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August 1. - In the Senate senator Morrill reported adverscly the 2 per cent. bond resolutlon. A clause additional to the sundry civil bilí reearding prohibition of the sale of liquor at tho soldie's' tiome at Togus, Maine, was ruled out of order; changes were made in the blll, and the ssnate agreed to Dnish it on Tuesdayunder the minute rule. A uew conference oom ie ittee was appointed ou tbe naval bill. The report ot the House coiumlttoe ou foreign affairs upon the Chili-Poru investiga! loi is a voluininoua document. In the uiain i exonerates aü United States officials from nny corrupt doings, but advises caution in all mat ter of the kind. Mr. Belmontappends a state ment regnrdiüg the Landioau claims. A long discuesion ensued on a resolutlon to adjourn August i which was referrtd to the oinmitte on appropilationn; Iba bill forprintiDg censu reportfl paseed, and the bill (or printing reporta of the Atlanta expoeition was defeated. Aug. 2. - In both Iiouse3 the pro ceedings were chiefly in regard to the vatoe river and harbor bill. As soon as the Hous met the ineiMbersoftbeComnierceConiiniUee having pwviously determined to ask th House to panjthe bill over the President' veto, carne upon the floor and during th reading of th Journal were busy arrangiu their plans of action . At the conclusión o the reading of the Journal Mr. Page was recognized by the Spaaker. He moved th passing of the bill, the objections ot the I'iesi dent notwitlistanding, and he called th previous question on hlsinotioii. The motio was carriud by the uocessary vote. Among other remarkable things in the Senato the most noteworthy wns the ap pearance on the floor of Secratary Teller, who when tbe mussage anl bUI were received from the House, the Senators and friends of th nieasure were very impatlout. They ba( counted the noes and they were content wit siinply takicg a vote, resulting 11 to lti. S the Presidenta veto was set asido and the Bil is a law. August 4. - In the senate bilis were passed for deduction from the groes tonnag of United States veesele, and for the regulation of steam vessels; a new conference was order ed on the Japaneso bill; a polítieal debate fol lowed upon the queation of order of business which question was fiaally Bettled by a coin promise on tho tax reduction bill ; tbcn f olio w ed another debate on the relativo positions o the parties on the tax reduction questioD, and the seuate adjourned after providing for Ihe temporary expenses of the government. In the house various reporta of counnUtee were agreed to. Oae of the most Importan bilis passed waa that establisbing diplomatic relations with Persia; a iwsolution was oflered and referred regarding a Presidenl's power to disappreveef certain items in an appropriation bill, and lo approve others; the joint resoiution passed for the temporary expenses of thagcv ernmeut till August 5. August 4. - Débale on the tax bill was resmned, Mr. Beek delíveriug extended remarks. Mr. .Hale presented the conference report upon the naval appropriation bill, and explained that agreements had beeu reached upon all the items in dispute except that in referenee to the temporary closing of the navy yards and the transfer of perishable property and stores therefrom, and ono authorizing a report to be made upon additioual lamls and water front for the Norfolk navy yard. The tax bill discussion wns resumed after Mr. Hale's report was received, but no definíte rcüou was taken. Iu the house Mr. Hutchins offercd b resolution proposing a constitutional amendment providing that it shall take twotliirds of the members of each House to pass a bill ovar the President' veto instead of two-thirds of the meinbersvotingas at present. Referred. The House disagreed totheainendrnentof tho Seuate to the bill providing for the printing of the agricultura! report for 1881, and a conference was ordered. The House took a recesa for half an hour and then the legislativa bill was signod by the Speaker. Messrs. Hiecoek, Butterworth and Blackburn were appointed conferees on the etindry civil bill. Aug. 5. - The conferees on the Naval Appropriation Bill reported an agreement, tbe report was accepted and the bill passed. Mr. Anthony from the conference on the bill for the publlcaüon of the agrioultural report, ïoported an agreement by which the Senate amendment is retained In the bill. This contémplales printing;300,000 copies. The report was adopted. The tax reduction bill came up as unfinish" ed business, but was laid aaide informally, and the House bill extendiog the fees of certain officers over the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona passed. In the House tbe Senato amendment to the joint resoiution for the establishment of diplumatic relations with Persia wero concurred in. The concurrent resoiution granting the use of the rotunda and ad jacent rooms in the capítol to the Qarüeld Monument Committee of the Society of tho Army of the Oumberlanii from Nov. 26 to December 2, to hold a bazar and receptiOD, the object belngto ald in orectlng in a statue to ths memory of the late President was agreed to. The Senate amendments to the bill amending the statutes relating to eteam vesseis were agreed to. The Senata blll was passed appropriating $30,000 for a public tmilding at Fort Wayne ,Xnd. Aug 7. - Allison reported a bill appropriating 60,000 to pay the fees of star route attorneys, which was passed. Mr. Miller, of New York, reportad a bilí for a eeect committee on the coudition aud wants of American shipbuiiding, and to inquirí into :he cause of its decadence. Tha bill passed by avoteof 41 to25. An executive session of slx hours took place, doors beiug thrown open a little after 6. Mr. Camarón, of Wieconsin, made a propoeition to adjourn sino die at 11 o'clock;lost. Mr. Cockwell then moved to adjaurn till 11 o'clock nest day, and the mita was carried. In the house a resoiution was adopted providing for a committee of nina at expense not oxceeding 15,000 to examine into Ue methods thus fnr pursued in the Improvement ot the Missiseippi river, and to so how recent approptiatlons are expended, the oom. mittae to hold meetings wlitrn they please. Mr. Robeson offered tbe rvenue bill as it now stands in thu aenate, omlttlng tbe polariscope for sugar, and moved to suspond the rules and plac it on its passage.


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Ann Arbor Democrat