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"Worthy of Praise.- As a rule we do not recommend Patent Medicines, bul when we knowof one that really ia a public benefactor, and does positively cure then we consider it our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are traly a most valuable medicine, anc will surely cure biliousness, fever anc ague, stomach, liver and kidney complaints, even where all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, anc can freely recommend them to all. - Exch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Eberbnch & Son. A crank in Plymouth church prayer meeting the other evening arose and announced that if anybody wanted keys to heaven they could get them of him a f ter the meeting was over. Free! Fheeü Free!!!- New Discovbby for Piles.- A new remedy for this dreaded disease has been discovered by Dr. Deining. A single application will convince the most skeptical of its most wonderful healing powers. By calling on Eberbaeh fe 8on, druggists, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. What the Minister Sats.- Homer, 111.; Mr. A. Kiefer- My Dear Sir: I have been afflicted for the last four years with derangement of the liver, causing dyspepsia, headache, nausea, and derangement of the whole system. I have tried a great many preparations, but found no relief until I tned one bottle of your Taraxine, which has permanently cured me. I also found it to be good for the ague. I commend it to all who suffer ' with derangement of the liver. Very truly yours, Rev. Thomas Whitlock. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Taraxine memorandum books free. Btjckxin'b Árnica Salve.- The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feyer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Don't die in the HotrsE. - Ask druggist for " Bough on Bats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insectá. 15c. per box. Send to Mrs. Sarah Van Buren, 192 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. T., for "Hints to Ladies," containing interesting information for wives and mothers free. UROia s Ulyoebine Salve.- The best on ivhich can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, ■wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach fe Son. Catabrh of the Bladder. - Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary pasBages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. $1, at druggists. Mich. Depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Brain and Nerve. - Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for iitt- potence, leanness, sexual debility, &c. SI, at druggists. Mich. depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Hop Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitters Ever Made. They are compounded from hops, malt, buchu, mandrake and dandelion, - the oldest, best and most valuable medicines in the world, and contain all the best and most curative proporties of all other remedies, being the greatest blood purifier, I -11 11" Tl 1 i 1 iiver reguiaior, ana me ana neaim reitoring agent on earth. No disease or ill ïealth can poBsibly long exist where ;hese Bitters are used, so varied and per!eot are their operations. They giye new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whose employments oause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an apetizer, tonic and mild stimulent, Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly euraive, tonic and stimulating, without in;ozicating. No matter what your feelings or symp-oms are, what the diseaae or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save yonr life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. 8500 will be paid for a case they 11 not cure or help. Do not suffer or let your f riends suffer, )ut use and urge them to use Hop Bit;ers. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, dranken nostrum but the purest and best medicine ever made; the " Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try he Bitters to-day. Goodyear's New Dri Store The Old Crenville Stand, No. 6 South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Night. TI O o S? r CD Í ■ - B1 o O í - i i - . ' ? o J O , Q ?i2 i 1 k " S CD CEORGE ARDNER'S Hotel and Restaurant, opposlte the Michigan Central Depot. Accommodations for Travelers. Meals at all hours. A lunch counter in connection with his restaurant. GEORGIË ARDNER, Pbopbietob, Ann Arbor, Michigan1 FREÍD SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILSJARNISHES BKUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Quahty SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington [st ANN ARBOB. - MICMIGAN C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor 1' the City Drug Store ! Has thechoicest lotof perfumes and llio Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs ! In the city. Also everythidg ia the toilet and faxcv (oods line, atprloes lower tban anywhare elsc. Prescriptions Caraf uil y Compounded. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block, Arm Arbor, Michigan.


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