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Additional local on secoud paga. Fine harvest weather. Aun Arbor has 67 telepliones. All about the swimming match. Gillie Howe has a sprained ankle. Daniel F. Flynn is able to be out again. Thos. A. Hewett ie building a $3,000 house. ïlie circuit court will convene next Mondny. Andrew Muehlig is visiting friends in Chicago. Newton Johnson of Leadville, Ooi., is in the city. Mrs Jno. Boylan is visiting f riends in Leroy N. Y. Mrs. A. Widenmann is visiting Mis. Prof. Morris. They have comnienced laying brick on the postoffiee. Only 23 subscribers for The Dkmoobat the past week. Byron Green returned froin New York Saturday night. C. H. Manly is a candidate for the office of county clerk. Rev. John Alabaster spent Tuesday at Whitmore Lake. James Galick is building a $2,000 house on Thayer street. Prof. Volland is spending his vacation with hia parents. Major Badger is said to he dyiug in Jacksou of apoplexy. O. M. Martin left Tuesday for a two weeks' visit in Bay City. The republican county convention has been called for August 5. C. Schulz feil from an apple tree Saturday and broke his arm. Bison William has returned from the northern part of the state. Thos. Condón has done a fine job of graining for John O'Mara. A fine brussels carpet has been put down in the probate office. Mrs. Gilbert Bliss and daughter are visiting friends in Chicago. Corporal Ditz of company A has been promoted to fifth sargeant. C. L. French, the agent for the Toledo road, was in Milán Tuesday. Kobert Shaw swam across Whitmore Lake Sunday in 37 minutes. Mack & Schmid have thus far purchased some 60,000 pounds of wool. Dwight Peebles has been elected school director in South Lyons. Mrs. H. K. Hill is going to Fargo, Dakota territory in a short time. Albert Sorg will see that Company A ia well fed during the encampment. D. F. Flynn is building a stone culvert the city on North Main street. N. K. Waterman, formerly of the Courier, now of Chicago, is in the city. Capt. Fairchild, secretary of the mutual insurance company, is in New York. The Beethovian society will give a picnic at the park next Wednesday. Oscar Wehnerwill never tire of telling about his great frogging expedition. C. A. Edwards will have charge of the opera house another year as janitor. J. T. Hallock and wife of Kansas, are at the Clifton house, Whitmore Lake. J. S. Earls has been buying horses. He keeps nis 10 cent bus running however. Dr. W. W. Nichols is building a $700 tenement house for lus peach pickers. Parties in this city are talking of building a flouring mili near the Toledo depot. Samuel Wooster a well known characterof this city, is living near South Lyon. Miss M. V. Bower visited her sister, Miss E. E. Bower, in Detroit last week. ti. ü. Barry settled that embezzlement case. The amount involved was only $4. J. E. Beal has assumed the management of the Courier as editor and reporter. There is no use of a man being idle- farmers are paying $3 per day for harvesters. A. D. Seyler and wife have gone to Mackinaw. They will be absent some days. Mrs. Condón on Ann street is raising lier house another story at an expense of $750. Theresa, youngest daughter of Elizabeth Bohubert, died on the 15th, of scarlet f ever. . Mrs. Hedger of South Lyons was in the city-Tuesday on business in the probate eourt. Milán was dressed in holiday attire Tuesday on the occasion of the masonic doings. Peter Soch, a well-known citizen of Bnghton, was "doing" Ann Arbor Friday. The hook and ladder boys contémplate camping at Whitmore Lake sometime in August. The assualt and battery suit againat Thos. Lehaney has been continued for two weeks. Geo. Miller, Jno. Wahr and Adolph Kemper, will camp at Whitmore Lake next week. Hayden & McLay will build the foundation for A. V. Kobison's new house on Fifth street. The examination of Jno. Morgan for boosting Mrs. Kate Schnyder was to come off yesterday.j J. H. Maynard has returnedf rom Eu rope. He ia visitinsr in the city for a few days. Joe T. Jacobs has oponed a brauch clothing house in Dexter, ín Wadham I Bro.'s store. The artist in the employ of O. O. Sorg lias conipleted a handsome sipii for the Cook house. ïhe storm Sunday nifflit tore up a number of Iarge trees at the residence of D. Cornwell. Who is the blackmailer? Mease give his name as everybody seems very nnxious to know. Ex-city clerk Joslin of Tpsilanti, paid liis respecta to his many friends in this city Monday. Captain Manly has been mustered into the state service for three years by LieuI tenant Schnh. Louis Fritz had several hundred bearing peach trees blown down by the storm Sunday night. - Dr. Terhune will attempt to eke out an existence in Dexter, where he lias cided to lócate. Manny Siegler has been seriously i for some days with brain fever, bromgl on by overwork. Professor Dnnster wül commence hi usual course of lectures at Dartmout college, August 1. Geo. LaMotte lias received anotJie invoice of groceries, while bis lunch room is well patronized. E. H. Hudson and wife, and W. W. Douglas and wife are spending a few days at Whitmore Lake. J. A. Polhemus.& Byron Green were splurging with their new hnck Tuesday John Loney driver. The passage from Germany to New York city is only $24. F. Pistorons can teil you all abotit it. Chas. King has been elected quarterniaster of company A, vice J. W. Hamilton, who has resigned. Justice Wall of Northfield, will wrestle to-day with the case of Patrick Conners vs. John Quigley. Tliere are 18 young ladies in the Caro band which will be one of the attractions at the coming connty fair. H. H. Howe in attempting to handle an nnruly horse was struck in the face hurting his nose very badly. The entertainment given by the city band last evening at Frank Hangsterfer's park was an enjoyable añair. D. Hiscock will lose several dollars on account of tlie storm Sunday night. He bad rods of fence blown down. John Hunter, M. D., honioeopath, class of '82, left Monday afternoon for Alabama, where he intends to reside. R. Kempf & Bro., of Chelsea, have purchased some 80,000 pounds of wool. The average price was 35 cents. The Dexter Sun shines brilliantly. Brim full of news every week the paper should have a liberal patronage. Mra. Slatery is building a $5,000 residence on the corner of Thayer and Huron streets. A. L. Noble contractor. The Ann Arbor Schutzenbund will celébrate their anniversary August 7. Prize shooting in the afternoon. C K. Whitnian, the efficiënt prosecuting attorney, is the only candidate for the office on the democratie ticket. There was a heavy rain and hail storm Sunday night. Trees in different portions of the city were blown down. Commercial, Ypsilanti : Our neighbor of The Democeat has donned a new dress. An indication of prosperity. Miss Hattie Hudson, of Lansing, who has been the guest of her brother, E. H. Hudson, returned home yesterday. John Moran is furnishing over 300,000 brick for the new postoffice. He is also burning a new kiln of 140,000 brick. Dr. Franklin has gone to Cheboygan. He will be joined in a few days by Mrs. Franklin and Miss Lottie Franklin. The stone work on the Unitarian church is finished. It is expected that the edifice will be completed in September. The ladies' library has been removed from the court house to the Hamilton block. Jeff Davis engineered the work. Judge Sherwood is now sole owner of the Toledo Sunday Journal, which is a live newspaper, and brim full of news. A. R. Wheeler lett yesterday for Chicago where he will remain some two months before going to Lake Superior. The new city charter and ordinances will soon be issued. The book is bein compiled by the Hon. John F. Lawrence. Nine new names were added to the enlistment role of company A Monday evening, making 14 in all the past two weeks. A. J. Sawyer loaned the alleged agent of the Sullivan blonds $5, and Sawyer is waiting patiently for a draft for the amount. We had the pleasure of going through the candy factory a few days ago. Some 28 hands were at work turning out candy by the ton. Judge Harrirnan and some 50 masons were present at the laying of the corner stone of the Presbyterian chnrch in Milan Tuesday. Mrs. Sophia Schairer, wife of Geo. Schairer of Saline, died yesterday at the residence of her father, Mr. Fred Sorg of consumption. Saline Observer : The Ann Arbör Democbat, one of our best and most newsy exchanges, came to us in a " new dress" last week. The residence of the Kev. Dr. Eyder was struck by lighting Sunday evening during his absence at ohurch. But little damage was done. The Earl block is being repaired much to the satisfaction of adjacent property owners. E. J. Johnson, the hatter, wiíl occupy the building. Ann Arbor is known to be a highly moral city, and many citizens cannot understand why one should seek to bring the place into disrepute. Henry Binder has received another c.-ir load of that magnificent Niágara lager. It is astonishing to know the amount he sells for medicinal purposes. Barry Taylor who graduated in the literary department of the university in 1860, was in the city the last of the week. He was accompanied by his wife. The Ann Arbor Democrat astonishcs its Athens with a new dress. What's going to happen next?- [Detroit Chaff. Just wait and see, brother Brezee. Dr. Loran Hall, a gradúate of Kenyon I college, class of '77, has had conferred upon himthe degree of master of arts. He returned from Ohio a few dayg ago. Kyes, the colored man, was seutencec to Iouia Tnesday by Justiee Winefrar for 90 days, for asaaultint; a white gentleman who olaimed to be a resident of Milan. On Wednesday evenin of last week Mr. Win. Mathews and Miss Katie Fisher were married by the Eev. J. T. Sunderl.uid. Success William in your uew field of labor. John Pryor, a resident of Salem since 1832, died last week at the age of 83 yeara. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. 8. Ellis of Salem and Mrs. Charles Ellis of South Lyon. The Toledo Schutzenbund have invite. 1 the membere of the Ann Arbor Schutzenbund to join with them in celebrating August 13 and 14. The invitation has been accepted. Messrs. January & Billington will issue an advertising sheet, commencing Saturday. The gentlemen are wide-aivike, goahead fellows, and will undoubtedly make a success of the enterprise. Austin A. Wood, a native of Danbury, Conn., died Tuesday. He carne with his parents to this county in 1836, and for many years lived in the township of Lodi. Mr. W. was 54 years of age. Several hnndred persona visited l more Lake Sunday where they spent the dayfishingandpicnicking. Wm.Graham, the popular lnndlord of the Lake house, was kept busy catering for his many guests. D. Brownell had a number of sheep cilled by dogs Friday. Armed with his ittle rifle he started forth, and after ;raveling about a mile he had the satisaction of putting a bullet through one of the dogs. W. F. Hatch of Chelsea, wanta the nomination for clerk on the republican ticket. He ought to have it, for he has been working the county for some time. The demócrata though, can put up a man that can win. The Manchester and Bridgewater I mers' club will hold their next meeting at AVampler's Lake, Saturday, Aug. 12. It will be quite a select party, there being nly a few friends iuvited except nieruers of the club. B. A.Bealwill not allow the contractors o put any green timbera into the postofce building -it must be kiln dried. And the last of the week several teams were kept busy drawing lumbcr to the Keek fumiture drying house. Monday was a great day for racketa; no less than ten persons were arrestad on various charges, assault and battery beaig tlie principal one. Some paid the costa, and the others who didn'f were told to go and sin no more. Adolph Hoffstetter, Wm. Corselins and A. G. Simson were sliipwrecked on Whitmore Lake Sunday. When the boat commenced to sink Corselius lowered the sails, but it was no go, and the boys were compelled to swim ashore. A large number of our exchanges are dunning their subscribers most beautifully. Note the following: If Mr. Jacob Smith don't cali at this office and whack up the Leader will be under the necessity of making his name public. A moke named Kyse, who claimed to hail from Kochester, N. Y., was before Justice Winegar Monday on the charge of assaulting a country gentleman. Mr. Moke was a little too insulting and he was committed to jail for contempt of court. They are oiily paying 32 and 33 cents for wool in South Lyon, and yet eertain farmers near lierewho expected to realize 35 cents for their wool, have gone over there to find they could not get as much as was being by Mack & Schmid, of this place. John A. Freeman, Simon Davis and Harrington Johnson, attended the funeral of Eli Lett in Jackson, Friday. The procession, aside from the band and a large number of carriages, contained 30 barbers. He was buried Sunday with masonic honors. Enterprise : Coniplaints are being made that the carpenter bee is doing mischief by boring into oornices and roofs of houses. It is said they will quickly leave if the entrance to their tunnels is filled with a salve made of kerosene and lard or tallow. Sentmei : The Democbat comes out in a brilliant new dress, and very properly takes pride in it. With rare good sense too, it confines its claim to superiority within the limite 'of the county seat. It takes cheek for any paper to cali itself the "best in the county" while the Sentind is on deck. There promises to be considerable sport at Whitmore Lake Sunday unless the parties back out. A ewimming match has been arranged for, those entering for the race being residents of this city. Stakes, $75. Should the match come off The Democrat will contain a fnll report next week. Quite a number of persons gathered at the Michigan Central depot Tuesday to see the day expresa, the engine and cara, consisting of a baggage and mail car and six coaches, being run over the road for the first time. The coaches are soinewhat longer than those used on the road, and are painted a l'ight color. Toledo, .Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk railway for Milán for the month of June: Freight forwarded, 840,014 lbs.; cashreceived for freight forwarded, $428.a3; freight received 1,263,149 Ibs.; cash received for freight received, $487.61; cash received for tickets, $233; total cash receipts for the month, $1,149.02. Mr. H. P. Myrick.'who has been connected with the Register as editor and reporter for several years, will sever his connectiou with the paper Saturday. Mr. Myrick, although a young man, is an able journalist. He has not fully decided where he will go, although having been offered a fine position on a western paper. J. Dohenstreich of the Peninsular brewing company of Detroit, has purchased the city brewery property in this city for $6,000. He iatends to remove the worthless part of the buildings, repair the oíd oné. and erect a new building. He will probably come to this place to reside, and go into the business of buyïng farm produce. Within fifteen hours of the time "ChafT' was off the press last week, John L. Burleigh read it at Hyde Park, 111., and wrote as follows: "Don't earry out that horrible threat contained in your issue of date. If you don't hear from me I hear from you every week, and I find lots of t Tcí11 Ur enioyable Hastings Union: The Demoohat, of Aun Arbor, Mich, carne to us last week iu a new drees. We are pleased to see it, though it was not needed, as in its old one it preseuted as neat an appearance as any paper thero. In its new dreas, brim full of locáis as it always is, and with Henry at the helm, it will continue to be the "boss" paper of Washtenaw county. The Register has been removed to its new quarters in the Hamilton block. The office is one of the flnest in the state. The bindery fronts on Huron street, the composing room jnst back of the bindery. The presH room is in the basement which is connected with the printing office by an elevator. The gas engine is in position, and the pa por carne out as usual yesterIny. J. B. Van Atta tried the experiment of owing ashes on a patch of onions, which jroved to be too strong for his hands and ate the flesh, and immediately erysipelas set in, whioh has been a painful and faithful companion for the last three weeks. [South Lyon Excelsior. Mr. Van Atta was the democratie candidate for representative against the Hon. E. D. Kinne. Commercial: According to The Dbm I oorat, A. J. Sawyer and C. H. Manly had a high oíd time shooting snakes and lee tle birds on the Fourth, at Silver Lake Sawyer's shot was the most remarkable in history, the bullet entered the tail of a snake coming out of its mouth and not disturbing or even rufflingthe skin. This beats our snake story at pioneer meeting all to pieces. Observer: Last week we stated that 8 tramp named Katz had stolen $50 from the house of Geo. Meyer, of Lodi. Since then the nioney lias been recovered. It seenis when Katz found lie was pursued, he dropped the pocket book and stamped it in the mud, doubtless thinking he would afterwards get it, but in this he was disappointed as it was found by the owner. The tramp is still at large. Jackson Patrioit 13th: Capt. Manly, of Ann Arbor, commanding Co. A, flrst regiment state troops, was in the city yesterday, the guest of Col. Grifflth. The Captain lost an arm at Gettysburgh fightmg under Hancock, and during the last presidential campaign did effective service on the stump for the general. Capt. Manly has been suggested as a suitable candidate in the coming state election for the office of secretary of state, and if by any chance he should be elected to that or any other position on the ticket would make a most efficiënt and trustworthy officer. Chelsea Herald: The banner wool clip of the season was bought by Taylor Bro.'s last week froni Henry Steinbach of Lima. ïhere were one hundred rleeeea. weighing 600 pounds,- all in the best condition- price paid 35 cents per ponnd. Samuel Seney of Lima, sold last week to Babcock & Gilbert one of the largest loads of wool marketed here this season, and acknowledged by all who saw it to be the best. There were 350 fleeees and not a discount fleece in the load, and scarcely one that differed in any respect f rom any other, so nearly were they alike. The load weighed nearly 1,900 pounds. The amount of wool purchased by the buyers up to date this season is over 200,000 younds. A National Greenback convention for the county of Washtenaw, will be held at the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, August 10, 1882, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the purpoue of appointing six delegates to the state convention, to be held at Grand Kapids, on August 23d, and for the nomination of a county ticket, a state senator and also for the appointment of a new county committee, and for the transaction of other important business. Each townsliip and ward will be entitled to delegates as follows: Ann Arbor city and town, 25; Augusta, 4; Bridgewater, 3; Dexter, 3; Freedom, 3; Lima, 4; Lodi, 4; Lyndon, 3; Manchester, 6; Northfleld, 4; Pittsfield, 4; Salem, 4; Saline, 6; Scio, 6; Sharon, 5; Superior, 5; Sylvan, 6; Webster, 4; York. 5; Ypsilanti city and town, 20. After being detained in jail for a long time on the charge of the Burnham burglary, Michael Horrigan was dischargad öaturday for lack of evidence. He was immediately re-arrested on four charges of larceny from the Peninsular paper Co., it being alleged, and the evidence at the examination going to show, that he had been systematically stealing "soft wools" from the mili, and, aided by a colored man named Davis taking them to Detroit to sell. Four loada, worth about $40 each, had been taken, three having been sold Simon's & Blumenthal of Detroit, by Horrigan (who called himself Johnson), and one being found in Davis' barn on the east side of the river. "Honor among thieves" was lacking, and Horrigan has evidently been unfortunate in choosing a comrade, for a clearer case of "squeal" never has been made known here. . eer J ohn Scliemeld is entitled to the hon, or of having worked up the case, and ( has shown praisworthy zeal and ability in [ his work. Horrigan seems fated to like trouble, as he is an oíd offender and has served 16 of his 35 years in penal servitude. [Ypsilantian.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat