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Will The Pledge Be Kept?

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S. ï. Tribuna. The oecupatLon of Cairo and JKafr-elD w ar and the capturo of Arabi md liis principal oflicer3 are the closing tets in the Egyptian campaign. Tho war ia at an end, and General Wolselsy, if he ever ïnade the ba:tst vvhieh has excited so much ridiculo, can be with his London admire in spirit, if not In the flash, at the mkl-Septembev banquat. The work of the military staff ís virtualiy done. The by-play of diplomaey is now to be resumed. Nor will it bo inock sport and low comedy such as havo occupied Lotd Duiïerin's talents during the negotiations in regard to the military convention between Turkey and England. The serious business of international politics will be taken up. l'he position of Arabi and bis confederates in rebeiilon, the resettlement of Egyptian affairs, the revisión of European treaties and tho relations of Great Britain to the government at Cairo areto be deteranined. These are practical questions yhich will require a most exhaustivo consideration. What, tben, ia the British poaition in Egypt, now that the war is at an end? Logically, it imi.'liea teiiiporary occupation. Practical] y , it may imply somethmg else. The government is under pledge to withdraw lts troops as soon as the authority oí' the Knedive under the firman of the Sultau and the sanetions of European tieaty law is restorud. Lord Granville, after the expedition had been organized, defined, it purposes in th9 followiug senteuce addressed to the conference: "lts desire is that the "navigation of the Suez Canal should "De msuruaineu open ana unrestricted, "thatEgypt shouldbe well and quietly "governed, f ree from predominating in"fluence on the part of any single Pow"er, that international engagements "should be observed and that those "British commorical and industrial in"terests which have been so Urgely "developed in Egypt shall receive due "protection, and shall not be exposed "to outrago- a principie which is not "only applieable in Egypt, but is es'aential for ournationalintere3ts in all 'parts of the world. Mr. Gladstoue, in moving the vote of credit, declared íhat England would not go to Egypt for selflsh objects. "Our purpose," he said, "wlli be to put down tyranny and and to favor law and freedom." Again, it the Mansión House, he asserted that ;he ÏTation was entering upon the campaign "with clean hands, with 'puro purposes, with no aeeret lnten'tion, with nothing to conceal from 'the other Nations of the earth.but, on 'tlie contrary, with the fullest avowal 'or aims and desires and the consciou3'ness that it Í3 entitled to claim from 'them their confidence.theirgóod-will, 'their hearty good wishes for the 'speedy and offectual succes3 ot the 'British arms." The Government is 'ully committed to this honorable polcy. Annexation and a protectorate have been explicltly disavowed. With clean hands aud fair promises England went to Egypt. Will she return with ïands no longer clean, with pledges unfulülled? The nexl; few weeks will subject Mr. Gladstone's self-coinmand and his ascendüucy over his party and the counry to & crucial teot. The expenses of .he war and the sacrifices which have been made will créate a demand for n-actieal returns. Egypt, unlike East;rn Afghanistan, is worth keeping, The Engllsh are now in f uil possession oL the isthmus, the delta and the captal. The pressure which will be )rought to bear upon Mr. Gladstone in 'avor of a permanent occupation or a 'aintly disguished protectorate will be very great. The war has been well managed and he is in a position to proit by General Wolseley's success. He ïas never before been so flrmly in.renched in power, never so popular with the masses. If he be too punctil-) ous in matters of national honor, he rnay weaken the hold which he now bas upon the affections of the English teople. Will he be able to resist the .emptation to strengthen England 's position on the Nile ? Will he remain xue to his eonvictions? Will he play 'ast and loose with the National coniience ? That England can safely viólate her pledges cannot be doubted. France did the same in Tunis. Bismarck has ïever been guided by ethical consideraion in his statecraf t. Morality is not in element of what he coasiders pracical diplomacy. "Beati possidentes!" vas his cynieal remark after San Steauo, and undoubtedly he will sneer at dr. Gladstone a3 a sentimental Premier, if Egypt be given up when it is now well under hand. Tbere are pracical difflculties, moreover, in the way f a resettrfement on the old basis. The isultan's sovereignty is worn thread)are and may not serve the purposes of Surope any longer. The Anglo-French ontrol ought not to be revived, for the Snglish have disclaimed flghtingin the nterest of the bondholders. When, herer'ore, it is impracticable to restore 11 the artificial arrangements of the jast, it will not be easy for Mr. Gladitone to redeem his promises. Tet we )elieve that he will do so. [f he doe3, t will be a triumph Avorth a hundred Tel-el-Kebira, for the whole civilized vorld will urciit by theexample. A leading English paper gives the !ollowing statistics concerning the imortations of live stock in England: Trom the United States there were imlorted, in 1881, to theports of Barrown-Furness, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, lartlepool, Hul), Liverpool, London and South Shields, 473 cargoes of ani mals, consisting of 103,692 cattle, 49,223 sheep and 10 swine were landed dead, and 110 cattle, 99 sheep and 13 wine were bo much injured that it was necessary to slaughter them immediately on landing; 3387 cattle, 947 sheep and 221 swine were thrown overboard [uring the voyage. During the last fiscal yearUncleSam old 14,060,000 acres of his farm. The various railroads and states parted with at least 7,000,000 acres, and most of it was sold to actual settlers.


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