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The Prince of Wales owes $3,000,000. A lady in Frostburg, Maryland, the other day, washed her son's mouth vith soap because he swore. A few days after she fonnd him in the yard with his mouth and face full óf suds. Peering through the foara he sifid: "Swore a heap of times to-day, mamma; getting them all out now. liie assessors valúa tion of property is Michigan in 1851, was $115,647,750. In 1861 it was 8157,863,206, an increase nnder tree trade of 36 per cent. In 1871 the valuation was 261,138,704, an inórense in ten yearsof tariff of 103,295,498. In 1881 the valuation was $669,344,283, an increase in ten years of $408,185,576. Hayksvilie, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1880. - I am very glad to say I have tried Hop Bitters, and never took anything that did me as much good. I only took two bottles and I would not take $100 for the good they did me. I recommend them to my patients, and get the best results from 'their use. -O. B. Meeceb, M. D. Ihe colorea wife of a clergyman wan re fused permisson to ride in the ladies' car on the Cincinnati Southern railway, and the company pay the lady $1,000 for the incivility. A Repobt or Olerk of Ciecuit Couet. - Clerk's Office, Johnson Co., Ind. : Mr. A. Kiefer:- During the spring and summer my wife was a great gufferer from indigestión and drspepsia, caused by a torpid liver. About a month ago she began using your Taraxine, and the flrst two doses gave her go much relief that she continued the use of it until two bottles had been taken, and I take pleasure in saying that her health is entirely restored. Yours, etc., Isaac M. Thompson, Clerk circuit court. Por sale bv Eberbach & Son. m. yuaa says ne is not writing history, he is simply writing sketches. A Happy Man.- I have been a sufferer from blind piles for twenty years. During that time I tried every known remedy, receiving none but teïnporary relief. Ten years ago Prof. Goss of Philadelphia, used the knife upon me, which for two years seemed to have cured me, but eight years since it returned, suffering: at times excruciating pain. 8ix weeks ago I commenced UBing Dr. Deming's New Discovery, with marvelous resulta. For the past four weeks I have not suffered at all. My advice to all sufferers from piles is, use Deming's Discovery and be happy, as I am.- W. H. Thomas, 261 East Washington street, Indianapolis. For sale by Eberbach & Son. The Mormons have put missionariea to work all over Kansas. FOBTUNES FOB FaBMBRS AND MECHANics.- Thousands of dollars can be saved by using proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are bilious, have sallow complexion, va .n-t.c, íy,Y aiiKi uepresseu spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those wonderful Electric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of flfty cents.-Tribune. Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. Atlanta, Georgia, shipa 40,000 watermelons north, daily. The best Cough Medicine in the World.- Sample Free of Cali at Eberbach & Son's drug store and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs, hoarseness, whooping cough and consumption in lts early stages. It is a scientifie preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all lung and throat diseases. It is pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try íi, íi costs yon notbmg. Kegular size bottles, 50c and $1.00. For sale by Eberbach & Son. One man in Texas owns a paHture fleld of 400,000 acres. It ig fenced with 500,000 feet of posts aad 90 tons of wire. Sbbk no Fubtheb.- It is said an oíd philosopher sought an honest man with a kghted lantern, and humanity has since been seeking an honest medicine by the hght of knowledge. It has at length found it in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which cures all diseases of the blood, removes pimples, and acts promptly upon the liver and urinary organs. Only 50 cents a bottle, to be had at Eberbach & Son's. The money order business last year, at the New York post office, exceeded $63,000,000. Dr. E. C. West'sNerveandbrainTreatment is a never failing cure for Nervous Neuralgia, Nervous Headache. Overworked Brain, c. Solil at Brown fe Co's drug store. There are 46 rear admiráis on the list of naval officers retired on pensions. " Büchupaiba."- New, quick, complete cure i days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidnev diseases. BI at druggists. Mich. depot. James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. The outstanding national bank notes of the United States is $157,976,083. " Boügh on Rats."- The thing deaired found at last. Ask druggista for "Rough on Rats." It oleara out rata, mice, roaohea, flies, bed-buga. 15c. boxes. A Boheraian girl 16 yeara old is said to be eight feet two inohes long. Gboig's Glycerine Salve.- The best on whioh can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuta, bruises, scalds, burna, wounda, and all other sorea. Will poaitively cure piles, tetter, and all akin eruptiona. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 centa. For aale by Eberbach & Son. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteT HAVE a. complete compilation of the Official X Records of Washtenaw County to date. inclu ding all Tax Titles, Executors, any incumbrance on Real Estáte, that Ís of Record in the Registers office, is shown by my books. Office, in the office of the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual Insurance company, in the basement of the court Carne uto my enclosure, in the Township of Ann Arbor, near Foster's Station, on or about the middle of August, 1882, 1 Yearling Buil of a roan color, and 2 last spring Calves, one a beifer, theotliera bull. Ileifer red, the buil a red with some white spots. J. FRED STABLKR. Ann Arbor, August 22, 1882. The liad and Worthless I Are never imitated or counterfeited. This is especially tme of a family medicine, and it is positivo proof that the reniedy imitated is of the highest valué. As sooñ as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprang up and began to steal the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B., and in every way trying to induce suffering invalida to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name oí H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. B., with variously devised names in which the word "Hop" or ' Hops " were used in a way to induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especial! y those with the word " Hop " or " Hops " in their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits, Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters, with a búnch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. $500 REWARÍ We ill pay the above reward forany case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache ín digestión, Oonstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Weet's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the clireotions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pilis. 85 cents. Forsaleby all Druggists. Be ware of eounterfeits and imitations TUe genuino nianufactured only by John C, West & Co 'The Pili Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on rceipt of a 3 cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a speciflc for Hystera. Dizziness, Oonvulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Losa of Memory Spermatorrhcea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Oíd Age, caused by over-exertion, selfabuse, or over-lndulgence, whlch leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatmnnt. One dollar a box or sixboxesfórflve dollara: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guarantee sixboxes to cure any case With each order received bv u for six boxes, accompanied with flve dollara, we will send the purcaser our written guarantee to return the mouey if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by Brown & Co.. solé authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mich. John C. West & Co., solé proprietors, 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. 111. tC ♦ tOflper day at honie. Samples 4ö IU 4ZU woith$5free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula In all lts forma, Cáncer," Saft Rheum, Erysipelas. Rheumatism, all Blood and Skin diseases, and regulates the Bowels. $1 per pint bottle. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pile Remedy. Certain, Speedy, Cheap. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pilis cure Dygpepsia, Indigestión and Constipation. They act on the liver and kidneys. In bozes of 35 pill. 25c . 6 boxes Í1. For Bale by C. E. Holmes and Eberbach & Son, Send for circular. "THe, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of The Chicaao Tribune. Dwiqht, 111., March 16.- One of the strongest and most rnnvincim' fnetu ttmt T hova vot au.n - - - - - - - - - - - j - ww uw ■ ■ h v tm j j y guii with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agrieultural Department of Illinois. It is this: ACREAOE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, 1881 268,597 Acreage in corn in Logan Couiity, 1881. . 140,859 Livingston over Logan 127,738 Y1ELD. Yield of corn in Livingston County.lPSl. .6,983,522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 6,070,924 Livingston over Logan 1.902.698 In other words. Logan County has raised near ly as much corn on 140,869 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another forni, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (268,597), and have raised but a very Mtnall percentage of increase of corn over their brethern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,859 acres. Let tis give it another twist: A A farmer who has his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 160 and takes all the risks of drouth and much besides. It is not fair, then, to conclude that the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tiledrain? From the same source of information I ajather the following as regards the progresa of tüe-drainage in these two counties: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County upto 18fl 1, 140,793 Total number of feet laid in Logan County upto 1881 3,989,469 This table proves beyond all theory that owing io the free use of tile that one county has been able to produce nearly as much corn on 140,000 acres or land as another county has produced upon 26i,000 acres, which is nearly doublé, and be beauty of the whole is that it was done with ïalf the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence should lengthen out the spin of our days until we saw Illinois thorougnly tile-drained, where would be put the corn that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?" Hamuel T. K. Pkimb. JACKSON F1RE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-' jdjemtii tile. All our Drain Tfle aro made of Fire Clay, arp "f unusual Btrength and Ught weight, whieh ma terially reduces the breakage and expense of transportaron. The diteliing f or thla class of tiling ia leng expeii si ve, as they do not requiro to be laid belowfrost but only depp enough to escape thO plow. Wliile t his is more economical it aluo aids obtainingia better "fall" or grade to the draiiL A full assortment of all slzes, for sale Ib im quantltles, or car load lot, at tho FERDON LÜMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, ArB. C C C a weelc in your own town. Terms and $5 4D0 outflts free. Addresa H. Hallett & Co portland, Malne. CHEAPEST RIRI Ft l " '""-" a.. FORSHHE Si MCMACKlN.Cincinnati.O. AtfaUla W"liU Gooflmr's New Dn Store The Old Crenvitle Stand, No. 5 South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Night, Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of PMigriijte " In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Uround Floor Galltry. COODRICH BÍ.OCK, East Side of the NEW COUBT IIOÜSK,


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