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A Mystery!

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A few (Ihjs ago while a young son of Mr. ütley, janitor of the univeraity, was working iu the garden iu the rear of his father's house on Cemetery streef, in the Ct,h ward, liis shovel struck soraething whioh gaye a peculiar sound; his curiosity was aroused. Digging down about one foot and a half he discovered a wooden box about five feet and a half long and Mixteen inches wide. The boy was as much excited as if he had " struok oil," or found the buried treasure of oaptain Kidd. The news rnpidly spread BinoBg the boys of the neighborhood and, just at dark quite a nnmber assembled to open the box; they procured a piek and iron bar and raised the cover, and to their amazement instead of tinding a oheet of buried treasure they discovered a skeleton of a woman in a good state of preservation. The body must havo been buried ueveral years ago. The box was badly decayed and contained no remains of elothing. Under the sknll of the skeleton wns a oopy in a fair state of preservation of " the code of medical ethica," while at the feet of the skeleton were several well worn copies of a lecture delivered some years ngo by Dr. Palmer, extinguishina; liomoeopathy. All the indieations went to show that this woman had been the patiënt of some Regular physician, and not having" suflicient constitution to withstand his practice hRd died. That this Regular physician, with the code of medical ethics in one hand the scalpel in the other, had dissected her body for the benefit of science, and had then kindly and tenderly laid her bones away in thia romantic and secluded spot to await the pleasiire or the convenience of Gabriel. The Rettich Bro's. wish to inform the people of this place and vicinity that they are the only parties in this city who import beer by the car load. An English clergyman recently preached a sermón fromthe text: "We remember the garlic." It is spoken of as having been a strong sermón. Silveb Ckeek, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1880.- Gents - I have been very low, and have tried everything, to no advantage. I heard your Hop Bitters recommended by bo many, I concluded to give them a trial. 1 d'id, and now am around, and constantly improving, and am nearly as strong as ever. W. H. Weller. Siuah Bernhardt is, it is said, learning fencing. This is the first intimation that Bernhardt's mother was living. Home Evidence fuom a Bankeb. - Iudianapolis, Ind. - Read what Stoughton A. Fletcher, Esq., banker, says: " I have used Dr. Deming's New Discovery for blind piles, and fonnd it the best remedy I ever used. From its first application I was benefitted, and have steadily improved." For sale by Eberbach & Son. Many a man is not satisfied to live on the face of the earth. He tries. to live on his own cheek. I. Ship Speaks for his Wife. - Indianapolis, Ind.-Mr. A. Kiefer-Dear Sir: My wife has for several years been a great sufferer from periodical attacks of neuralgia in the head. Several of the most eminent physicians had been called upon to treat her, but they could only give tempoi-ary relief. About two years ago she commenced using the Taxarine, and I am gratified to say, since then she has had no recurrence of those terrible pains. I attribute her restoration to health entirely to the use of Taxarine, and in conclusión would say to all who suffer that excruciating of all pains, to give Taxarine a ti-iaL Trnly, etc., I. Ship. For sale by Eberbach & Sou. A Colorado bath consists of hanging a (lamp towel to a tree and chmbing the towel. Thp, Wobld still Moves. Notwithgtanding mother Shipton's dire prediction, the world still exista. The people will live louger if they use Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, whioh subduea and conquers coughs, eolds, constimption, whooping cough, and all diseases of the lungg. For proof cali nt Eberbach & Son's drug store and get a bottle free. A quartz claim - that a pint and a half make a quart box full of strawberries. The best Couoh Medicine in the WobtjD. - Sample Free of Charge. - Cali at Eberbach & Son's drug store and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs, hoaraeïiess, whooping cough and consumption in its early stages. It is a scieñtiflc preparation, adniirably adapted for the cure of all lung and throat diseases. It is pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. Regular size bottles, 5üc and $1.00. For sale bv Eberbach & Son. Soloman was the first man who proposed to part the heir in the middle. A Genebal Stamfede. - Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now Eberbach & Son's for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cougke and colds. All persons afflicted with asthma, bronchitis, hoareeness, severe coughs, or any affection of the throat and lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by ealling at the above drug store. St. Louis now has 3G kindergartens, each containing from 75 to 125 pupila. They are all eminently succossful. All persons engaged in the manufacture or use of tobáceo, when nerves are effected thereby, will rind a cure in Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. Sold at Brown & Co.'s drug store. George W. Childs gave a Fourth of July dinner in Fairmount park to eight liundrüd Philadelphia newsboy. Skinnst Men. Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute euro for nervous debility and weakness of the generative functions. $1 at druggists. Mich. depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. The ladies of Edinburgh presented Mrs. Langtry with in addreaa thanking her For theatrical representations. Gbgio's Glycerine The best )ii whioh can tnily be said of Grigg'a Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounda, and all other sores. Will positiyely cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satïsfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For sale bv Eberbach fc Son. Mr. Glndstone is still younger by seven years than Palmerston when premier. "Rouon on Rats." -The thing desired found at last. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It oleara out rats. ruice, roaches, nies, bed-biigs. 15c. boxes. Boeton Corbett, who slew J. Wilkes Booth, is importuning congress for a pension. " Buoiiitaiba." - New, quick, complete cure d days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or dilïicult urination, kidney diseases. $1 at druggiats. Mioh. depot, James E. Davis % Co., Detroit, Mich. Mr Gladstone is supposed to be a great admirer of Mrs. Langtry, and it is said that he ia going to appear as the heroine in a drama written by Mr. Gladstone. The play is classical and very dramatic. A New Pbinciple. - The principie apon which Putman.s Painless Corn Extractor acts is entirely new. It does not sink deep into the rlesh, thereby producing soreness, but acts directly upon the external covering of the corn, sepnrates it f rom the un der layar, removes the direct pressure from the part, and at once effects a radical cure, without any pain or discomfort. Let those who are suffering from corns, yet skeptical of treatment, try it, and by the completeness of the cure, they will be ready to recommend Putman's Painless Corn Extractor to others. Wholesale, J. E. Devis & Co., Detroit. No president of the United Statea has ever left the country, even temporarily, during his term of office. Old and young, male and'female, find a. sure cure for all nervoiiR affections in Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. A cure guaranteed. Sold at BroTvn fe Co"s drug store.


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