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The charges madebyComnjauderPearsod, comnianding the Duited Staten Bteamei Wachusett, stationcd at Sitk?, Alatka, ngainst Gov. Morris, coütctur of cuetoncs for ibat tíísrict, have been ïoFwrad by lbo eei:r6taiy of tho r.nvy to the secretary ot the tnasury. Iba ehnrges are of a eeriocs Character, includicg 'rauds upon th goyernment iu coanectlon withirapoi'.iition and sale of llqaor, druaken neB?, tho rulbless Blaughtcr of Indian doge, irbitrry and asgreeeive coniiuct towaid tbe nativeeas wellaa towntd cffl'crs of the g.v ornment hSTiDo; hufiaifs wtli hlm and alsi with an unwnrrauted and ovorlieaiiagexerciee of authorily. It 8 f arther representad that he s in perpetual conflict with natlves íi also with naval tllicers on duty at that station, and tbat hia retentlon in office is likelr to reaalt ia a serious ou' tnenk amcDK Uie IadlanB. The oase will !w brought tottie attention of Secretaiy Folger as tonn as ha returns to Wanfilogton. SOLGIB WiLL N..T BüSION WOW. Au intímate friend of Seeretary .FolgI eays tbe latter wlll cot rsEigu hls cibiiwt ,)osition uctil the last of December, at least, and only at that time ia tho event ol hisolecion as govamor of New York. A DEAD CONaBESSMAN. Kepresentative Lowe, of Alabama, Ia dead. A cominittse hss been apptiuied by Speaker Kiefer to attend bis tanend. Cristriction oí the brouchial tubes was tto immeaiato cause of deatb. MOBE ABOUT THB'WAüPACA BANK HCKDEB AND ROBBEBT. Two packages of notes taken f rom Mead, the murdered baiiker of Waupaca, WÍ3. aavebeen found, ono thedny aCter the dee;;, n ths aliey in tte íear of th bank, the o'.ber Btill later on a road leadicg out of tbe viilagn. The ex ;ct amount of cash takeu Is aEcerbined lo be only t8S4. Iho atconot of bonds and notes taken canoot bo eetiinatcd y8t, as most of them bolong to dopositors. Th reward for ths apprehenBÍon of tho miudercr amounla to f2,000. dok'ï want a ee election. It can be authoritatively stated that Sectetary 'feller la not a candidato for reelecüon to the Daíted Status sécate. THE KETIBEMENT OF GEN. M0EOWELL. The retiremcnt ñora active service by tueoperation of law of Ma j. -Oen. McDowe!l October 15 is announced to the ariry. THE STAU HOU IE SEBVICE. The annual report of the Second Bistaut PoBtmaster-General wíll show a decided lacrease iu the mileage of tho Star Boute 68rvice for the laBt fiscal year as compared witu that of the year onded June 3), 1880, wheu tks bvcrage mileage wae thousht to reacheJ its maximam, The report will show that DotwiU standing the of niiicage tbe cost cf inaiiitainlng the eervice has baen lees than iu 1880 by more tban f 3,000,050. It is estittated the Slar Boute etivice for tbe Ü3cal yearending Jane 31, 1884, will copt lesa th&n the eervice for the current fieca! j-ear 1882 83, by about $543.880.


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