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Among ihe bequests of the late Jes aie Hoyt is suitable gronnda and $100,000 fo ttie erection and maintenaDce of a public II brary and readine room ia East Sajjinw, and &1bo tn the city for a public park a grove containicg Bome tweüty acres on Washington avenue. J. C. Clark, the cashier at the Detroit, Laosinï & Nortbern dapot. Big Hapide, came near losing $50, the mouey baving been removed from the safe by a young man who afterwards replaced the amount, although he deniea that he intended to eteal it. Elizabeth Davis, of Cadillac, mother of Fraok Itavis, aged 83 ysare, was throwr f rom tbe track by expresa No. ö. She wil! ra cover. Mrs. Garfleld has built a new house near Bjron, Kent Co., for Thomas Garfield brotlier of the late president. As John Laird was going to work in Saginaw City Bot long Bince he wíb attackec by Wm. Watson and John Gartigan, wlio stiuck and choked bim, etc. When Laird go' away froin them he prncured a revolver and in started fortli. The two carne at bim in, when Laird struck Watson with thebutt f the revolver, which was discharged Dy the concusión, the ball enteriDg Watsoii'a arm. Il was later found that Laird's blow had f ractured Wateou's skull, which was euccessfully trepacnd, and it is thought he will recover. Syuipathy is witli Laird, who is a peaceabie young man. He was not arrestad, bat bas limsell sworn out an assaultand bat'.ery warrant against Watson and (iarrigan. Street cars will probably be running in Battle Creek btfore winter. Unpaid notes given in aid of the ?eniusular car wo-k's bonus in Adrián have )een placed in the hands of Mesare. Beau and Jcderwood, and delinquent? wil! be called upm in a few days. Mrs. Wm. B. Hawkins, a pioneer of 86, died at Paw Paw last week. It is thought the west side cars, Grand Rapide, will run to ths Uaion depet the early part or thie week. A Muskegon man named Hendiïx has been "borrowiua" sums cf money at Grand Bapide, aud skippiiig. The concention of Michigan sheriffs t Grand Rápida last week wouud up witn au xcursion to Petfiskey. ïio new arrivés at Jackson prison a tbree we'ks. Oaly 644 state boarders there ow llie pmaliest numbei In 16 yeare. G. A. PrestoD, who has been unable o walk ordo busintsieinceinjurtd by ? fall n a bad Charlotte sidewalk a year ago, bas ued that city in the Uoited States court at Grand Rápida for #50,000 damages Blinn & Weidman's mili at Deerfield, jenawee Cn., destrojed by fire last week, inaki'B the third icBiitution of the iind burDed n the sime site. The opportune raiofall ayed ftd}oiBlog properíy AU tiie stock of lor ps, Btaves, headings, etc , burned. Insured ; oss not known. Stephen Vandresser, night foreman Q Etnlaw'd mil!, Grand Haven, feil gainst a unnibg eun an1 mangled h'a right nrm iu such manner tbat it is feared it rnay be nacessary o ampútate it. Nelson Lamare packed 47,000 shinles in ten hours at Ontonagon recnlly. Mis. Mary Rivard, accused of killing ohnuii) livant, Bay City, bas been honorably ischargeu . lleunion of Mexican veterans of icliigan at Grand Rapids, September 28. saac H. Parribh, Grand Rápida, wiil be the rator. Look out for frauda who promise to ecüie old soliiiers 1W acres i.i land without beir hwing to lire ol it, for a feo of f 10. No hange in hoinestead law. ïhe surveyof the Wisconsin & Michgan railway is now said to ba cotnpleted to he etate line, where it will connect witu the ntonagon k Brule River r.iilway. Some Michigan farmers are signing ordeis" for carpeta very cher.p, and the next ay una tbeir notes in Dans ror payment. Mrs. Decker's house burned at Grand apids; loss $700. Tho fire also damagol E Meiaarii's grocery $600. Two Lansing sisters, both inarried. ave heon arrestad for robtiirg a GraudLtdge man of $800. Tecumseh is alive on the F, & M. ailroad. Notes given one year ago have to be enewed, and $5,000 have already been secured, wbile the committee are büU vigorounly at work. Püineas Pearl, 90 years old, 50 years resident of Birriea county, dled reeently. Button Broe, are buyirjg 500 sheep n Genesae couaty for their ranch in Kansas. 51 ew Green ville is to have a new depot gat away. C. E. Bing, Soutli Saginaw, has inented a strange device for holding logs while sicg cut. A Cincinnati boot and shoe factory wanta to lócate at FUnt. Alpena milis will cut 175.000,000 feet t lusnber tbi Blasón. Dr. "W. II. Palmer, of Jackson superieor of the elghth wara and a promineDt reenbacker, haa been arrested for embezzlement ia converting to his own use }530 of f unds received at the picnic held for the benefit of the blind peliceinan, Officer Schwelmer, on the llth of July. He ia held to bail in f800. The Buffalo Courier says: "Concernlog the report that the Now York, Chicago & St. Loais raiiroad contemnlatsd a Michigan branch, Presideat C uiaminga bsjb that contráete bave alroady been let for a branch of 160 iniles in longth from Toledo to Allegan, Mich., conneciina; at the latter point with the Chicago & Western Michigan road, and g ving aecess to Graad Havn and other Michigan lake ports. When completad it will be operated iu conneciion with the Ohio Central, aíford ing an outlet northward for Ohio coai, aad sonthweet for Michigan lumber. The purpose of Iheeyndicatüis to build nest year from Marshall, Mic'i., to junction with the Detroit, Marquelte & Mackinaw road in the iron ore regiODp. CummingB sayB monty for tho fiist 15 mileB has been alroady eubscribed. "Women cbtaln lïom tho United tate. government an average of about sixtj patents yearly ; seventy is the number loi tho year ending July, 1880. As ruight be expected, most of them relate to lightening women's work Among them are a jar lifter, a bag holder, a pillow-sham holdcr a dresa protector, two dust-pans, a washinL machine, a fluting iron, a dress cart, a fishboner, a sieve adj uster, a lap table, a sewing machine treadle, a wash basin, an iron heater, andirons, a garment stifíener, a folding chair, a wardrobe bed, a window cleaner, a napkiu, a clothespiu, a weather strip, a churn, an invalid's bed, a dipper, a paper disk and a plaitinjj devise. The U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross was launchedat Wilmington Saturday.


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