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June 28. The sánate considerad the legls lative, executlve and judicial appropriation bilí, agreeing to a largo uutuber of amead mentB. The bank charter extensión bilí wa also taken up. Concurrenco 8 refused I the house amendinenU and a érenos coiu mittee appoiuted. Thehous enuobiliwa received and roferred and th enste adjourn ed, ín tbe bousa nn aniuialed dlscupslou wa had over a "recolulioQ requwtlng the Presiden to communicate to the house any addltiona corresponden) caliod for by the resolutlon o April 28 and uot horetofme commuulcattid to congreFP, aud also whether any proposltlon liad beon inade by any persou holding oftlc under the United BtatOB to any American citi zens In Brit's'i prisons to accept thwr relente upon condltions,aud, f eo, by whoaisuchprop oslllon was mailo and Iba natnre thereof. The naval approprlation blll was Uien con sidered. Aftr passing au appropriation fo $20,000 for a memorial column coinmemora tive of the battle of Moninouth the bous a] journed. June 30.- lu Uie Keuate tbe joint resoluUon to provlde teinporarily for the expenditures o ihe governrnent was sigoed by tbe Chalr. ttes olutions wore receired from the House anuouc Ing the deathofKepreusntalivo Hawk, oí lili nols, and provlding for a ]olnt committee U oscorl Ibereipains to their last resling place Wlisn the Houne met, tbe desk lately occu pied by Repreeenlatlve Hawk, of Illinois, wh dled inst night, was drnperi ia black aud dtckvi with flowers. ThechaplaintouchinKlyrefeim to the dealh of Mr. Hawk, and invoked the di vine blessing upon the bereavd family. Im medlately af ter readlng Uie journal Mr. Heoder son annouaced tbe intelligence to tbo Hoas and offered resolutions whlch were unaoirnous ly adopted expreaalng the sorrow of the Hous and provlding íor the appointment of a com mittee of three Senators and suven Uepreseu tatives to Euperititend the funeral ceremonie and escort the rematas to their last rpstiug place. July 1- la tbe Señale Mr.Saunders reporter a bilí to establlflb th Terr'lory of l'embina and provldíug a temporary overnment tberefor. Calendar. The Señalo wtnl lato commilteo on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bilí. After Uiscusnion the blll as amondsd was reported to the Senate and pasBed. A bilí was passed to furtber regúlate the investment of the Pacific ndlroad sinking f und. (It permita tbe Sacretary of the Treasuryto inveat th sinking fu id in first mortgage tbirty-year bond of tbe Uoion Pacific and Central Pacific Eailroads. In tha House Mr. Eellcy asked aud obtained consent to report from the Oommittee on Ways and Means a Joint resolutlon authorlzing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue $200,000,000 In two per cent. bonds or certiöcates in exObange for bonds hearing a higher rate of interest. Senate bill to autborlze the construction of a bridge across Sault Slo. Marie River was paesed. Tbo lili to repeal so much of section 8385, of (hrevisHi1 impoped a tax on tobacto was passed. Tbe Speaker lald beforo th House n meEBigo froin the President, returnlpg without bis approval, the bill to regulatp ihn carriag of passencfers by sea.


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Ann Arbor Democrat