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The greenback party of Massaehusetts has nominated Gen. Butler for governor. A CONSUL COBNEBED. Mr. Lerig, the American consul at Aiexandria, was attacked by a body ol 40 of the natives in the Gabarra gate the other morning. He was unarmed, bat seizsd a club and backing into a corner cried for help and made ouch an effected deienee that none of hls asailanta could gei cear enough to hiuito hurthim. Daring the attack the natires made a great deal of noise, and the clamor attracted tho attention of soms of the Enellsb. Boldiers on duty. These at fust supposed that Ihe tghl was merely one of the usuAl nalive rows, but when thay discovered the charaeter of the assailed, made a deecent upon tha assailants, liberated Long, and captured all the ring leaders. The attack was premeditated, and was meant to be fatal. The riDR leaders who have been anested assert that they had been lyiög in walt for several dayB and nights and meant to kill him. They allege that the reason for the attack is that Long recently drove over and seriously injaredseveralE yptiane, ftiends of the as sallante, who were in the way of hÍ8 caniage ia one of the strests of Alexandria, and who refused to get out of his way as quickly as he ineolently orderei them. They characterize his condnct on thÍB cceasion as high handed and outrageous, and assart that the best thing Iong can do is to gat out of Ejypt, as, if he remains, Uis life will surely bü taken. Mr. LongdenieslhechargesayiDg the oaly thing of tho klní which he can recollect oocunod one day while te was drhiig towarda the rand Square. A rabble of nativea eurround-,, ed his carriage and tried to etop it, but not kaowiug their puipose and being unarmed, he whipped up his horses team what he belleved to be mortal danger. Three natives wbo were clingin? tothe reins wre thioivn down, oneof thsintrair.pled on, and seveial who were clinging to thn f pokes wei alsó hurt. THE DTAH COMMISSION. The members of the cornmission to reorganiza the territory of Utah' have arrived at Balt Jjake, snd wlll study the Bituation of affairsln the terriiory before making public thelr programma. Thy were kindly recMved by all clsisses. AID WAKTED. Gov. Roberts calis upon the U. S. govcrnment lor aid on account of the yellow fever at Brownville at MatamovaB. STHUCK DUMB. Rev. J. H. Porter, a leading minister of Jnnesboio, Ark,, was suddenly and unacoountably struck dumb while in tho pulpit the otUer night. FIHE. The eight-3tory brick building on the corner ol Tenth aveune and Fiftoentb street, New York, occupied by Hardiaan, Dowling & Peck, plano manufacturare, waa deelroyed by file early tbo other morniDg. The buildinK contained a large and costly stoei estima,ted to be yorth $250,009. Abcmt 800 men are thrown out oí enjploymsnt by tbe burniiig of tho factory. A CABINET MKETING IN HEW YOBK. An informal meeting of the cabinet was held at President Arthui'a hous9 in New York on the 21st inst. All the members except Secretary Teller andl'ostmaster General Howe were present. There was no business transacted, and the session pas more of a social one than othei WÍ8O. The canse of the meeting as explainod by Secretary Folger and AttorneyGeneral Brewster, wag ttiat as Secretarles jincolD, Chandler and Folger and tbe PreBilent were in Nbw York, Secretary Frelinghuyien in Newark, and Attorney-tíeneral Breweter it Long Branch, it was thóugat best to meet ind inquire whether in elthor of tbe depaitnents it reqtiired joint actlon. Nothinf? of ,his nature carne bsfore the meeting. Both Sacretary Folger and the Attorney-General deaied that changeB in the hearts ol departmentf? liad been discussed. TBNKOB'S PBEDICTION. Vennor preclicts a severe storin period on the lower lakes toward the eDd of the present month and early in September. He also prediclB Bioiilar dielurbancaB alonp the New Jersry coast, and sguthward to and beyond CharlfBton on the AUantio ooesL A LOSO STHIKB ENDED. The operativos who have been on a striKa at Cohoos, N. ï.,for bo leng a time, have virtuallyadniitteddefeat by flocklnff to the gatea of the mili for work. A ful! forcé will poon be at work.


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