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Tiicoupio, the Greek Prime Minister, has telographed to the Grek Consul at Alisando-, for informatiün in regard to Antono Pau'n, arreated for connection wi:h the iurnored coaspiracy of üreeks ia Eijypt. The Conab! raplied the objsct wauto inassiero the KhedSre and the Christians and to attack the forts; tbat Autono Paulo was tho only Greek miiiicated, and that. he waa appointed Consular agent toSioutt, but was never formal!; instalad. STEPS TO INDEMNIFÏ SDFFEHEBS. The Egyptian Council of Ministers ia now enaged with th questiou of indemcifying inhai)itant6 for Iosaes sust dned by inoendmriem or pillage. Tt is alu ost a certainty that tbe Miniatry will piopose to the powere to appoint an intercational eommisflin tn settle th claimp, the deoisione. of tho commisBion to bo final. THE NAVY ÏO BK ÜLOSIFIED. Gen. Wolseley has requested the presence of the naval brigade in tha anny iu order that the navy may share the honor of the advanw. In cotnplunce with this rcqueat a brigade consisting of ICO blue j ickets, ten offlcersaDdaba'.tary of four Gútling guns will leavo ivri Said lor Isiaaiha. ARABI'S STREKOTH. A correspondent of the JTewshas obtaiced from a mos reliable source th exict strergth of Arabi PashaM army. The grand total ie rie follows: Iafantiy, 416,005; cavalry, 18,000; K'ine, H'i rockct tubcp, eighteen; Beionipp, 836,000. EKQLAND TO HAVE HEB WAÏ. The London Times, in a leading artlcle, saya: ;' i he governm'-ut ia conc'.uding n military convention witb Turkt-y, fe persuadí i that the 3ultan bas seen the foüy of trïine auy longer to thwart the policy of Eugland. Two Europe-ü posvers st least, have iGtiniitod at Oonstantinoi!e that Buglaud woflM be p?rfecily justified in breakiDg off negotiations whicb havo teen eo waatocly prolonffed." BACK TO ÏHEIB BEATS. Earl Spencer, ia reinstating the dis misseS poücemen gracted t'iem a froe pardon, but exprsed regret aiid surprise tbat they hould have been inducsd to tak th step Ihsy d. STILL ÜN3ETTLEI). Notwithstanding the report that Tur;ey aud Gieece had arrived at an underetandg on tbe frontier qnestiou, the matter seems o hang ia th balan pe yet. A diBpaích f rom thenp, Sept. 7tb, eaid: Nothiug has been deded ia renard to the Tuiko Greek frontier uestion. It is eaid that M. Condourioti, íreek MiaiBter at Constiutinople, will have a urthor conference Satarday with Bald Pasha, he TurJrieh Minister of Foreiga Affaire, and beüevcit it no decisión Ís then reached ho ,ilitie3 will be resucuod. It is undersíood M. ondonrlotis has been instrncted not to yield ny oí too five points in dispute. KILLED IN REBELLION. A telegram from St. Petersburg pub shed bereBays that convicts In the príson a hfkan reyolted recently and the guard wae illed out to suppress them. Astiuggleensue.l nd 40 conviots were killtd. AN ENGAGEMENT AT KASSASSIN. An official report from Gen. Woleïey, ikted September flih, gives an outline f the engagement al Kaseaesin: 'Theeneíay econnuitered our advanced poBts with oonsidrabie forcé of all arms at das break Ihia mornng. 3en. Wilil advanced and attacked tbem riving them back with loss. We have taken our f;uns, Oar loss is vory trifling. The nemy have retirad mto tbelr works, from wbieli they are now Cring at 5,000 yard range. shall return to camp at Kaseassin shortly with all the forcee. ., I have removed my camp here as. We r.iilway, canal and telegrapb are ow working fairly. We have fouad and bured the hody of Lieut. Gribble." Annthnr ort says 100 English eoldiers were killed and Imt the loss to the eneiny was heavy. Tbere wre 13 )00 men with 12 guns In. the engagement under Arabi, and 6 guns and many prisners were taken. 1NDIGNANT AEABS. The sultan's proclamation against rabi Pasha bas caused considerable agitation mong the Axabe who feel that Arabi is the avior of Islam, and ït is tbought Arabi will asue a counter proclainatloB against the sulan. Il is rsported that Arabi hat expelled all Turks and Circaesians from his camp. BACK TO HIS THRONE. Through the intervention of China. hu king of Oorna has been rainstated to hls hrone. The Chinese authorities seized the clng's ralativ?, who was the originator of the usuiToClioa and usuper of the throne, and took uiui to the Flowery kingdora to be doalí witb s bis caBe may merit. It does not appearlha all the txeUeuient bas subsided in Corea, but t ís probable no urther outrages will occur, incB the leader of tbs auti-foreiga element has been taken from the provlnce. A BONANZA FOB THE CANAL COMPANT. One hundred English men-of-war and traDsports were used in the Suez Canal belween August 20 and September 6. Tb Canal Company raalized from tonnage and paeseuger duen L96.000. WHAT EGÏPT WILL LOSE. A prominent financier eitimates that Eífypt will lose nearly L7t),000,000 by the war. The cottoa erop, wbicb is eutirely lost, would have been worth nearly LW,0O0,0J0. There is ittle hopa of bavioir any of the sugar erop. If tho country is not in a ssttlod oondltion wrtkki two monttis it will b too late for sowing next yai'a cereal. Several larse failures are anlicipated shortly.


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