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News The Week

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Harvosting has hegun in the Bouthern portions of the state. In the viciüity of Buchanan, soma fields yield 80 bushels to the acre. The average will probably be 20. A son of Chas. Cobb, Kalamazoo Co., cut hls brother'M throat nearly severlng the head from the body. The criminal had been in an insane asylum,doubt oxisted as to whether hls malady was disease or uglinaes. East Tawas is to be connected with its lumber camps on the Au Gres by telephone. The new water works at Ludiugton saved a heavy conflagration this week. August Hepner living some six miles from Coopervllle kioked his motbar caueing contntlon of the brain. She llved bnt a hort Urne. John Hanna of Leonl, a masón, had one oí his eyea struck by a chip of stone from his chieel some time ago, and had eye removed at nn Arbor. Coal has been struck at three or four places ess than u half mlle of ths round house at Jackson. The average thickness of the vein is tbree feet, altnough it is claimed it attains a tbiskness of tin feet In places. Fire clay of i very superior quality was also found. Myriads of bugs are devastatingtbeorchards In different parta of Jackaon Co. They invaded aa orchard hall a mile east of Jackson, and In a short time had despoiled it ol lts fruit. It ia foared that the fruit in nine-ienths ot the orchards in the east portions of tbe county is wholly deêtroyed. The pest not only eats fruit but consumes the leaves of apple and other treos. So f ar no snccesstnl attempt has beeh inade to stay thelr rafages. They fly about in countlesfl numhers, and are very active in their move mente. Evidecce ia reported which U true will Inot telioKg aud Bmdy. It ia claimed that ellogg received from J. B. Price $20,000. In conüideration of an increase of the Star Service on the route from Corpus Christi, Tex, and also proof that Kellogg divided the money eanally witti Brady. Mrs. Scoville writcs an open letter to Bbt. Hiiks stating that the autopsy Bhows that her brother was insane, and asserts she will bogin lejal prooaeiicgs to get possession of uis Dodj aud the property lelt by him to Dr HickB A tidal wave 15 feet high struok the Frlendly Islands, AprU 25tïi. At Tongatea all tho hurches were destroyed. Two thousaud oases wsre ïeveled, stores and copra houses with their contenta were swept away. News froin Bedford is to the effect that Stephen Tarbel!, the victim of Eugene Webster1 jealousfrenzy,will die. Híb body and lower llmbsare totally paralyzed, and he is unable to move. A. stan feet high and i feet in diameter, ha been erected at the Calumet mine, In connection with the water works The pipe wülholdabouí 75.000 gallons. The pipeianow bain? enc'.osed in a wooden tower, which wiil, w ñaished, have roundlng stairs to the top, rom where a good view of the snrround ing country witl be obtained. Wilber Saere, an estimable young man, hot himselí with probably fatal effect at his home in Saginaw City. Cause unknown. Monroe people are now enjoying turtle eggs and pronounce them fiae eaüog, Manistee is to have Holly water works put in with some 100 hydrantB. The people of NUw to the nutnber of 300 enjoyed a free ride to Elkhart over tUe Lmdnnati, Watmsh & Michigan B. B. just coinplstid. Tbe guests wore entertained at the opera house with music aai a banqust. Great sorrow is oxpresssd at South Haven on account of the drowninz in Lake Michisan oí Mr. O. R. Foote of the National Bank and Miss Kittle Underwood, a young conpla who went out for an everiing's ri(Jo upon tfce water t Fis Buppcssd n tauaU Btmek the toat and eapsized it suddenly. The Braneh Connty Record (Bapublican) and the Coldwater Ssntiael (Demncratic) have been merged into ona paper wbich wiH advocate the doctrines of the Qraanbick party. Piof. Batier of Big Bapida keeps snakes m hls orchard to keep away ttw rats and rciee, andttis said they do work v?8Ü and harm nothing o!se. The next thing in ordor is a law rnaklcK itapjnaUy to kil! saakpe. C. A. Stiokney, who hurriodly departed for Deaver Col., on the discof ery of his defalcaüon, has besa broaht b'.ck to Big Rapidu for trial and punienmeut. The'Chioanö and West Michigan railway depot at Grind Haven burned Saturday night, The fire was startcd by a cigarstnbina sawdust spittoon. Loas on buüding abont f 1,200; amount of freignt ia tha depot not fenovsn Ho insurance. Bobert Wilspc, looomotiTe foreman at the Grand Trunk Janction, was run over by cms and fatally iajiired, on thelitb. A correspondent of the Free Prees thintos Eeed City glves promise oL becomïng the hub. It now h&s seven chnrches, and 00 buildings are In the course of erection, the majority of which are belng constructed with an eye to fermanenca and architeotaral beauty John Huatof Middlesex, Canada, foremanin Bussell Bros.' shlngle mili, Maniste, while attemptiBg to remore a bilt, was drawn against a shaft and killed. Francis Gravëe.of the Plaln Bcaler, HaBtings, has been complained of in the United States District Court for circulating obscene literature through the mails. He gava bail to nppear lor trial A.uust 12, at Grand Bapids. Kalkaska rejoices in a good grass erop. A. A. Abbott, one ol the original plattere of Ksl kaska Village, and at present its oldest resident, has sold hls house and lot. Mr. Abbott will Bojourn for a time at Charlevoix. The coruer store of a new Episcopal church at Harbor Spiings has jast been laid.


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