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COOK HOUSE AND ST. JAMES EH. HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnished. Ann Albor. W. E. DEPEW, OF TURNBULL & DEPEW, attorney at law, Room 8 Opera House Blook, Ann Arbor, Mieh. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' ClothJng store. Ann Arbor, Mlch. WILL1AM CASPARY, T1AKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTallor. shop orer Wm. Allaby's boot and shoe store, AU work guaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. 2 and 3 HiU'8 Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, SUROEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, oppotte the Firit National Bank Anu Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleauer.third door outh of the Opera House. Samples of work can ba seen at the shop. Satisfaction guaran teed. . . ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMÍ.NTS and dravestones manufacturad trom 'iinnesaee and ItaUan Marble and Scotch and Amenoan Uranite Shop Cor Detroit and Cathonne sts., Aim Arbor., Mich. ■ JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHE8, CLOCKS, Speciacles, Plated Ware. üold Pens and Fine Jowelry. Special attention given to irepairjng Watcnes and Jewelry. ?6 South Main Street. 4nn Arbor. WILLIAM HERZ, TTOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Pain Jtltor GUdins, Calcimining, Glazine and Paper Hanging AU work done in th best style and -warranwd to eiva aatisf action. Shop, No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Succe8sor to Stone & Parsons, O032 rnTnIVifthStre, Aun Arbor, Mich. E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof of SURQERY, HOMEOPATHIC DEPARTMENT, Univeraity of Michigan. ResidenoelSd office 41 Liberty street. Dr. Frank Hu wlSattendsurgloal cases .here w by consulta; Uon in different jparta of the rLLJLlA{i CURED by bis lmproed method. -■- li-w. E. F. Xoddl Would cali the attention ot her old Fatrons to I the fact that, having removed her Dressmaklng RoomB OTer A. Wilsey's Music Store, riie prepared todo all kinds of Dressand Cloak making Ja ftU the latest styleg. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. Chlldren'sclothes a pecialty. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. OBGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instructton Boota, VloUns, Guitars, ilutes, &c. , ■feSoSSar vVnUJ Grurln ís a IF&eVrcItthinr Une. J." K. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the cheapest place to buy I WauOi, Estey Organs, VioW Guitar. Ban1m Tambourines, Drums, Fifes F ageolets, Mtiier AecordeonB, Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, Sitractton Books tor all kinds of instrumente. Sheet Mnsioínow), Strings.öest quality, M Arbor. __ The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (OreanlKdl889, under the General Banking Law of Ibis state) has now, including capital Stoclc, etc., etc., OTBU $800,000 AJS8BT8. Bosineas men, Guardlang, Trustees, Ladles and other persons will flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT1 ïlace at wlüch to make Deposita and do business1. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of 1 00andupwa.rd, aeoording to the rulei tiie bank, and interest compounded semi-annu I ny. Money to Loan In Sums of Í25 SB.OOO, Bsatrod by ünlmram&ered Real BiUte and Her jood socuritioa. DIHEUTORH- CkrliHan Mack, W. W. Wioe W. D. HaiTlmaB, WllHm Den ble, R. A. Bea Daniel Htccook and W. B. Smlth Oïi'ICIiBS- Gorlittan Maok. rrealdanti W W WtM, Vk-PrwliH C. B. Hlsooofc Cortiier.


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Ann Arbor Democrat