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i'.: lo-vc-i tho n'.jKtcrions. A eloudlesé i!t mul .: fu II : iu unnmved; tmt ti -4 viol; 1 uliirli hieles ils Vi);; Ilflltlti.-.H btiiiii'l hlish, ílBll ta iiux.n . fidiu behind a Olond, are fo lina ■■- l' ijispiration mui of pléaxure. Mosli.-ty ís lo merit what abade is toa figure in painting - it gives liohlnoss and prQHrinencè. Kothing adds moro lo Ármale beauty.thnn modesty. II, sheds aromid íhc countenance a halo of ligia which is borrowed iVom virtue, Botauists have given the rosy hue whicn tiiiges the cup ol' tho white io.'-es thc minio ol' the "muiden blush." This pnre and delicate hue is the only páirrt Christian virtue hhonld use. It is the richest omameut. A ornan without modesty is likc a faded Jlowev diÜ'usin}; un unwholesome odor, which the prudent gardener will throw lïom hini. 11er dostiuy is melancholy, for it ttraiiúaUs in sliíime : and ' itpentauce. Beauty passos lilce. tlie flower of thc ulhe, whioh l)l(io;n and dbe in a few hours; but modesty gires Ihe i'emale cliarms Tvliich supply the place of tho trnnsitoty i'reskppssoi' .vonü__ -. An agricultura! iujh i is as íssentlal to i farmer asa head-light to a locomotive. There are times wheu safe speed is made without it; but in the uncertaiu dnrkness, ils steady lighl thrown far ahead reveáis obstruetioiis and prevents íuanj a wreek. To the farmer, the light of otherpeople's experieuce is of uutold valué, making the v,ray clear '.vheu without it he might slgh over sickly lookitig crops and wüuder wbetber U were better (o put manure or a mórtgage on his land. Wnen I hear a man say "I ean't affoiíito takeapaper, " I know the boundary liuts of his üeldsare ruarked by tuiuble-down fenees; that his barus and sheds have a sbaky, shivery look ; and that his cattle resemble the leau kiue which Joseph saw iu his drearu. Oftentimes a siugle suggestiou or reeeipt is worth lo him the price of bis paper. Üu ruany fanuö tbere mu turnéis or waste spots vhich a littlö labor would put uuder cultivation, thereby greatly improving the lookS of tile place. I would suggost that these funu-bleiuishes he Küüdued iu the spring, aud Ihe prnieeds of what is rnisea opon them be used to pay for gooJ books and pajiers, and let at least oue o.' the papers be devoted to ai culture. A gentleman seeing a curly-headed younster perched on top ef one of the small U. S. boses, sai'd, '-I say, there, are jou a girl or a boy?" "I'in a boy, I am, even if I do wear frocks," replied the younster. "Well," said tne quizzical man, "you can stay úp there, then, íor that's a mail box! Ií you'd beeu a girl, I'd pulled you down." "ïake care !" yelléd a servant to a thirsty boarder, "the stuff in that bottle was got to dostroy ants !" "Well," responded the reckless man, 'Tm not an aunt, and so have no fear of its destroying me!" and he drank the contents down, The servant muttering: "It's no use tryin' to frigkten some folks." Eaterprising speculators are negotiating with the interior department with a view to the construction of roadways and hotels in Yellowstone Park for the convenience of tourists. What piece of carnenterv becomes a gem as sooi' as it is flnished ?-


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Ann Arbor Democrat