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CHEAPEST KBlEi&íáSlS&Slñ isaaa'sasaaasaaAipB.wiBn Stabler & Stoup's eelebrated horse, THE SCOTCH M.A.:iV will stand during the (all season at the stable of H. Kitridge in Arm Arbor He will be at the stable from Thursday to Satun'.ay each week until November 1. Jfor the permanent cure of OONSTIPATION. ! - Uo othr ditoaso Is so prevaleut in this fi) " try aj ConaiipaUon, and no remedy has ever _ O oqualled ti-o oeléuatad Kídney-Wort aa a c Ë cure. Wiiate vc ; tt 3 c.T.uje, however obstiiuito ca ffl the case, tliis i-..ody will overooraeit. u. 03 QIÍ ËT. THIS distroasing L O fiaM&W.! piaiat i very apt to be p flomplicated withconati pation. Kidney.VSTort 4j BtrcngUieris tha woakenedl parto and qulckly (6 onros all kinds of Pilca oven when physioiana ei aud medioiiioB have before fatled. ïir tyif yoii have either of these trouble p jTRICe [ USE Orugg'ts Self EBERBACH&S9N, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes A.ND Engjish Tooth Brushes. Weeall speuiul attentkm toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS Atjüat pricos. STTTIDZEISTTS Are cordially invited to eiamine our stock as quality and prices. EBERBACH & SON. OENÜ1NE MILWAUKeT o P 1 SM' ■ wi th jX Z? iilljl' III! 1ÜB rt ta LAGER BEER DEPOT. 75,000 Bottles Sold per Year. PRÍÑCÍPAUIUNE aiïd An.l uJlJjsBEST line to St. Joacph, puints in IowaAu-hison, Topeka, DenlNjbr:i9ka.lISBourt,KanlllllsJ11lii3on, Dallas, Gal3as. Xew Mexico, Arlzuna, Motïïllliiiiiivestün, tana and Texas. KN CHICAGrO t"Thla Route lian tiosupiTiur fur Atbert -4if fef-l.i". Mlnneapoll and st. Paul. TJniver8l-C2OÍ. Natlonally ivpiitfd as iy conceded to i. int; tiie Great be the Dost equipped SÏJXSrJhrounhCar liallroad in the World fur f- Lina all classes of travel. " KANSAS CITY V Vv Ai! fOnlH'ctions made VTL Through XXWrA Tr'lt TH-k.-ts vla tlii5r ) V' onl1 you w" Ct;li'l)raled Line forvOOx nt ii'avelliiK a Ie:.: sill MUCKrJS. Inxaiy, lusiead f. s. ai"ixv'S.'y. oi ' A'' Canada. CvV AI'N%v5Sv lu""ort vSJVInfurnuitlonX: Z0V sS}jr Faie. Sleel;lng Ciirs,sfff V ■!■ . ch.'erfu ly glvn l,y VjT . T"?OTrER. PEREVAL LOWELL, "' ','it e lYes'lil: Gen'l Manutjer, ííen. Jrtts. Agf., Clilr"". III.!. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have cm hand a complete stock of evwrything in the Crocery Line. Tens, Cofl'cos and6uiran, In large amoimts. and at CasIbL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of teas they Buy and Sell. ík trood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own C-ffees every week, anc none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery tarns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. NOTICT TO BUILDERS. The plans and specifications of the NEW ENGINE HOUSE are nów ready and can be seen at the store of Joe T. Jacobs. SEALED PROPOSALS for the constnxetion of said building will be received by the undersigned up to and including Priday, Sept. 15, 1885. The right to reject any or all bida is reserved and the bid accepted by this committee will be subject to the approval of the Common Council. Bv order of the Building Oommittee. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Sec. W. II. H. BOYLAN & CO.. Homo, Sip mi Frene Pain te rs ! DECORATORS & PAPER HANGERS. Work guaraureed aiul leatly executed by èxperieuied hands. No boys btnployed. No. 10 Soutli Main Street, Beeond Floor. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteIHA.VE a complete compilation of the Official Records of Washtenaw County to date. incln ding all Tax Titles, Executions, any ineumbrance on Real Estáte, that is of Record In the Registers office, is showu by my books Office, la the office of the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual inaurance company, in the basement of the court ïouse. C. H. MANLY, Aun Arbor. Mich. ('oiiimissioiiers' Biotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate court for said County, Couimission ers toreceive.examineandadjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Rachel Dale, late of said county deceased, here by give notiee that six months trom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Credi tors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of Philip Winegar. in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Thursday the 16th day 'of November, and on Friday the 16th day of February next, at teu o'clock i. u. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Angustie, 1882. PHILIP WINEGAR, EHiiU B. POND. L'ommissioners. Cmmissioners' Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Dommissioners to receive, examine and adjust all olanna and demands of all persons against the estáte of Hiram Arnold, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notiee that six months from date are allowed by order of said probate court, for creditors to present their claims againist the estáte of said decea.sod. and that they will meet at the office of Zina P. King. on Main street. In the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty, on Thursday. the töth day of November, and on Friday, the IBth day of Ft'bruary next, at ten o'clock a. m.. of each of said days, to receive. examine and adjust said Dated August 16th. 188SÍ. ZINA P KING, I AKETUS DUNN, Commissioners. E. B. POND, ) The Circuit Court for Washtenaw County, in Chaneery. Sophia E. Squires, Complainant, f vs. Homer Squires, Defendant. ) ÏT appearing satisfactorily by affldavit to me that the defendant, Homer Squues. i a Donre-ident of this state and resides in the statf of AVisconsm, on motion of E. D. Kinne, s ilicitor for the complainant: It is ordered that the said defendant. Homer Squires, cause his appeuRMice in thi? cause to be entered within four months from the date of this order, and that in case of his appearauce he cause his answer to the complainaut's bilí to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on eomplainant's solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill and notiee of this order, and in default thereof that the said bill be taken as eonf ssed by the said Homer Squires. And it is further ordered thac within twenty days the said complainant cause a notiee of this order to be pubhshed in the Ann Arbo ■ Dkmochat, a newspaper printed in said county, and the said pubheation be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of said order to be personally served on the said defendant, Homer Squires, at least twenty days before the time herein prescribed for his appearanoe. Dated. August 1, 1882. C. JOSLIN, Circuit Judge of said Circuit Court. Edwakd D. Kinne, Solicitor for Complainant. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the circuit court, for the county of Washtenaw. in favor of Elvira M. Dale against the goods and chattels and real estáte of Delevau E. Doan, in said county, to me directed and delivered. I did, on the 2ïth day of July, A. D. 188a, levy upon and take all the right, title and interest of the said Delevan E. Doan in and to the following described real estáte, that is to say, all that certain piece or parecí of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, desciibed as commencing in the north line of iection thirty-two (32), at the south west corner of land owned by A. H. Markham, thence west on the section line twenty-eight rods to the south west corner of land of Delevan E. Doan, thence north to the south line of lot flfteen (15), in Maynard's second addition. thence east to the south east corner of lot seven [71. in said addition. thence south to said MarkhanVs land, thence west to the north west corner of said Markham 's land. thence south to the place of be glnning. Alsolot eight [8]. block seven [7], south ot Huron street. range one and two east. W. S. Maynard's second addition to the city of Ann Arbor Als,o the west half of lot seven, ft], in said Maynard's second addition. all in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, all of whicn I shall expose for sale ai public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, that being the place of holding the circuit court for said county, on the sixteenth day of September, A. D. 188', next, at eleven o', lock in the forenoon of that day. Dated, this second day of August, A. D. 1883. EDWIN W. WALLAGE. Sheriff. J. Willard Babbitt, l'laintiff 's Attorney. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the eonditions of a certain mortgage executed by C'hauncy H. Millen and Sarah M. Millen, his wife, to Samuel Hutchinson, now deceased, dated the second day of March, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the office of the register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw. and state of Michigan, on the second day of March, A. D. 1874, in Liber 49 of mortgages, on page 52fi, by which said default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, and no proceedings having been instituted in law or equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. and the sum of eighteen thousand and two hundred dollars being now claimed to be due on said mortgage. Notiee therefore is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed, by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, or some part thereof, viz: All those eertain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and beiug in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, and described as follows, towit: Being lots numbered flve [5], six [], nine 191, ten [10], eleven 111], twelve [121 and thirteen [13]. according to a plat of "Picnic'1 Grove, made by W. Wicks. and recorded in the Register's office of the county of Washtenaw, July 5th, 1869, in Liber 45 of Deeds, on page 3B8. Also another piece or parcel of land. beginning at the southeast corner of the east half of the Southwest quarter of section No. twenty-eight, in township number two [2], south of range six [6] east, and lunning thence north on the center line of said section. six chains and nfty links; thence north forty four degrees, thirty minutes, west three chains andflfty links; thence south to a point on the south line of said section two chains and flfty links west, to the placeof beginnine; thence east on the south line of said section, two chains and flfty links, to the place of beginning. situated in the city of Ann Arbor, and containing two acres, be the same more or less. at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front ("oor of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, [that being the place of holding the cir cuit court for said countv], on the tweiity-ninth day of September. A . D., 18S2, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, Dated June 30. 1M82. EL1ZABETH HUTCIIINSON. EDWIN PACKAKD and CHARLES L. FINKE, Executors of the last wid and testament of Samuel Hutchinson, deceased. J. F. Luwkknce, Att'y for Executors of Samuel Hutchinson. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviug been made in the eonditlons of a eertain indenture of mortgage executed by Earl S. Taylor and Catherine Taylor, las wife, to Eliza North. bearingdate the twenty -sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and recoriled in the office of the register of deeds for the county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, in Liber 51. ot mortgages, on page 671, on the twelfth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy six, by which default the power of sale con■niiicd in said mortgage has become operative, and no suit or proceeding at law or in chancery living been instituted (o recover the amount due on said mortgage, or the note accomjiinyiiig the same; and there being now :launed to be due'.on said mortgage and note the sum of seven thousand nine hundred and eightynine dollars and six cents ($7,989.06.) Notiee. therefore, is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Saturday. the fourth day of November, A. D. 18s2, at ten o'cloek in the f ore ïoon of said day, at the south front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor. in said countv of Washtenaw, (said court house being he place for holding the circuit court for said ;ounty), by the sale at public auction, to the lighest bidder, of the premises described in said nortgage, or so much thereof asmay be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage with reasonable costsand expenses, which mortgaged premises are described in said mortgage is follows: All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the townsbip of Lo li, in the county of Washtenaw, and state of lichigan. and being the east half of the northeast quarter of section number twenty-two (22), he west half of the west half of the north-west uarter, the north half of the east half of the vest half of the north-west quarter, and the uorth half of the west half of the east half of the north-west quarter, of section number twentyhree (90. in township three (8), south of range ve east, containing one hundred and sixty acres f land more or less, in said county. ' ELIZA NORTH, Mortgagee. E D Kinnk. Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated, August 7, 1883. rP a week in your own town. Terms and $5 )bö outflts free. Addresa H. Hallett & Co., 'ortland, MSin Y 10H1UAN CENTRAL, K.WLiiUAl). T1MK TABLK. MAY 14U ll?2. ■ íoim; ut. [_?_ eJlíá ÊaJ afilia i. a. A.H. r. M.M', u. p. ,. p. a. LX-lroi' . l.v 7.00 9.35 5.VI 4 (T. 8.00 9.:"0 ■ ï Ju:x 115 9.55 6.1U 4 211 ti.15 10.1Ü V i. Juui-..., 7.53 1IJ.2S) 12 4.48 8.45il0 40 , , „i',,nti_ K.i3 10 48 7 0 5.0". 9 08lll. 2 U, Arbor N45 HOU 7.24; 6.28I y.A1) 11.17 , mr 8.08 7 4; 5..9 9.44 StiiiiM. 9.25 8.0.V' 5.52 lu.00 Q „ . „te 50 '. 8.3a 6 i2 10.30 P. M. A. M J, kli.n Ar. 10.10 9.00 11 05 J.ckrml Lv. 1020 12 15 .55 A.H. : 12.45 V t)i 11.04 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.2Ü ,Mil 11.5(1 LUI _ 8.05 12.50 14; M I " V BtUC!rk_ 1ÍU 15-? 8.40 12.47 2.07 ! A. M. U-tlttburt! 12.53 a. h. 9.15 Kalamazoo 1.13 2.36 4.50 9.35 1.35 2.47 Liwtm 152 5.S.J, 2.13 Decutm Í 07 5.42 2.32 Dowa-jiac ï.29 6.07 3 57 Nlieu 2 55 4.04 B.50 3.37 4.15 Biiclmuan 3.08 7.1)2 3.42 rhrer Uakr.... 3.88 7.47 4.12 New Buflalo... 8.53 4 52 1.40 4.35 Mich City 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 Ukt 5.13 HM 8.54 5.51 6.18 KenisiiiütoD 6.00 .50 9.45 6.40 7. IC Chicasro rA 50 7.40 10.35 7.30 8.(0 QOING Eici. S E ij ?! ï STATIONS S && _: ft LL &L f_ í Y5 jrd ÍS LS_ A M. A.M. P T.M. P. Jbi-aeo .. ..Lv. 6.45 9 00 3.40 5 15 9.1C KenlnKlon 7 35 9.50 4.30 6.05 10.00 „He . .. H.17 10 27 5.1S 6.50 10.40 N41ch"cïty 9.03 11.1.) H.U() 7.38 11.33 New Buffrtlo... 9 2r 11.33 6.2.) 11.55 Tliree Oak 9 42 .40 A.M. Buchanan 10.10 p.m. 7.06 Ntlee 1U.2-. 12.18 7.37 9.00 12.45 DowaaUc 11.53 06 1.12 Oecatur.. 11.18 8.33; 1.37 Uwton. 11.85 1 8.53 a.h Kalamazoo 12.12 1.381 9.:iO B.50 10.25 2.30 Baleshnr? 12..5 1 ï" 7.08 Battle Creek... 1.03 a.l5 m'? 7.38 11.08 3.i0 Marshall 'i.30 .'.(K) ih 8 06 11.33 8.4C A.lbion 2.13 3.21 --=- 8.32 11.55 4.1S A.M. ! A. M . Jackson Ar. 3.05 . jacksnn 1-v. 3.09 4.05 7.05 9.30 12.J0 5.00 SrassLake 3.32 7.28 9.50 5.25 'Jhelfle. 3.58 7.5(l 10.07 5.50 Dexter 15 1 8.03 10.191 B.05 .nu Arbor 4 37 5.071 8 261 10 84 2.04 B.ü5 ïpHllanli 4..M 5.Ü3 8 43 10.48 2.20 6.41 iyne June... 5.20 5.45 9.08 11.08 2.44 7.1 r. 3 T. June .. 6.00 6.15 9.45 1135 3.20 7.45 Detroit Ar. 6.15 6.30 1U.00 11.50 3.35 8.00 The New York Express, a fast train lea ves Ohi;aso at 3.30 in the afternoon and niakes the folüwinK stops, Michigan City. 5.30; Niles, 6.27; Kalimazoo 7.40; Battle Creek, 8.16; Jackson, 9.28; Ann Arbor. 10 26; Ypsilanti, 10.41; G. T. Junetion. 11.25; arriving in Detroit at 10.40 P. M. 'Sunday eicepted. tSatnrduy sundny ejiepted fDaily. llKNlll C. WïNTWOiTH, H. B. I.EDYARP. O. '. # 7. A., Chieauo. Otn'l Manayer, Detn il rpoLEDO, ANN ARBÜR GRAND TEUNK í RA1L.KOAD. Taking effect Sunday, March 12, 1882. Tralns run by Colrmbus time. Skring North. ' Going South. Szp'ssl Mail. I "STATIONS. Mail. Exp's p. u. k, u I p. M. a. m. t5.10 +8.15 Toledo +5.40 +9.45 5.!3 8.18 North Toledo... . +5.37 9.42 M5 8.27 Detroit Junction. 5.25 9.33 5 35 8.35 Hawthorn 5.18 9.28 5.45 8.45 Samaría 5.1-.! ,! 6.001 9.00Lulu 5.00 fcflO 6 05 9.05 Monroe Junctiou 4.' 8 8.41 6.15 9.15Dundee 4 45 8.30 B.26 9.27 Azalia 4.30 8.18 6.39 9.40 Milan 4.15 8.05 645 9.47 Nora 4.08 7.55 6.52 9.53 Urania +4.02 +7.4H 7.02 10.05 Pittsfleld 3.52 7.38 7 15 10.20 Ann Arbor . . . . +3,40 +7.25 7.35 i0.45 Lelands 3 .22 1 7-45 10.57 Wordens 3.15 8.00 +11.15 South Lyon +2.55 ■■■■ The local f reight north leaves this city at 5 p. m ; Lelands, 5.40; Wordens. 6 o'elock and arrivés in Soutk Lyon at 6.80. The same train leaves South Lyon at 7.05 a. m. ; Wordens, 7.25, Lelands 7.35; and arrivés in this city at K.80. H. W. ASHLEY Gen'l Superintendent TAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN j RAILWAY. YPSII.ANTI BtiANCH- LANSINO DIVISIÓN. QOING WEST! I.ÏAVE. MAIL. Ypsilanti 7 00 a. m. 9 15 a. m Pittsfleld Junction 7 40 a. m. 9 :M a. m. Saline 8 27 a. m. 9 45 a. m i Bridgewater 9 15a.m. lOOta. m. Manchester 10 28 a. m. 10 23 a. m. I Watkine 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. in. Brooklyn 11 40 a. m. 10 55 a. ui. Hillsdale 3 25 p. m. M65p. m. Bankers 3 50 d. m. 12 20 p. in GOING EAST. I.KAVE. MAIL. Bankerg 8 00 p. m. 3 10 p. m Hillsdale 8 30 p. m. 3 25 p. m Brooklvn 1 00 p. m. 4 27 p. m. Watkiiu 1 50p. m. 4 4-'p. m. Manchester 2 50 p. in. 4 55 p. m. Bridgewater 3 25 p. m. 5 13 p. m. Saline 4 10p.m. 5 29 p in. Pittsfleld Junction.. . . . 4 40 p. m. 5 39 p. m. Ypsilanti 5 15 p m. 5 55 p. m. Way Freight goes west Monday. Wednesday and Friday east, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. W. H. CANNIFT. Suoerintendent. Owi. W. Híll. Ticket Agent. Toledo and Pnt-in-Bay Steamer Line. THE ELEGANT STEAMER CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE! E. McNELLY, Mastkr, Will run daily Zuring the season of 1882, as fulows; Leaves Tolelo for Put-in-Bay (except Saturdavs, Sundays and Thursdays), 8:15 a, m. ; returns" 7 p. m. Leaves every Sunday for Put-inBay 9 a. M. ; returns 8 P. M. Leaves Saturdays at ,0:3i) a. M. ; returns 7:30 p. M. Leaves for Detroit every Thursday ö a. m. ; returns I p. m. Fare for round trip, same day. $1 ; one way, 75 cents. Connects at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Sandusky, Kelly's Island. Cleveland and Detroit. !argage checked through. Every Wednesday and Fridav after July 18 the trip to Put-in-Bay will be eztended to Lakeside, and during the Camp Meeting from August 3d till 14th, the Waite will mn through daily. All return trips to Toledo will be in time to connect with evening railroad trains leaving the I city. Special rates given to large excursión j )arties. Address, CHAS. WEST, Sec'y A, E. St, Bt. Co. 1 C. H. Coy, A?ent. S I C. E. HOLMES, Propi ictor of Ihc City Drug Store ! Has thechoicesl lol of i i : i : f i mes and t lso Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs! In the city. Alsn everythidj in tlic toilet and f.n v UOODS LIME, at pr!cea 'ower tljan anj vvlicrc elsé. Prescriptions Carefull_y Compoundal. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block, A.nn Ai oor. Michigan. FUSlREEEÏVEp FROM THE Niágara Fis Brwii Co, Of Niágara Falla, Xew Vork. Tlie Best Lp Ever manufactured in the ünitêd Slaics. Far superior to eitber Cincinnati or Mil waukeeBeer. You wijl liml Huis litor ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT YT BEEN3BY BIDi;irs NU. 50 SOUTH MAIN STHKET. This Celebrated Laeer also for Sale by the Bottle or Case. Cal] and test it and salisfy vfinrwlf. Respeotfulljf, HENRY B1WDEH. Get Youi Property insured By C. II. MILLEN1 INSURANCE AGENT No 4 Soulli Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest arency in the city. Establtahed a quarter of a century ao. Bopresentingtbe followini fii-st-class compftuies: Home lus. Co., of N. V.. ij; 7.0(M).00l Continental Ins. Co , of X. Y. 4,207 .201! Niacara Ins. Co., of Tv. Y., 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co., of Pliila.. 1.183, !-ii Oriënt. Ins. Co., of Hartford. 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London, 12,000,0011 Man-hïttan Ins. Co., of N. Y., (."0,117 rS" Rates low. Losse liberally adjust" ed and promptly paid. C. H. IVSilIcn. FRED SORG, Dealer i:i PAINTS, OILS, FAENISHEr; BHÜSHES, WIaDOW QLASö, Ani ;iH Puin tere' flupplies cf the Beet Qualus SHOP AND ISÏORE, 2G and 28 East Washington .ut. ANN AEBOR. - MICMKJAN Watches and Jewelry ! J, Ballerl Si, 4ü South Main Street, Dealers in the Leading AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Sllver Cases, in Stem and Key Windina, Mamifhftured by the Leading Watch Companiee, GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of 8t!indnrd Qnality and Yurious Pal Lerus. A LailTÏÏ and Complete Assoilment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinas, BracelotsFinger Rings, And Studs. Site Plateo Ware, Yom the Most Reliante Manufacturera at iottom lJrices. The Repairing of Fine Vatches is in Cliarge of Competent and SUilled Workmen, at Fair Prices.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat