroughfares. Messrs. McKean and Payne of Detroit, spent Sunday with friends in this city. Gillie Pitkin of Ontario, spent the first of the week with his uncle, J. N. Gott. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge and wife will spend the summer at Auburndale, near Boston. Judge Cooley and wife and Dr. Dunster and wife have gone to Bloek Island. Alderman Hiscock thought that the pólice should receive their witness fees. John Moore and wife will spend a few weeks at Uronia Beach, on Lake Huron. Dr. A. B. Palmer has gone to the White Mountaina where he will spend his vacation. Kit Matthews and J. B. Gough killed a snake Sunday that measured nine feet long. The prohibitionists of Maine have united with the republicana to carry the state. S. N. Preston, of the St. James, has been taking in Indianapolis the past week. Catherine street is to be extended, and the reaidents of the Fourth ward are happy. Alderman Besimer will open his place in Detroit about the middle of this month. Owen Donnelly, after a year's residence in South Lyon, has returned to this city to live. Will Flynn, who is working in Kalamazoo, paid his friends a visit on the Fourth. A large number of our citizens took in the celebration at South Lyon on the Fourth. John Koch, of Koch & Haller, has gone to Mt. Clements, to be treated for rheumatism. Mr. Smith of Indianopolis, Ind., brothcr of Geo. W. Smith, was in the city Tuesday. E. Branch, of Brooklyn, N. Y., wife and son, were visiting Mrs. H. Bower yesterday. Mrs. O. Muehlig will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Adams, at Hastings, Minn. C. Orcutt has the thanks of The Democrat for several quarts of great, big strawberries. J. E. Beal, lit '82, will assume the editorial management of the Courier next week probably. The Manchesterites were terribly dissapointed because Company A did not put in an appearance. Charles Woodard, the popular cleik of the St. James, has gone on a brief visit to Pen Yan, N. Y. Mrs. Georgia Arnold, wife of Eugene Arnold, of Scio, died Friday, aged 31 years and 24 days. " Doe " Cobb, well known in this city as one of the boys, was the thinl brat sTcimmer in the race. J. F. Hoffstettor is doing the niason work on J. Hoffstpttcr's new house on Washington street. Win. Hiiyden, who had the contract for building the post office celler will probably finish this week. Oscar Wehner now rides in bis own rij;. He made the purchase of a horse and buggy Tuesday. Bobert Buttler, a resident of Chicago for the past four years, is visiting his brother, John Buttler. A large number of citizens went to Manohester Tueeday . Everybody seemed to liave a good time. The title of Dr. Henry Small has been changed from lecturer on pbysiology to professor of the sanie. Proís. Hennequin, 0. M. Galey, and J. B. Steere, and Prof. StoweU and wife have gone to Petoskey. Money won and the Malleys were cleared. Jiistice is a acaree artiole even in the City of the Elms. Three Ann Arbor boys entered for the swimming eontest in Manchester, and thoy took the prize, $10. The ordinance relative to the T., A. A. & G. T. E. B. shonld be read by every citizen on the west aide. The wife ■ of Orville Sage was thrown frora her carriage tSunday aud was badly scarred over her right eye. Several casea recently operated on at the homeopathie hospital will postpone the closing for a few days. The citizens of the second ward complain that the old brewery building on First street is a miisance. Profs. C. K. Adams, "Wineheïï and Harrington will leave the last of the week for Martha's Vineyard. Professor John Eastwood, of Virginia, son of Eev. Mr. Eastwood, has been in the city several days on B visit. One hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty cents were allowed on the general fund Monday evening. Policeman Porter made 10 arrests in June, and his fees were $24.04. C. G. Millman eight arrests, fees, $23.99. At the poniological meeting Saturday a number of fruit growers bad on exhibition fine specimens of strawberrios. Messrs. Taylor, Wagner and Nioklea went to Manchester Tuesday and captnred the prizes for bioyole riding. No extra pólice were on duty Tuesdav. It was not necessary, for nearly everybody went out of town to celébrate. The examination of the Heinbecker woman on the charge of adultery will be heard to-morrow by Justice Frueauff. A man named Darling, at the county house, had m epliptic fit Tuesday and aftewards attempted to cut his throat. The ditch on the north side of Summit street ought to be tiled. That is the reason why the pëtition was presented. The new foot bridge near H. McGuire's place, North Main street, is a great improvement, and tlie railing a still greater one. Crops never looked better in this eounty. Wheat is immense, corn is doing wcll, and there will be a Iarge yield of oats. Marshal Nowland paid out in June $71.71. First ward, 813.76; seoond ward, $4.90; third, $38.75; fourth, $10.87; fiftb, $3.43. The total amount of taxes collected in this connty in 1881 was $230,694.54 which does not include the city tax of Ypsilanti. At the reunión of the class of '79 John Chase, of Detroit, was elected president, and Mr. M. H. Brennan, of this uity, secretary. Mrs. M. J. Gillett, matron of the homeopathie hospital, left Sunday evening for Charlevoix, where she will spend the vacation. The party numbering some 300 was detained at Pittsfield Junction some two turara before the train for Manchester oame along. The next legislature of this state is to be memorialized for an appropriation to complete the department of mechanical engineering. After two weeks publioation of the ordinance in to-day's paper, the Toledo railroad will be brought to time. Bead ït and digest it. On motion of alderman Keech the committee on fire department was authorized to parchase an ejector for the steam engine. Mrs. Fitch, the fashionable dealer in liair goods, dressed the heads of the lady graduates of the medical classes for commencement. Observer: Anotlier valuable horse belonging to the Feldkamp estáte died last week. This is the third one they have lost within a year. George Bailey, 13 years of age, was 'earfully burned in the face Tuesday by ;he explosión of powder. He may lose lis eyes in consequence. There are 33,903 volumes and 8,184 pamphlets in the university library. The increase during the year being 2,700 volumes and 479 pamphlets. S. W. Slmrtleff has returned from a two weeks' trip through New York. He says the wheat there is not to be compnred with Michigan wheat. Charles S. Fall, for a long time with A. L. Noble, is going to Saginaw to reside. Charles's many friends will regret ■o have him leave the city. There was a great demand for papers ïere the day of Guiteau's execution. Vlost everybody could be seen rea ding the Detroit Evening News. O. R. Whitman delivered the 4th of July oration at Manchester. It was a magnificent effort, and he fully snstained lis rejmtation as an orator. Professor Perry will not toko a vacation. He has several reporte to mako out, and othcr business to attend to, which will occupy his time. Some 10 Germán societies held a picnic at the park Tuesday. Everytliing assed off pleasantly, and there was a general good time all around. Herbert Elwood Cary, son of N. H. 3ary, of this city, lit '77, who graduated n the medical department, class of '82, j ïas gone to Ontonagon, L. S. One of the best stone masons working n the new postoffice foundation, graduated with high honors from the department of medicine and surgery. The subject of the Eev. Dr. Gregory's address to the gradnating class comniencement day was, "The Sciences and Arts of the Ninete ntli Oéntury." Bontecou, who is recamng a salary of S1.5CK. per nuiiiim, tootcd bis hom on Lodi l'lains Sunday. He was after more stock for the temperance alliance. HofTstetter's bear attráote considerable attention. A few days ago the bear went for a prominent hardware merchant who was trightemed aearly out of his wits. Dr. Shurtleff, of Pttrtello, Calhcran oounty, paid The Dbmocbat office a visit Thursday. Ho was so well pleased with the paper that he paid for anotber year. Mr. De Forost of tlie towuwhip of Aun Albor, was terribly surprised when infornied by J. W. Knight thnt $27 had been placed to his credit over seveu years ago. There were heavy tlmndcr showers on Priday and Satwrday nighta 'í'he rain feil in torrente, cats seeked their hiding places, and Oíd Nick appeared to be on the war path. Fred and Chas. Schleicher went fishing Saturday and caught 10 pickerel and 32 blaok baes. One pickerel weiglied 19 pounds, and it was not a very sood day for flshing either. Judge James E. Ha wcs, of Xenia, Ohio, law '62, visited liis oíd friends and attended the exercises of conimenoement week. Mr. Hawes is an eamest worker and an able judge. Harvesters are in great demand, notwithstanding the large number of twine binders that have been sold in this county the past few weeks. Washtenaw lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., eleotcd the following officers Friday eveiiing: N. G., J. J. Hansey; V. G., H. E. Gidley; secreta ry, Geo. Fitzmeyer; treasurer, H. T. Morton. Hugh S. Peoples, the allegod nmrderer of Martha Whittla, has been aoquitted. Notwithstanding the verdiot of tlie jury, thousands of people in this state wül believe him gnilty just the same. The finance committee reportad bilis ís follows: First word, !?274.:!5; Kcoud, $54.61; third, -447.13; fourth, $30.35; fifth, 910.80; sixth, $177.50; general etreet fund, 9Í13.11; contingent; $628.55. Observer; Mr. Peter Weinett lest ;i $200 horse one day last week. lts death was caused by eating too niuch grass. This is the third horse Mr. Weinett has lost within the past nine months. Michael Horrigan and " Dug" Beahao were discovered Tlmrsday morning nttempting to break jail. Tbey had dug through the floor, and expected to tunnel under the wnll and tlius escape. Ed. Boyle, of Sharon township, has been arrested for an alleged assault and battery, eommitted on Mrs. Indwig Walker. Examination next Monday. Deputy Sheriff Olarken served the papers. T. Tandy, general freight and passenger agent of the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee railroad, has favored us with a neat pamphlet and time table advertising the summer routes of that line. F. E. Iïandall, lessee and manager of' the American district package express company of Detroit, and George Miller, formerly a resident of this place, paid their complíments to The Democeat Tuesday. The Krause tanning company elected the following officers Monda y cvening: President, J. M. Wheeler; vice president, Newton Sheldon; secretary and treasurer, Wm. Mcrkle; superintendent, Hcnry Krause. Oapt. Manly lias had enough of soldiering and after three years of faithfnl service stepped down and out. He received his discharge Saturday. Undcr captain Manly the eompany improved wonderfully. Aocording to the report of Professor Franklin of the liomoeopathic college, of the 131 surgical operations performed in various conditions of health, not a single death occurred either in or out of the hospital. The. pliarmaceuticals elected offloers as follows: President, Hugo Thum, '78; vice presiden ts, H. B. Parsons, 'TG; W. F. Griffith, '77; O. L. Berker, '80; secretary, Jas. F. Geisler, '80; eorresponding secretary, Alex. Maner, '80. Prof. Mortimer E. Oooley, of the mechanical engineering depavtment, would like to have expended a thousand dollars in perfecting the work in his department. The next legislature will Vje asked to grant his request. Janitor Horton says that every person who wished to view the city from the court house tower were accoinmodated. He didn't think it his business to aak every person who visited the building il' they would like to see the sights. H. R, Hill and M. T. Guinon have been admitted to the bar in Fargo, Dakota territory. These young men have lmng out their shingles and propose to do a land office business. Time will teil whether their fond hopes will be realized. We are reliably informed that the chief of pólice will see that the ordinance relative to the blocking of streets is enforced. If this is done he will only be doing his duty, and at the same time will confer a great favor an an indignant community. Mrs. C. II. Henry of Au Sauble, nee Parshall of this city, and her sister-inlaw, Mrs. A. J. Parshall and daughter, and Miss Avery of Deadwood, Dakota, were the guests of Misses Clara and Susie Spoor, 28 south JelFerson streef, on the Fourth. Mr. Edward M. Lindley, a gradúate of the department of medicine and surgery, class of '79, and Miss Kittio B. McOleery, of this city, were married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Sed James, by the Eev. Dr. Stede, of the Presbyterian church. At the alumni banquet addresses were made by President Angelí, Gov. Jerome, Rev. Dr. Gregory, Chicago, Col. Sanford, Lansing, Judge Critchett, Monroe, Hon. Mr. Baker, Indiana, ex-niember of congress, Professor Jones, East Saginaw, and Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowcll. During the past year theae were treated in the homeopathie hospital, Professor Wilson's department, 210 eye and ear patiënte, 2G3 eye cases, and 57 ear cükck. The total number of cases of different forms of disease were 320, and the number of operations performed 68. The following is the report of the city recorder: General fund over draft, f772.82; contingent, $8,753.21; general street fund, 798.11; flrst ward, $611.35; second, $461.06; third, $82.66; fourtl 131.07; flfth, 154.63; sixth, $57.25 oemetery, 810.72; flremen's fund, $91.2.r Tn 1832 Wm. Leonsrd first stepped on Washtenaw connty soil. He remaiuet here for 40 years, wheu he went to Jack son oounty èo reside. He located ii Brooklyn 10 years ago, and occasionally returned on a visit. To-day he is visit ing his brother, Hobert, who lives on Pontiac streek During the last college yenr there has been i systematic robbery of. students in the gimiblinf,' den, and for years previous forthal niíií ter. Of those who have been ileeced we will naention Messrs. Baker, Dunlap, Eustice, Hannah and Kodgee. And ïunny other students hare dropped f lic ir ' boodle." The f ollowing are the oiücers elected by the homeopathie alumni: President, D. A. MeLahlan, Holly; vice president, F. H. ïyler, Sturgia; secretary, W. H. Davis, Aylmer, Ont,; treasurer, E. A. Clmrchill, Ind.; orator, A. E. Wheeler, Ann Albor; altérnate, J. O. Ward, Monroe; toast-master, B. C. Olin, Detroit. H. W. Davis, '82, has .been appointed home surgeon of the homeopathie hospital, vice A. R. Wheeler, M. D., who haR resigned, and who yoes as snrfjeon to the Huil himberman company, L. S. A. Stanley Dalan, '82, has also been appointed nurse in the hospital. Dr. Wheelor in his new home will receive a salary of $2,0(}l) per annum. B. A. B. has been getting the water for his printing office through Ashley's ramAnd, of eourse, he thought by praising up the road to curry favor with G. A. But those who have watched the eourse ol tüe Gouner, the position tlie paper has taken with the managers, will, it strikes us, be unnble to see the consistency of the article. Very little wool has yet been marketod here. Maok & Schinid%the heaviest purohaaers, have 15,000 pounds on hand, the average priee paid being 33 cents. Washtenaw is one of the best wool producing counties in Michigan, and wool growers feel that they should reeeive as much for the product as is bcing paid elsewhere in the state. And so they should. The board of regents last week conI the folloTving honorary degrees: Master of arts, Hon-. V., B. Cochrane, class of '70; A. E. Richards, M. T., who is nt present a resident of Itiily; Doctor of philosophy, E. C. Chamberlaine, professor of paleontology in the Beloit college, Wisponsin. Miss Alice E. Freeman, A. B., class of "70, president of Wellesley college, Mass. A gentleman traveling for tlie Chicago type foundry, while conversing with us during a professional cali, complimented the European hotel for having furniahed him the best dinner he had enten since leavinghome. Mr. Lewis, the landlord, has reason to feel proud of such fame, as it was made after a visit to almost every principal city in Michigan. - Ypsilantian. You bet. Any man who once stops with William is sure to do so again. Last Thursday evening Mr. J. S. Ricketts of Lindenvillc, Ohio, and Miss Julia A. Millen of the íifth ward, were married at the residence of the bride's párente, by the Eev. Dr. Cocker. Mr. B. M. Andrews of Ohio, and Geo. Millen acted as groomsmen, and Miss Elida M. Lovejoy of this city, and Miss Lottie Millen of Port Iluron, as bridesmaids. The presenta were many and beautiful. Of the 44 presents presentad we can only meníion the following: Silver water service, silver cake basket, one dozen silver spoons, one dozen silver fruit knives, silver fruit service and silver spoon holder. The prisoners in the county jail feel sick. Two of them attempted to escape, but the eagle eye of deputy Wallace was on their movements. Horrigan was found in the hole, Beahan was carrying the dirt away, and Martin Kise looked on complacently. After the discovery, Horrigan looked as if he had been drawn through a knot hole. Then the racket commenced. The vagabonds above when they heard that Martin Kise had squeeled, eetablished a dcad line, and threatened to kill him. Sheriff Wallace heard of it, and lay in wait in his office for the fnn to commenoe. Horrigan and Beahan undoubtedly kncw whnt was gone and were as mute as lambs. George Boott, the builder, has just oompleted and left with Alderman Hiscock, another elevation for the proposed new engine house, with the following dimensions: Front 66 feet, having three enclosures and a hall 60 feet feet deep; sidewalls 30 feet, 15 from same to the base of the tower, measuring perpendicularly; tower 48 feet above roof, and flagpole 12 feet high. The elevation gives a 16 feet hallway, a room 17x42 for the 1SS30 for the hand engine, and 16x20 for the fire engine. In the rear of the hall entrance is the office, with a fire-proof vault 6 feet high, 4x5 wide and 5 feet long. Tlris gives a clear of 12 feet in the office and 17 feet in all other parts, and leaves a hall 56x01 feet overhead, suitable for usual purposes. The cost will come within the appropriation, and the structure looks very well on paper, to say the least.- Daily News. The entertainment given by the ladies' library association at the opera house in Ypsilanti Friday evening was a grand Huccess. The house was orowded. The music was furnished by Prof. Pease and danghter. The singing of Mrs. Tyler was first-class; the poem by Prrf. George was good. Mrs. O. Spencer recited an original poem entitled " Our Broom Brigade," which was heartily applauded. The fair drill by the young miases, in costume, was new and novel. But the best thing of the evening wbs the broom drill by 18 young ladies, under the captaincy of Miss Fannie Bogardus, in four Kets of fours, and Retta Dodge was color bearer. The girls were dressed in white with red trimmings, and were all of i size; and they went through the foot movements with the precisión of regular troops, forming stars, hollow squares, and ofher difficult evolutions. Each young lady had a broom trinimed with red, and a wide red belt, with a tim brosh broom fastened in the back of the belt Their manual of arms was good, but their foot movements were much better. Their marching in platoons was perfect, their evolutions were perfect, and they were greeted with great applause. A large nnrnber of bouquets and basket of flowers were presented to them. The girls propose to keep up their practice, and no doubt will repeat the entertainment at some future day. - Post and Tribune.


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Ann Arbor Democrat