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The Farm

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Thensing of blinds upon horses fias been spoken of many times in papers throughout the couutry. The folio wing testimony frotn the American Farmer as to it3 cruelty is so apt that we produce it entire: "VVe know not whu invented this instrument of norse torture, but we know he did not understand thé anatomy and physiology of the eye of a horse. - human visión is binocular- that is, we see the saine objects with both eyes- and so adjust the axis of viaion that the object appeara single, though seen with both eyes. But the eyes of the horse are placed on the side of the head and the axis of each eyes is nearly at right angles with the longitudinal line of the body, so that it ia impossible that the sanie object can be distinctly seen with two eyes. Now. by blinding the eye in the direction in which it was intended in its construction that it should see, it is forced to se an oblique vision, as if we should coverthe front of our opties and bo compelled to see only by the corners of our eyes. This unnatural and constrained use of the eye must, to a greater or less extent, Impalr vision, if not entirely destroy it. Ths object for which the blind bridle is used is not accomplished by it. A horse is more readily f rightened when he cannot see the object of his dread than if he can have a fair view of it. But itia surprisiog to observo with what tenacity men hold on to an absurd and cruel practico, when a moments refleciion would teach tiiem bcttei'. Ninetecn out of every twenty horses you ee in harneas have blind bridles on, and if you ask the owner to explain its beueüts, or why he use3 it, lie will be uUeriy unable to give a rational answer. We are not surprised that draf t horses are subject to diseased eyes - we wonder that they are not all biiml." Parinmg a Bus'ness. Yes, any body can farm; of coui'3e they can. Anybody, boy or man. who cslq drive a tearo, who knows enougli to know the farmers sow wheat in the fall, plant corn in the spring, thresh their wheat in the summer aud gather their corn in the winter, can farm, or at least they can try, after a fashion. Bat the mHjority of such farmers do not make a HviDg for themselve3 or families ; run in debt becanse they are farmers ; farm as long as they can in one seclion of country and when their credit is gone move to another locality and try farmlns; again. Such men are not farmers, any more than the man who runs apeanut stand is a merchanr, or a quack doctor, peddling some patent medicine, a true phyaician, We know there is less distinction accorded to farmers, but there is no reason why it should be so. The man who ia a successful business farmer is no more to be compared to those who simply try to farm than the keeper of a peanut stand is to be compared to the successful merchant. The time has gone by wben any man can make a succeas of farming. A man must have brains and use them. He must manage nis farm and bis stock on strietly business principies if he would be successful and it is useless for one to think otherwise. He must unáerstand the demand and supply of the country, know what to plant and when to sell. What to buy and how to buy it ; must know the market value of every product h raises and what it costs him to produc it, and whether there is proflt enoug to warrant him to raise th same again; be able to judg whether it is best to keep hi wheat or sell as soon as he threshes manage his farm with economy tha will pay. By this we mean that sav ing is not all economy. Every nooc farmer knows it is no economy to sav feed at the expense of your stock. Ye this is what too many farmers accom plisli and think they are económica A great many use oíd plows or othe machinery when it would be better economy to buy newer and more improved kinds. A still larger uumber think it economy to do "without papers devoted to their interest, while perhaps they will spend three or four times that amount necessary to pay for one, in buying chewing tobáceo, and think they are economical. Farmers should not overlook the pertinent fact that a good farm journal will more than pay for itself in the Information gleaned from its columns. This want is what makes farming a poor business. While to run a good farm so as to make a good living for a family and something over for a rainy day, requires as much buainess tact as to manage any other business successfully. The Dogwood. Our native Dogwood (Cornus Florida) should have more attention given to it in ornamental planting than it has yetreceived. Itgrowsfromtwelve to thirty feet in height, according to the nature of the soil. It has clean, handsome foliage, is quite hardy, and in the blooming season is remarkably showy. The flowers are very small and are borne in a small umbeb or cluster, and are surrounded by the large white bracts, f orming an involurce and appearing like a large flower, at least three inches in diameter. A well grown specimen, covered in its proper season with the large white blooms, is a most admirablo object. It is a desirable for large grounds and for planting in masses. Other native species of the Cornus, blooming later, are worthy of attention. One oí these, C. stoloniftra, a low shrub, with red-barked twigs, is already considerably planted, but there are yet others deserving attention.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat