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During the week ending September 16th the pbysician of the saaiUry Inspection advice at Port Huroii examined 1064 immigrants entering the United States, at that port. Of this number only 183 were found protecled from smBll-pox, eaving 881 acprotectiid. Oí the latter 23 were excuaed on account of sickE88S and 851 wero vaccinated. The insjiection service will close September 30. Some time ago an old eoldier narned John Wear wns sent bï th9 Dotroit poor commissioa to tho county asylum ao insane, He waa wounáoa In the ooad in the Dauie or Mone Eirer, and his fractured, which was probably tho causo of his iusanity. He is incurable, but perfeciiy harmleE?, and nppüea(ion has beon made to tho probate court lor his wife to be constituted his guardián eo that ue inay be reieased from tho asyluin. Though woundsd in the ccnmtry's service ha has naver received a cent of psMion, and efiorts are now beiDg madfl to get hiin on the list. Membrino, the horse stolen from the Jaekson fair groncds a few nights ago, ha3 been found, having been abndoned by the thisves. The schooner Horaer, Capt, McLeod arrived at the Grand Trunk olevator Port Hurón from Chicago Wednesday nfternoon with 32,000 bushels of corn. When ofl Presque Isle, lightningstruck the BChooner, splintering hor foretopmast and fore truck. Tho oaptain and three of his crew, who were on deck, wero shecked by ha lightning and could not speak for ñve m . utcB. Capt, Fergus Walker, of the First U. S. infantry, who died at St. Iiouis last week was in command of the garrisoa of Fort Gratiot soon af ter the close of tha war. Conductor Doolittle, who was injured at tho Maryville accident, on the Port Huron & Northwestern railroad, a lew dajs ago, is going well and wiil ba taken to Port Huron in a few days. In the superior court at Grand RapUs Daniel Goggine, convicted oí the muriler of his wife, was senteneed to state prison for Ufe, and Charle3 Tay'or, for the abduction of Anna leiacber, received a stntecee of throe years. Both have been taken to Jackson. The manufacturers' association of Three Bivers is an organization having for its object the fosïering of ECheaiesror the growth and propperity of the village. The association is wideawake, spiils plenty of printers' inkand keepa pace with I eprogrcBs of thaday. Consequently Tbr? fiivars ia booming and healtüful, and people king businf sb locatlons are lEvited ia, The üfth aunual convention of the jvomen's chriBtian temperance union of the first congresBional district of Michigan wiH be held at FJat Rock, Tussúay, Wednesday and Thnrsday of tbis we?)r. The churches have done well out of the Jacksin fflir. The Methodists made S1.400, the Baptists 1,200, and the Napoleon church 65. They sold dinncrs and lunches. Thomas McCarty, formerly a Grand Bapids lawyer, and who has varlous charges of forgery, etc. , panding againet him, and recently escaped from tho Ofmaw jai!, lias been rearrested. Chrib Peterson, an employé in Davia' mili at Muskegon, has been eeriously and perhaps f&tally iojured by a piecc of board thrown from an edger. There are 61 more school chilciren in East Sagiuaw tbis ycar thau there were last. Another exaraple ef Saginaw enterprise. Dr. J. J. Updegraff, an eccentiic individual, laventoi oí tiie remarkabïe "perpetual motion machine" diod at FHnt lust week. He was oecb a proaiioent Citizen of Elmira, N. Y. , and nis remains were Bent there for interoiant. Hi hal tho infl-unmatory rbeumatism, Justus Watson, of Bridge water, WaEhtenaw countr, was in 1E68 appointcd guardián for a littie girl sged geven yearp, who had an enlate valued at f 200. The Kirl has now grown to wom?.nhcod, been well eáucated, and tho estata eettled upon her in the probate court, where the proofs Cled Bhow that the estáte ie now worth $693. Such guará ians ara scaice. In December, 1880, Mr. Siras Lepley, of Newark, Graüot coanly, died under circuinstaECss wbicb led to a warrant being sworn out for the arrest of her liusband on a charge of havlng assaulted scd battered ber. He skipped out, but a few daya go returned aud was arrested atter a hot chasa. A Battle Creek constable walked up to a man he found in a certain hotsl barn In that city and arrested him for havlng a stolen horsa in bis possession. He was right about the horee, but wrong abost the man, who proved to be tha sheriff of Kent county, who had recovered the norse and arrested the thief. Tñe capital employed in the Marquette and Msnominee ron miniDg districtBis estimated at $50,000,000. There are 14,000 man employod. JefE Jones, the circus man who was taken sick at Grand Rapicis a few d3ya ago, put into a freisht car and jammed around in the switch yards all day, has since died at St.Mark's hospita). AV. H. Wade of Clinton has beea arrBted at Jackson on a charge of eteaüng $340 from a neiRhbor. A littie circus for 25 cents is moving about in southwester Michigan. Farwell bas invested $1,375 in a new fire engine, hose cart, hoe, etc. More street railway extensión is promised at Grand Rnpids. Secretary Lincoln has given orders to the engineers to proceed at once with the survey of the Hennepin Canal, and the work will be done, it is expected, in time to report to Congress this f all. The contest will then be opened again, and an effort will be made to defeat an appropriation to begin the actual work on the canal. The railroad lobby will be in "Washington again, and the expert band of these monopolists will be easily detected in the progress of the opposition. It is believed that the report of the engineers will recommend an appropriation of about $500,000 for expenditures next year on the excavation, provided the pepple of tho state vote to turn the Illinois uud Michigan canal over to the governtnent. A lady at Saratoga has created a sensation by appearing with a bird of Paradise mounted on her sunshade. Antwerp is among the mst rapidly advancing cities of the world. lts trade doubles every eight or ten years, and it was 12 times as great in 1860 as in 1850. A patent ha been issued from the Texas land office to Richard King, the cattle man, conveying to him a title to 136 square leagues, or over 500,000 acres of land.


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Ann Arbor Democrat