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Business Matters. Koch & Haller have secured the services of two of the best upholsterers who have been employed in the establishment of C. K. Mabley, of Detroit. They can fill any order from the cheapest Raw Silk Suit to the finest Plush Suit, on short notice, always guaranteeing lirst class work. Egypt is a country of magnifieent ruins, ancient and modern. Student Tables, student Chairs, good Bed Room Sets cheap at Koch & Haller's, 52 South Main street and 4 West Liberty street. The reduction of the public debt for July was $14,000,000. For the largest assortment in Camp Chairs, and Camp Rockers, go to Koch & Haller's 52 South Main street, Ann Arbor. Sugar paid last year $50,000,000 revenue to the government. Anything in the line of Music Booka, Instruments, and Trimmings can be bought at the oldest and most reliable Music Store in the city. Please cali and see what bargains will be offered at No. 11 Opera House Block, Main street. Yours truly, J. R. Sage. Fob Sale. - Fifty thousand brick at 53 per thousand, or 30 cents per hundred. [nquire of Henry Leisemer of Saline. A governmental revenue of $440,000,000 a expected this year. M. M. Green's stallion, Mambrino Jewell, will make the season at the stable ately owned by P. Irwin. A yellow fever invasión is feared across ihe border of Tesas. Imus pays cash for live chickens. Important to Travelers. - Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington Route. It will pay you to read ;heir advertisement found elsewhere in his issue. New York city consumes 200,000 watermelons a week. Persons desiring to visit Whitmore jake or Hamburg, or those having packages for either of the above places, should leave orders at C. E. Holmes' drug store. A. F. Dabkow. Bob Ingersoll's Long Branch cottage s known by the residents of the place as ■he " Happy Family" cage. Wanted - A young girl to do house work and take care of children. Enquire at this office. The outstanding United States currency is $362,463,804. "By asking too much we may lose the ittle we had before." Kidney-Wort asks ïothing but a fair trial. This given, it ears no loss of f aith in its virtues. A lady vrites f rom Oregon: "For thirty years ha ye been afflicted with kidney comlaint. Two paokages of Kidney-Wort ïave done me more good than all the nedicine and doctors I have had before. . believe it is a sure cure." Algerine war deolared by the United States, 1815, March 3d. Read What a Minister Says. - Homer, 11., June 1, 1874.- Mr. A. Kiefer.- My Dear Sir: I have been afflicted for the ast four years with derangement of the jiver, causing Dyspepsia, Headache, íausea, and general derangement of the whole system. I have tried a great many irepartions, but found no releif until I ried one bottle of your Taraxine, which las premanently cured me. I also found t to be good for the Agüe. I commend it o all who suffer with derangement of ;he liver. Very truly yours, Rev. Thomas Whitlook. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Amendments to the Constitution, 12 proposed by Congress, 1789, Sept. 25th, 0 declared adopted 1891 Dec. 18th. The ketstone op Health. - How can you expect to feel well, or even enjoy life, when you go about with a hacking cough? The fooi, in his wisdom, says ihere is no cure for it, but the wise man lies him to Eberbach & Son's drug store, ind gets a bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Posiiiye Cure, and at once gets well. A rial bottle costs nothing. Almanacs first printed by Purbosk, in Vienna, 1857. Home Evidence from a Banker. - Inianapolis, Ind. - Read what Stoughton A. Fletcher, Esq., banker, says: "I have ïsed Dr. Deming's New Discovery for lind piles, and found it the best remedy ever used. From its first application I was benefited, and have steadily imjroved." For sale by Eberbach & Son. Alien and Sedition Acts passed by Congress, 1798; expired by limitation, 801, June 26th. Nervous Prostration, Premature Old Age, either caused by tobáceo, alcohol, verwork, or excesses, cured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. Sold t Brown & Co's drug store. The freight handlers' strike in New iork is now in its tenth week and no oncessions have been made on either ide. Güiao's Glyoerine The best n which can truly be said of Grigg's Glyerine Salve, which is a sure cure for uts, bruises, scalds, burns, wotinds, and 11 other sores. Will positiyely cure iles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satsfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Dnly 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & on. A California paper has found an apology for Monnonism, in the faot that it does not throw the burden of supporting a husband on one woman. Woman's Tbue Fbiend. - A friend in need is a friend indeed. This noiie can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflictedwithdisease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses so eommon to our female population. Every woman shonld know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste and only cost ilfty cents a bottle. Sold by H. S. Brown & Co. The English tradesmen, taken as a class, are muchmore extensivo advertisers than their American cousins, and understand the business better. Jot, Jot to the Wokld. - If you meet a man who looks as if he had lost all his friends, had his house burned down and business destroyed, just make up your mind that he either has dyspepsia or his liver is out of order. The best tliing you can do for such a woe-begone individual is to advise him to go to Eberbach & Son's drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which will cure him without fail. Also an infallible reniedy for pimples and blotches on the face. Only flfty cents a bottle. ft.Germany declines to land troops in Egypt. It seems impossible that a remedy made of such eommon, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Uandelion, etc , should make so many and such greai cures as Hop Bitters do; but when old and young, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having been eured by them, you must believe and try them yourself, and doubt no longer. " Buchupaiba." - New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smartiiif;, frequent or diflïcult urination, kidney diseases. $1 at druggists. Mich. depot, James E. Davis fe Co., Detroit, Mich. New York is the costliest port in the world. It costs a 1,000-ton ship $800 to enter and leave the harbor. Bucklin's Árnica Salvk. - The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaius, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidney and I LIVER It lina apeciflc actioa on thia most Important L organ, enablingr it to throvr off torpidity and k iixaction, Btimulating the healtliy lecrotion of r the Blle, and by keeping the bowela In freo ! k couditiou, cffecting ita regular discharge. M I f% If 70U aro suffe frcm f lYl Cl ld lid malaria, have the chilla, I are bilious, dyapeptio, or oonatipated, KidueyL Wort will aurely relieve and quickly oure. k In the Spring to oleanae the System, everjr f one should take a thorough oourse of it. SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Prlc$l.


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