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Foreign. The Egyptian Army In Full Retreat For The Interior

Foreign. The Egyptian Army In Full Retreat For The Interior image
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The Europoan qaarter of Alexandria, including the exchange and telegraph office, ia utterly destroyed. The city was eet on fire by releasod convicta who rommitted hoirible atrocities. At daybroak Thurisday morning a number of persons were seen on the edge of tbe water of the harbor. filassee showed tbem to be Europeans Boats were at once lowered and crews sent to the rescue. They f ound about 100 KuropeaüB, many of them wounáed, who had eathered on the bank. They had talned themselves thronshont tho Digbt, and towarda dayligbt tlieir afütantB drew off. They reported that Arabí Pasha, befors he lef t with bis troop3, had the priaons opeaed, and convicU, joined by the lower clasees and some Beduins, proceeded to eack the city and kil every christian they coald fiad, setting the Earopean qaarter on fire. From tha part they weredefending theEuropeans conld hear shriek? and cries and reporta of pistola and gnns. Scorea of fugitiTes were cat down or beaten to death in their Bight. Lster the tish troopseDterod Altxaudria, and found 1,500 Arabs doad, and 2,000 wounded. There bas been great loss of proporty. The Eaglisb, American, French, Italian and Auetrian connlatea werebumed. Jobn Bright bas witbdrawn from the British cablaet on account of hls dlsapprcval of the government's Egyptian pollcy. Alexandria'B gates are guarded by the BritIsh. The fire in the city is not yet under control. Two miles oí Lurnln buildings are reportod. Arabi Pasha Í8 at the head of a small army, probably not far from the coast. Hie troops aro said to be degerting him in detaobmeatfl. Tne Brllisü remain masters of the field.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat