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The special committee of the Detroit Board of Trade annouoced tbe seliing pi ice of July wbeat at $1.34 per bushel. Th market had beea overBold and the decisión was a lesson to soine speculators who got bitten. A rise in the Licking river opposite Cincinnati swept everythlng from Switt's landing and destroyed bargep, lumber, etc. to tbe amount of f50,000. Two freight trains collided Aug. lst on thoLako Shore R. R. wcBt of South Bend. Sixty cara were piled upon the engino and burned. The engineers were rsecut!d alive from the debris, but four trampa out of oven who were Btealing a ride are suppoaed to have buen burnoi'. There are over four hundred cuses of yellow fever at Metamorap, Texas. At VineJand, N. J., the hands of Charles Keeiglej's shos factory ato on a oirike ani demaad ',he re-smployment of two women (iUmiflscd for jniüUig the Knights of Labor. In regard to the convention of the Ainalganmted Aesociation, now in suBsion at Ghicage, a msmber of the association sald : It makes no difference what is said by sodio of tb. ironworkors. The present strike will be the principal sabjeot for conelderation at Chicago. Many n[ the (elegates were there fully determined to have the question handled tbere and wheu once taken up it will ba, virtnally settlcd by tht'ii). The coinaga at the niints of tho United States for July was $3 168,850, of which f2,160,000 were standard dollars. The sugar reflning flrm of Julin Ililgert's Sons, Philadelphia, bas faile.d. Chas. M. Hilgert, who has conducted tbe husmees cannot be for.nd. A mortgage amounting to ovt r f 200,000 recently forccloBed byRenisen & Larden on tbe estáte? precipitnled the failure. Tho hands in Keigley's shoe factory Vineland, N. J., are on a strike, douianding the reinstatement of lwr womeu dismissed for joining the Knights of Labor. The Keith paper mili, Turner's Falte, Mas9.,was damaged bj fire from f40,000 to 880,000. Farmers alongthe Licking River, between Talmouth and Loveugocd, four miles have lost all their crops by a freshet. In tha spaca the loss of crops is estimated at f30,000 besides a nuinber of cattlo and horsee dro wned The loss at other poiuts ilong the Licking i equally heavy. Judge Wylie of Waslington informec a Chinaman who appliad for naturalization that the recent enaciment of the Chines, bil abso'utely forbids it. A ruob of 20 men attacked workingroen at McKeeeport, Pa. , who had t:iken the place of strikers at the iron milis. Damage by the storm in Milvvaukee aggregates f100,000. Plankington's packing house wae struck by llghtning and some nine or ten other buildings, two men were killed. Miss Francés E. Willard of Illinois has starled a training school for femfileiecturer The tariff commission heard argumenta yesterday In favor of putting various articles on the freo liBt, includingantiquities, objects of eolleclion, hattws' plush aodsuiphuric acid. The Board of Health quarantined the schoon er Henrietta, which arrived outside Galveston, Texas, from Brazos, Santiago, bonnd for Lske Oharlfl, La , having on board lwo casée of fever of doubtful natuie. She will be allowcd to proceed to her dlstination' A strict quarantine is declared agalnst Matamoras, Brownsville, Brazos and all points communicating with tbeni Corning, Perry Co., O., was overwhelmed by a waterspout Thursday . Business and dwelling houses wero sweptaway. People were rescued with greatdifllculty. The committee appointed at Chicago to Cx a settlement of the price of July wheat Friday overruled the objections of the shorts presented and adjourned until Monday. A beautiful display of the aurora borealis was witnesscd at Gincinnati i'riday night. At Cincinnati the Dental Convention voted to offer f 200 Tor the best paper on Dental Caries, to be read at the nex. meeting. Hearing of a death in New Orlèans from yellow fever the Governor notified the authoriliss at Orange, Texas, to be ready to quarantine at a moment's nolice. A terrible accident occurred on the Cranberry Coal Raiiway near Oil City. A large train of freight cars was coming from the mines and in descending the decline leading to the depot the brakeinan lost control of the train and it dashed along at a terrific rate and jumped the track, killing eix men and wounding fifteen others. The yellow fever is doing terrible work'at Matamoras, Brownsville and other places in Texas. A dispatch f :om Brownsville Aug. 6, says: About 60 oases of yellow fever are now existlng, and it is increasing rapidly, One death has occurred, a Germán named Qaast, recently from Europe. There are conflicting reporta aboat the existence of the disease at country points, which are not deeraed reliable. At Matamoras between three and four hundred persons are said to be 111 with the disease. The Mayor of Laredo s taking active measures towards a strict quarantine against infested places, and the attempt will be made ;o induce Nueva Laredo to do the same, that cominunicatlon between the two places may not be interrupted. The Texas-Mexican rail. way officials say that it the fever goesto Corpus they will stop the running of all trains. It is stated the President has decided upon a strict enforcement of the eighthour law as that asv was construed duiing the administraron of Gen. Grant. The inembers of tbe cabioet, towever, entertained different views on this subject. The Attorney Genera), in a recent opinión, held the present law to be imperfect, and lts proper enforcement would.require additional leglslatlon. The Secrekry of tbe Savy, on the other hand, contends that under ,he exlsting law, elght houra constitate a legal day's work and he saya the law will be enforced at the navy yards. The President is said tobe of the sanie opinión as Secretary Chandler. No effort will be uïade to induce congreen to legislate furtber upon the subject the present session. The steamer Gold l)ust blew up it Hiokman, liy., tbe othsr day, and burued to tbe water'sedge in a short time. Fortyseven persons were scalded and 17 reported miaftfng. The accident was terrible In every detail, and it looks as though somo one has been guilty of criminal negligence. The U. 8. Senate gave authority and mstruction to the committoe on education lo vislt various parts of the country in order to nvestigato the relatioas of capital asd labor and the subject of labor strikes. Th proposed nvestigation will be under the diraction of Blair, Chairman of the coramittee. Among other bilis which have met ,he President's approval nre: The act for reief of the executors of Jno. W. Fornoy; the sundry civil appropriation bill; the act to esablish poet routes, and the knit goods bill. Gen. Grant and W. II. Trescott have been coDürmed aB commiBsioners to negotiate a commercial treaty with Mexico. The foreign commerce of the country during the fiscal year endod June SO, embracing both importa and exporta oí merchandise and fspecie, ainoented to f 1,566,859,459, agsinst $1,675,024,318 during the preceing fiscal year. The exports of domestic merchundise during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1882, amonnted to 4733,073,937, against $883,926,947 tbe preusding year. Amob of a hundred men at Pomeroy, Ohie, surrouLaed the jailto get Holmep, the negro cbarged with outraglng a little girl near Butland. When the7 had nearly brokon tbrotigh the walls they found Holmes bad been aken away. He was gent to Columbus for safe keeping. Tbe mob, well known meD, made no eflort at cmce Jment.


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Ann Arbor Democrat