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News Of The Week

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The 28th seemed to be wool day in Fenton. The streets were crowded with teams, when Caleb Evarls' kam tried to run awy. After knocking down two horneB aud overturning a load of wool, naiet was again restored. The wife of David B. Hurst (drowned at Coidwater,) sawher husband go down for the last time, and was so shocked that her condition is considered critical. Hnnl's famüy and Bsveral others were camping on the liankB of thelake. Harry Savage, a 9-year ld boy atteinpliog to get water out of Detmit river, fo!l and was drowned. The body was recovered. Tbe Btat normal school at Ypsilanti, Wertnestiay, graduated 82 student?, of wliom 57 were women. Comtnon school course, 44; Englisu course% 17; language coursee, 21. The commencement exrcises were intwentinff aud largely attended. The executive comniitteo of tlie soldiere' and sailors' a8sociation of southwestern Michigan met in Casoopolis on the 28tli, and docided to hold Ihair next annual encainpment at Three Riyers, August 23, 24 and 25. Robert E. Pattison of Phiadelphia was nominated for govemor of tbe state of Pennsylvania bï tha Democratie convention at Harrisburg, amid much enthusiasm. Wayne Co., is to have a new building aud the auditors are lonking around for site. Pror. T. C. Garner Superintendent of the Fenton pubüc schools has just died. He was buried by Sir Knights on Saturdaj-. All is not lovely aniong the Allegan uewspaper men . Morgan of the Tribune thls week threshed Newnham of the Deinocrat. Ji hn Copland, Jr. only son of the well-known Detroit cracker manufactura', coininitten suicide by drownlnc n Ubocolay river near Marouette. Oopland went up to Ihe Superior regiou on.the Japan arrivinf? at Marquetto thís week Monday. Robert and Wllllam McFadaen, were arrested at Mt. Clemens, oa charge oí wbolemle cattle stealinír. The cattle wero stolen from Daniel C. LewU and otheff, near Oapae, and nnmbeitíd 1. Tho owners carne, identitted and took charge of their stock, and the thieves will be held for tria!. An employé in the mamifactuiïDK empaDy at Mt. Clemens, Adam Aieler, whlle worktng at an cmory wheel alone, was killed ly thfl bursting of the whee!, acd sabspquently fouad cold, hisekuli fractured tiy thfl fragment . For enticlng froin home and marryiug a Ifirl under 16 years of age, EJwin Huff, of Hillstlale, is sentenced to fourteen monthB in the Ionia House of Oorrection. A parasite called the rosebug in doing much damagein Lnawee county. White Chas. Rarick of Kalamo w.nBhoariuf sheep the animal kicked the sbearn. The polnt oftheshears entertd the ball of thoeyepennanently blinding Mr. Rsrick. Edw. Hafl of Hiüslale, has been convicted of enticing a giri undw 16 years of naje to marry hirn, and was sonteaced to th House of Correctlon for fourteon uicnths. Hallock's drug etore ia Detroit was burg. larized on Ftidfy mornlng. Th safe was blown open and f235 stolen, notwithstandiDg the famüy renide in the buiWlng. Tho exploaion attractert attention hut the robbioc was so well planned that the thieves got away, Three Rivers Is to have a $1 2,000 bridge over the St. Joaepta river. Rev. Z. Grenell, jr. bas recently beon honored by the title of D.D., and r.ow hls church tho First Baptist, Detroit, honor him with an increase of ealary: f 8,000 a year. A ten-year oíd son of Joun Wortu, Oscoda, shot a little boy, sevn years oíd, named Meade, with n toy pisto!. TI little fellow lived but ten minutes. Youcg Worlh claimed that a ball cartrirfge mixed with blank caused the accident. Nine conductorB on Michigan railroad have received notice that their services are not needed. It is Btated precediug the reslgnalionsi Pinkertons detectives had been iMIng on Michigan railroads quite extenoively. Mrs. Nettie Barnaril, who was chHigd with the murder of Mrn. Curtís at Lapeer about a year and a half ago has applled for a divorce f rom E. I'. B.irnard on the ground of cruelty; that since her ti lal for murder, of whlch ene was acqnitted, her husbaud has ceased to live wllh her, and the fact that he does not live with her causes, penp le to believe thathe lieHeves her guilty of the crime of which she was accused. Besides thie he falls to próvido her wilh any moans of sunport. Shealso avers that she has Bought work, but people look upon her suspiclously aud will not help her. Soine citizans of Allegan wishlng to celébrate the hanging otiiulteau built a bonfire in the center of tho vlllago. A barrel of gasoline was thrown on. The lij?hter Btruck his match somo 20 feet distaut. At once a fíame leaped across the streef, and the heup was lifted with a terrific f-xplosion, the Rlass in the adjacent buildings vn broken wilh a crash, and half a dozen men were more or less seriously injured. Onemnnvias struck by a pleceof elass, whlch cut a deep gash four inches loug, in his back. About $20 J d amanes was done to glasa alone. The new fruit-diyer factoty al Ijanslng is boomiog, Over $5,000 worth of orders are in and 20 men conslantly at work. The wheelbarrow fïetory is also workins nbout 45 men. An oíd apiarist otaWs that consumera niay look for a largo (luantlty of artificial honey in market this season, for the late, cold spring had doprived the bees of bloom, and many bee keepers have been obliged to feed their bses. It is now so late that the will hardly get enough honsy to keep them through the winter. The eenate blll for a bridgo over tho Sault Ste Marie has passíd tte houee. The jury in the Hugh S. Peoples caso returned a verdict of not Ruilty of Marlha Whitla's murder.


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