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Business Mutters. Fob Sale. - House and Lot on the East side of Main street, south of the jail. Cheap property. James McMahon. It is stated by the Cincinnati Commercial tbat the widow and two children of Andrew Jackson's adopted son, are living in penury at the Hermitage, in Teunessee. Let it be distinctly understood that the Chickering, Webber, Haines & Bro., Wm. McCammon Pianos are each boss Pianos in their way. And the Ohickering dofl's the hat to none. J. R. Sage is agent for them. Also, Hallet & Ciunston, C. J. Whitney and J. P. Hale, a cheaper grade, for sale by J. R. Sage, room Opera House Block. Sheet music ín large quantities. Weakness is the egotism of goodness. When one hope departs the other hopes gather more closely together to hide the gap it has left. For Sale. - Fifty thousand brick at $3 per thousand, or 30 cents per hundred. Inquire of Henry Leisemer of Saline. Nine conductora on the Michigan Central railroad have been discharged since last Friday. It is understood that they contémplate purchasing the road. M. M. Green's stallion, Mambrino Jewell, will make the season at the stable lately owned by P. Irwin. The story about a heroic brakeman puling General Grant out of a car window is not true. He helped himself as rapidly as possible. Inrus pays cash for live chickens. John G. Hunter and J. S. Browii arrived in Saratoga Spring last week, having traveled three hundred miles from Philadelphia on bicycles. Important to Travei,ers. - Special Inducements are ofïered yon by the Burlinqton Route. It will pay yon to read their advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. Mr. James R. Keene pays Carnon, a famous English jockey, $10,000 a year as a retainer thus haviag the first cali npon his services. Persons desiring to visit Whitrnore Lake or Hamburg, or those having packages for either of the above places, should leave orders at C. E. Holmes' drug store. A. F. Darbow. Stoeriff's Sale. TOTICE is hereby giyeu that hyvirtueof a N writ of Fieri Facías, isued out 3t the circuit court, for the eountyof Washtenaw. in favor of Elvira M. Dale against thegoodsand chattels and real estáte of Delevan E. Doan, in said county, to me difected and deJivered. I did, on the 2Sth day of Julv, A. I). 1883, levy upon and take all the right, title and interest of the said Delevan E. Doan in and to the following described real estáte, that is to say, all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, deeiibed as eonimencing in the north line of ection thirty-tvvo (88), at the south west corner of landownedby A. H. Markham, thenee west on the ection line twenty-eight rods to the south west corner of land of Delevan E. Doan, thenee north to the south line of lot fifteen (15), in Maynard's second addition. thenee east to the south east 'corner of lot geven [7], insaid addition, thenee south to said IVIarkham's land, thenee west to the north weet corner of said Markham's land, thenee south to the place of be ginning: Alsolot eight [8]. block seven [7J, south of Huron street, range ontt and two e ist. V. H. Maynard's second addition to the city of Ann Arbor. Also the west half of lot seven, ["], in said Maynard's second addition, all in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, all of wltich I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, that being the place of holding the circuit court for said county, on the sixteenth day of September, A. D. I88á, next, at eleven oVioek in the forenoon of that day. Dated, this second day of August, A. D. 1882. EDWIN W. WALLAGE, Sheriff. J Willard Babbitt, l laiutiff 's Attornpy. Estáte of Rachel Dale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of Juiy, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, Williani D. llarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the e.state of Rachel Dale, deceatsed. On reading and filling the petition duly verified of John P. Dale nraying that administration of said estáte ntay be granted to John F. Lawience or some other suitablu person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14th day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, aiui all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there oe, why the prayer ot' the petltlonftr should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the jjendeney of said petition, and the hearing causing acopyof this order tobe published in the Ann AiiBoit DioMocitAT, a piinted and circiilated in said County. three succes,sive weeks previous to said day of hearing, W1LL1AM D. HABRIMAN. A true opy. Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Register. Mortgage Sale DEFAULThavingbeen made in theconditions of a certainindentureof niortgagè executed by Earl S. Taylor and Catherine Taylor, hls wife, to Eliza North, bearingdate the twenty-sixtli day of May, eighteen Imndred and seventy-six, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for ;he county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, in Liber 51. of mortgages, on page 871, on the twelfth day of June, eighteen humlred and seventy six, by which default the power of sale con;amed in said mortgage has beeome operative, and no suit or proceeding at law or in ehaiuvry laviug been instituted fo recover the amuunt due on said mortgage, or the note accompanying the sauie; and there being now claimed to be duejon said mortgage and note the sum of seven thousand nine hundred and eightynine dollars and six cents ($7,989.06.) Notice. :herefore, is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreelosed onSaturday, the fourth day of November, A. D. 18S2, at ten o'clock in thefope noon of said day, at the south front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor. in snul county of Washtenaw, (said court house being ;he place for holding the circuit court for said county), hy the sale nt public auction. to the highe t bidder, of the premises described in said nortgage. or so niuch thereof asmay be necessary to satisfy the amount due on suid unortg&ge wit li iva. sonable costsand expenses, which mort;aged premisas are described in said mortgage iw follows: All thoae certain pieces ov parcela jf land sitúate and belngin the townsl'ip of Lo di, in the OOUQty of Washtenaw. and state uf ilicliigan. and being the east half of the northeastquarter of spetimi number twenty-two (22), he west ha f of the west half of the north-west quarter, the north lialf of the east half of the west half of the north-west quarter, and the lorth half of the west half of the east half of the north-west quarter, of section number fwentyhree (ü-i), in towusliip ihree (3), south of range Ive east, containing one hundred and sixtjT acres of land, more or less, in said county. ËLtZA NOli'l'H.Mortgagee. E, D. Kinne. Attorney for Blortgag&e. Dated, August 7, 188. 1 Lone Star Bakery G-EOCEET' ! Warm Meals and Lunches .Y T ALLHOURS. Also constantly on haud a ohoice stock of Fancy Crackers, Cakes, for Parties and Weddings furnished on short notice. Confectioneries and all kinds of Fruit in tueir season. Bread, Cakes, and Pies constantly on hand. Choice Tobacco and Clgars, Canned Fruit and Light Gioceries. Highest Cash Price Paid for FARMER'S PRODUCE. Gall and see me. No. 12 Opera House Block. GEO. E. LaMOTTE, Proprietor. Watches and Jewelry! J. HaUerl Si, 40 South Main Street, Dealers in the Leadiog AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufactured ly the Leading Wateh Companies, GOLD WATCH CHAÍNS ! Of Standard Quahty and Various Patterns. A Larra and Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinsrs, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silver Platefl Ware, From the Host Reliable Manufacturera at Botton) Prices. The Repairing of Fine Watches is in Charge of Competent and Skülud Workmeu, at Fair Prices. EBERBACH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a flne lot of French Hair Brushes AND- Ena;lish Tooth Brushes. We ca II special attention toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A f uil line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At"list pricüs. STTTÜIElSrr S Are cordially invited to examine our stook as quality and prices. EBERBACH Sc SON. PRINOIPAUUNE And aMnEST line to St. Joscph, points In IowaAlcliison. Topeka, DentNebraska,MiBsourt,KanïiCgsai)n, Dallas, Galsas, New Mexico, Arizuna, Muifcveston, tana and Texas. Sffo :o: z o .a. o ""■"TTiïTlioutehasiioöuprrlorTnrAÏÏïert TT , '" fe-I'ti, MiiiiH'iipolfö autl St. Paul. EnlTenÏÏVTsSL NatlSnally reputad as ly conceded tü S-ïï beliia th firpat be tl, best equippedfjf'-'u.hcï Railroíd lo the World for -Ti"3 ". V" all classis of travel. """"S.""-KANSAS CITY v v Ail eoocttoM made V]L NXDepots yy' Throogh vTCjS. Ss&JX Trylt' Tkkcts vla tlilsSr fy' ani1 '" wl" Ucíihríited Line forvOOvv flnd travellng a snier,: iill-oineeiiiii oCXw luxury, ituleid th? ir. s, uiiiLv vvLv ü11 a '' Canaüa. jZCyt AllVfííív comfort. vVJlnformat loiif 65CV vtS' boni Uatea oCSfffYs. S STyS' Fare, Sleeping Cars,O%f N. X {fc ■ elU'frfiiMy Rlven l.y S _ T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, St; Vice Pres't A Gen'l Manager, Oen. Pass. Aa'.., Chlcurn. Hl. Chicaeo. Ut Toledo and Pnt-in-Bay Steamer Line. THE ELEGANT STEAMKR CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE! E, McNELLY, Mastkk, WIII run daily Zuring the season of 1882, as followi; Lea ves Tole lo for Put-in-Bay (except Satuiilays. Sundays and Thursdays), 8:15 a, m. ; returns Tp. m. Leaves every Sunday for Put-inBay 9 a. m. ; returns 8 p. m. Leaves Saturdays at 10:30 a. m. ; returns 7:30 p. m. Leaves for Detroit every Tluirsdny 8 a. m. ; returns P p. u. Fare for round trip, same day. $1; one way, 75 cents. Oonneets at Put in-Bay with steamers for Sanilusky, Kelly Islanl, Cleveland and Detroit. Baí?gag;e cherked thrOMgh. Every Wednesday and Fridav after July 18 the trip to Put-in-Bay wfll bt' ezlended to Lakeside, and during the Csmp Meeting from August 3d till Uth, the Waite will run through daily. AU return trips to Toledo will be in time to connect with evening railroad trains leaving the city. Special rates given to large excursión paities. Address, CHAS. WEST, Sec'y A, E. St. Bt. Co. C. H. Coy, A?ent. Jïotice to Creditors, Q1ATE0F MICHIGAN, County ot Washtenaw Oss. - Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, niade the first day of July, A. D. 18 t six months froin date were allowed for creditors tu piesent their claims against the estáte of Christian F. Kapp. late of said county. deeeased, and that all reditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate office in the citj of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the seeond day of January next, and that such claims wil! be hoard before said court, on Monday the secoud day of Oetobe, and on Puesday ilie second rtay of January ne.xt. at ten o'clouk in the forenoon of earh of saiddays Dated, Ann Arbor July lst, 18o;. WILLlAtt D. ..ARRIMAN, Judce of Probafe. The Circuit Court tor Washtena Couuty, in Chancery, Sophia E. Squires, Oomplainant, ) vs. c Homer Squires, Defendant. ) IT appearing satisfactorily by affldavit to me that the defendant, Homer Squires. is a nonresident of this state and resides in the state of Wisconsin, on motion of E. D. Kinne, soliuitor for the complainant: It is ordered tbat th" said defendant, Homer Squires. cause his appearanue in thií cause to be entered wiihin fourmontha f rom the date of this order, and that in case of his appearanee he cause his answer to the coni[ilamanl 's bilt to be filed andaeopy thereof to be served on complainant's soheitor within twenty days alter service of a c py ot s.iid i)ill and noti'e of this order, and in derault theroof that tin said bill bo taken ai confssed by the utfd Honiei Squires. And it is t'urther ordered thac within twenty days the said coinplalaaat cause a notice of this order to b.; puhshed in the Ann Akbo DeïioCrtAT, a newspaper priated in s.iid county, aud the said publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six successive weeks, or that slie cause a copy of said order to be personally survd on the saiil defend int, Homer Squires, at least twenty days Ijeiore tue time heroin presoribed for his appearanee. lated. August 1, 1888. C. JOdLIN, Circuit Jiitlgn of said Circuit Court. Edwakd D. Kinííe, tíolicitor for Complainant. Estáte of Mary A. Thayer. ST TE ÖP MICHIGAN, Couuty t v abiitenaw. ss. At a session of the probate court, for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the nrubaie office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Frulay the st day of July in the year one thou. and eighthundred and eighty-two. Present, William l. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary A. Thayer, deceased. Charles Thayer, Clarissa S. Payes and Walter I. Hayes, executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and represents that they are nowprepared to ronder their annual account as such executors. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Öaturday. the I2th day of August next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exanii ningand allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said acuount should not be allowed : And it is f urther ordered that said executors give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of this order to be published in the The Ann Arhor Democrot a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of heaiing. WILLIAM I. HAKRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jude-e of Probate. Wjí. G. 1oty Probate Register. Mortgag-e Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed bj' Chauncy H. Millen and Sarah M. Millen, his wife, to Samuel Hutchinson, now deceased, dated the second day of Maren, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the ofiice of the register of Deeds for the cour-ty of Washtenaw. and state of Michigan, on the second day of March, A. D. 1874, in Liber 49 of mortgages, on page 526, by whieh said default the power of sale coutained in said mortgage has become operative, and uo proceedings having been instituted in law or equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. and the sum of eighteen thousand and two hundred dollars being now claimed tobedue on said mort gage. Notice therefore ishereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed, by a sale of the mortgaged premises fherein described, or some part thereof, viz: All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, iu the county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, and described as follows, towit: Being lots numbered flve [5J, six ['ij, nlne 9, ten L1OJ, eleven [U], twelve [121 and thirteen [13], according to a plat of "Picnic ' Grove, made by V. Wicks, and recorded in the Register's office of the county of Washtenaw, July öth, 1869, in Líber 45 of Deeds, on page 308. Also another piece or parcel of land, beginning at the southeast corner of theeast half of the south-west quarterof section No. twenty-eight, in township number two [2], south of range six lü] esst, and running theuce north on the center line of said section, six cbains and fifty links; thence north forty four degrees, thirty minutes, west three chains andflfty links; thence south to apoint on the south line of said section two cliains and fifty links west, to the placeof beginning; thence on the south line of said section, two chains and fifty links, to the place of beginning, situated in the city of Ann Arbor, and containing two acres, be the same more or less. at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front ('oor of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, [that being the place of holding the circuit court for said countv], on the twenty-ninlh day of September. A. D., I8b2, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, Dated June 30. 1882. ELIZABETH HUTCIIINSON. EDWIN PACKARD and CHARLES L. FINKE, Executors of the last wiil and testament of Samuel Hutchinson, deceased. J. F. LiWBENCK, Att'y for Executors of Samuel Hutchinson. rpoLEDO, ANN ARBOR & GRAND TRUNK J_ RA1LROAD, Taking effect Sunday, Maren 12, 18S2. Trains run by Columbus time. 3oing North. Going South. Sxp'ss I Mail. STATIONS. ! Mail. I Exp's P. M. A. M I M. A. M. t5.10 1-8.15 ; Toledo t 5.40 W.45 5.!3 8. 18 North Toledo... . +5.37 9.42 5St H.W Detroit Junction. 5.25 9.J ♦5.35 8.M Hawthoru 5.1 I 9.25 5.45 8.45 Samaria 5.1-2 9.15 e.UÜ 9.00 Lulu 5.0O 9.00 6.06 9.05 Monroe Junction 4.' 8 H.41 6 15 9.15 Dundee 4 40 8.80 9.27 Azalia 4.30 8.18 .39 9.40 Milan 4.15 8.05 645 9.47 Nora 4.08 7.r,5 6.5a 9.53 Urania 4.02 Í7.48 7.02 10.05 Pittsfleld 3.52 7.38 7.15 10.211 Ann Arbor.. .. t3,40 +7.25 7.35 0.45 Lelands 3.22 7-45 10.57 Wordena 3.15 .... S.00 til. 15 South Lyon t2.55 The local freight north Iravrs this city at 5 p. m. ; Lelands, 5.40; Wordens. 6 o'clock and arrivés in Soutk Lyon at 6.30. The same train eaves South Lyon at 7.05a. ra.; Wordens, 7.25, jelands, 7.35; and arrivés in this city at f.30. H. W. A.SHLEY Gen'l Superintendent LAKE SIIORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. YPSILANTI BKANCH - LAtiSING DlvrsiON. qoinèT wéstT LEAVE. MAIL. Ypsilanti 700 a. m. 9 15 a. m 'ittsfleld Junetion 74" 9 34 a. m. 8 Si a. m. 45 a. m Bridgewater ■ 9 15 a. ra. 10 0 ia. m. Manchester 10 28 a. m. 10 18 a. m. Watkine 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. m. Brooklyn 10 55 a. m. HUlsdale 3 25 p. m. 12 Oí p. ra. Bankers S 50 n. m. 12 0 p. m QOING EAST. LEAVE. MAIL. Bankers 8 00 p. m. 8 10 p. m lilLsdale 8 3ü p. m. 3 25 p. m irooklyn 1 00 p. in. 4 27 p. in. Vatkins 1 50 p. m. 4 41 p. in. Manchester 2 50 p. m. 55 p. m. iridgewater S SS p. ra. 5 13 p. m. aline 4 10p. m. S 29 p m. Pittsfleld Junetion 4 40 p. in. 5 39 p. m. Ypsilnnti 5 15 p. ra. 5 55 p. m. Way Freight goes west Monday, Wedncsday nii Friday east, Tuesday. Thursciay and Satrday. W. H. CANN1FF, Suueriiitendent. Gao. W. Hall. Ticket Agent. W. EL H. BOYLAN & CO.. House, Sip ni Frescos Painters ! DECORATORS & PAPER HANGERS. Work guiiranteed fuitl neatly executed by experieaed hands. No boys employed. No. 16 South Main Street, Second Floor. RINSEY & SEABQLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. In large amounts. and at Casli Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large. invoice of teas they Buy and Sell. s good proof tiial in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Ruast thetr oivn Offees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery torna out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. HENRY MATTHEWS, Has; the pleasure to ïaform the puhno thnt lic ii ready to receive them in ldsue1.. brick MEAT MARKET! OXH DOOR BAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil bo first-c'.ass, íuki At Reascnabie Rates. lïe returns ïiis sincere thanks to all his old cup. tornera Corthelr generous patronage, and cordi a!ly invites them, aiiilaü new cutttomen co hii oaw quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing ti osnlai'KO his alieady growing businessRAILROADS. ,t 1GHIGAN CJSNJ'KAli U.U1.KOA1). TIME TABLE. MAY 14th 1882, SUIDO WT, i_ filia U Mii_ i. M. A. 51. r. M. P. M. p. M. P. . Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.ri!) 4.05 8.00 9.50 U. T. June T.16 1.50 6. 10 4 20 8.15 10.10 Waiue June... 7.53 10.29 (112 4.413, 8.15 10.40 ïpsilantl 8.Ï8 10 481 7 03 1 5.05 9.081 11.' 2 Ann Ai !or M5 11 00 7.241 5.23 9.25 11.17 DrXUT 9.ll8 7 481 5.39 9.44 -ir -■ 11.5 b.:2 lu.OU öraes Lake 9.50 8.32 6 IS 10.:M P, M. i. M 7m(1;-i,h Ar. 10.1U 1 9.00 11 05 JiiCkjcm Lv. 10.20 12.15 .55 a.m. 12.45 Albioi 11.01 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.22 Jl-mlllül 11.50 1.3; _ S 8.05Í ia.20 143 M. .2 g Creck.... 12.19 155 f 8.40 12.47 2.07 . M. üalCBburg 12.53 a.m. 0.15 Kalamazoo 1.13 ÍM 4.50 9.; L85 2.47 Liwtoi; 1.52; D.tó , ï.l.; UeCMtlll 2 071 5.42 2.32 Dow&giac a.SOl .07 3 57 Niies 2.55J 4.04 B.ftU 3.37 4.15 B.icuanai 3 08, 7.02 3.42 rhree Oak.... 8.88] 7.ï', 4.12 New BnlBilo... 3..5.i[ 4.52 7.40 4.35 Midi. i lij 4. 21' 6.18 S.( 5.03 5.28 Uku 5.13 ü.i) 8.54 5.51 6.18 Kenaiugtun 6.00 n.W 9.45 6.40 7.H rA 6.Ö0 7.40 10.:.5 7.30 5.10 uiiin; kam. . líá 'T mr,., = A -jf f f f JL 15 ?! !L i? ÜL A H. . M. P. P. M. P. M. 'ihl'ttKO IiT. 615 HOO 3.40 5)5 !U( K.l.-iiiíjton 7.35 9.50 4.30 ti.05 10.01 [ aRl S.17 10.27 5 1 0.50 10.411 Mlcb. City 11.03 11.18 6.00 T.88 11.88 New Bu ríalo... 9 27 11.33 6.25 11.55 rhree Oaks 9 42 6.40 A. M. Bncbnan 10.10 p.m. 7.06 Nlles 10.Ï3 12.18 7.W y.ooi li.45 DowaiH!' 11.58 8.06 1.1S üecatur 11.18 8.:J3 Unoi 11.85 8.581 A.M.i Ralamozun 12.1S 1.88 !. ."Í0 6.60 l.ia 2.30 Bsleshore 12..'5 1 i 7.08 Battie Cr.M'k... 1.03 3.151 mS 1.88 11.08 3.20 UanhsU P 30 3.0' -í S 8 08 11.88 8.4t jibión Ï.18 3.21 ---=- 8.32 11. '5 4.11 A.M. A. 31. lackmu Ar. S.Oíi. Juckaou ut, 8.U9 4.U5 7.0 í.ao 12.40 5.00 SraaeLake 3.3a 7.88 9.50 5.25 3heis 3. 58 r.601 iaor 5.50 Dexter I 1.15 1 SM lu.V.t: I 6.05 íinnArhor 4 37 5.071 8 25 10 341 .(14! ti.v5 fpgtlantl 4.55 5.23 8 4310.48 i.i ij 6.41 vVayne June... 5.20 5.45 Í.08 11.08 2.4Í1 7.05 3. T. Juno H.00 6.151 9.45 1185 3.201 7.15 Deiroit Ar. 6.151 6.80 10.00 U.Í50 3.861 H.i'O irk Ex)ress, a r'ast tisiin lea vea ('hjago at 3.:)0 in the afternoon and makea the folDWlng stopw, Díichlgan City, 5.30; Niles, 6.27; Kalimazoo7.40; Battie Oreek, 8.16; Jackson, 28; Aíin Arbor, 10 46; Vpsilanii, 10.41; a. T. Junction, 11.25; ariiving in Detroit at 10.40 P. M. 'Sund ly excepted. JSatfirday & Suiiday t;xceptoü rDaily. Hknry C. Wbntworth, (H. B. Lkdtard, O. P. db 1. A., Chicago. Oen'l Manager. Detroit C. E. HOLMES, Pniprictor of the City Drug Store ! lias rhechoicest lol of perfumes and ibe Laegcst Stock of Pure Drugs ! Ia Uie city. Also everythulg in the TOILET Ulll FANCY UOODS LINE. at pilces 'fiwer than anywhere elsc. Prescr iptions Carefully Compounded. Nu. 12 Ook Hotel Block, Aiid Arb..r, Michigan. Gei Youi Property nsured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE ACENT No 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest ageney in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Representiügthe followtog first-elass compauies: Homeins. Co., of JM. Y., $ 7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y. 4,307,806 Niágara Idb. Co., of N. Y., l,7:ö,503 öirard Ins. Co., of Pbila.. 1.132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London, 12,000,000 Manhattan Ins. Co., of N. Y., 652,117 C3T Rates iow, Losses liberally adjust" ed and promptly paid. C. H. Millen. FRED SORG, Dealer In PAINTS, OILS, TAfiHISHfiS BRUSHBS, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Qua!ii SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington lt ANN ARBOR. - MICMIGAN Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Glass if Püotograpïis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Grouud Floor Gallery. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COUBT HODSK Gooflyear's New Drug Store The Old Grenvil!O Stand, No. 5 South Main St. EVERYTHiNG NEW AND FRESH ! Prescriptions Compotinded Day and Night,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat